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Y3 Spring 2 Reading Challenge

Challenge 1:

Read the extract from the story ‘How to be More Hedgehog’ and then answer the questions.

I drop the phone and fling myself onto the couch. The video is out there in the world, spreading from person to person like a virus, and there’s nothing I can do to get rid of it. In the morning, I tell Mum I’m not feeling well. She takes my temperature and when she sees it’s normal she insists I’m fine and bundles me off to school.

“You don’t need to worry Lily, I’ve told her to stop showing it to people now.”

My stomach drops. “W-W-What do you mean? Who-who-who has she shown it to?”

“Hardly anyone, I swear. Only a few of the boys, Tomas, Aidan and Dev, I think, and some of the Year 5s who were hanging around and Patrick, and I know she showed it to Leanne, because Leanne mentioned it last night when we were all texting. And maybe a few others- not that any. Anyway, she definitely won’t show it to anyone else.”

My stomach churns and burns. I think I’m going to throw up. As we reach the line, I pull my arm away from hers and run.

The screen blurs as tears flood my eyes. It’s been viewed 321 times. It’s got 146 likes and two dislikes and a stream of comments. At least 146 people have watched me stammering and thought it was hilarious. What if they shared it with 146 new people?

Challenge 2

Read the next extract and use your inference skills for these next few questions.

The likes have gone up too. I run my eyes over the first few comments.

‘Too funny!’

“Can’t stop watching this…’


‘Who else died from laugher?’

‘Hammerhead shark? More like STAMMER HEAD!’

‘St-St-St-Stammer head u mean’

‘If she nods her head any harder it will fall off!’

There are more. One nasty comment after another. Someone called Brett 21 has written, ‘She has a serious disability!’ Someone else called Slime Forever says ‘what’s with the blinking????’ Someone called Jokerman has replied to Slime Forever. ‘R u so perfect? Nah, thought not!’.

I push the laptop away from me. I don’t bother logging out. There’s no point. It will still be there. It will always be there. My head feels like it’s full of bees, buzzing as loudly as they can. Everyone thinks I’m a freak. I can’t go back to school. I can’t face Mia.

92 responses to “Y3 Spring 2 Reading Challenge”

  1. Latifa A.

    Out of the world is out of her mind
    Lily told her mom she was sick because if she went everybody would know her.
    She stammers when she speaks because so many people know it.
    This video had been viewed 321.

    She feels sad about the comments
    Cause she thinks people will be mean
    No because it is uncontrollable so she can’t handle it so it’s mean.

  2. Jasmine P.

    Slime forever says what’s whith the blinking

  3. Jasmine P.

    Challenge 1
    The video is out in the world this video has been viewed 321 times
    She doesn’t want to go to school because she doesn’t want to get embraced.
    She was nervous and worrying alot about video
    The video viewed 321 times
    Challenge 2
    She feels embarrassed nervous and scared
    Slime for ever

  4. Evie T.

    Challenge 1

    1 The video that someone posted about you going up to do your presentation and you stuttering.
    2 Because she does not want to get bullied in school because the children in the class might call her names and make her feel sad and unhappy and not herself.
    3 She must have felt nervous doing the presentation in front of the class and teacher it would be nerve racking.
    4. The video was viewed 321 times.

    Challenge 2

    1 The comments would make Lily feel sad and unhappy and left out because she is being bullied.
    2 slime Forever may not like bully’s and sticks up for Lily because Slime Forever understands bullying is bad and being kind is the right thing. Treating someone how you would like to be treated to nice and kind.
    3 Lily does not want to go back to school because the comments are not very nice making her feel left out and miserable.
    4 Lily does not deserve the horrid comments because she tried really had and did her best, that’s all what matters. There is no need for the bullying comments and the bullying should stop.

  5. Sarah B.

    1.Her stammer video. 2.Because everyone is going to make fun of her.
    3.Wwwhat did he show iiit to the whole world.

  6. Naksh P.

    1.Its the video about lily stammering out in the world.
    2.she tells her mum that she is not feeling well because she doesn’t want to go school.
    3.Lily is stammering because she is scared and nervous and so many people have seen it.
    4.It has been viewed 321 people.
    1.Lily feels angry.
    2.Because slime forever said you so perfect and thats called respect.
    3.because she is getting bullied by her class people.
    4.No, because she hasn’t posted any bad video’s.

  7. Arham S.

    Challenge 1
    1.Out of the world is exited impression.
    2.Because she fling the phone in the coach by video speading from person to person like a virus,and there’s nothing to get rid of it.
    4.There were 321 viewing.
    Challenge 2
    1.It makes Lilly very very scared about the comments.
    3.Because everone thinks she is a freak.
    4.Lilly ddoesn’t deserve to have horrid comments because it is her first time to make video and she might be nerverous to make video first time.

  8. Aiyla S.

    1. What is ‘out in the world’?

    The video is out there in the world

    2. Why does Lily tell her mum she is not feeling well?

    Because of the video she was scared to go school

    3. Why do you think Lily stammers when she say: (Use your inference)
    “W-W-What do you mean? Who-who-who has she shown it to?”

    Because she is nervous what people will say about the video.

    4. How many times has the video been viewed?

    321 times

    1.How do the comments make Lily feel?
    Lilly feels sad because of the nasty comments
    2. Why is Slime Forever sticking up for Lily?
    because the comments were not nice
    3. What is making her not want to go back to school

    Everyone thinks I’m a freak. I can’t go back to school.

    4. Does Lily deserve the horrid comments? Why?
    No she doesn’t deserve the horrible and hurtful comments

  9. Elim F.

    Challenge 1
    1. A video shows that Lily stammering.
    2. Because she scares to go to school.
    3. She feels embarrassed.
    4. 321 times.

    Challenge 2
    1. She felt unhappy.
    2. She couldn’t talk to him properly.
    3. Because they will make fun of her.
    4. They were so mean that she didn’t do anything.

  10. Ella C.

    Challenge 1
    1)The video is out there.
    2)Lily tells her mum she doesn’t want to go to school because the girl embarrassed her by posting a video of her.
    3)She may have been stammering because she was worried about what would happen.
    4)The video has been viewed 321 times.

  11. Huzaifah J.

    Challenge 1
    1. The video of Lily stammering was shown to the world.
    2. Lily tells her mum she is not feeling well because the video is out there and she doesn’t want to face the people at school.
    3. Lily stammers as she is anxious and scared that the video was out there.
    4. The video has been viewed 321 times.

    Challenge 2
    1. The comments are making Lily feel sad and unhappy.
    2. Slime forever sticks with Lily because he thinks it’s bad to bully people.
    3. Lily does not want to go to school as she knows what people think of her and scared will get some nasty comments.
    4. No Lily doesn’t deserse the nasty comments as she was born like that. Everyone is different and need to treated with respect and kindness.

  12. Liyana M.

    4. the video has been viewed 321 Times

  13. Dominik B.


    1. The video is.
    2. Because she didn’t want anyone to see her.
    3. Because she is nervous.
    4. 321 times .


    1. Sad, embarrassed and a bit angry.
    2. She’s not.
    3. Mia and she doesn’t want to be laughed at.
    4. No because she is just a little girl and she can’t control it.

  14. Dennis B.

    1, the video

    2, because the video has spread viral and every body have seen it
    she is worried because a lot of people might have vied it
    4,321 times
    Challenge 2
    1, she feels very bad and disappointed
    2, because bullying is not good
    3, she don’t want to go to school because of the nasty comment and she feels embarrassed
    4, she does not deserve it she made the video went viral and rather deserve positive comments

  15. Bilal U.

    Challenge 1:
    1. The video of Lily stammering is there out in the world.
    2. Lily tells her mum thats she is not feeling well because she does not want to go school and she wants to get away with it.
    3. She is feeling worried, anxious, terrified, petrified and horrified.
    4. 321 times the video has been viewed.

    Challenge 2:
    1. The comments make Lilly feel sad, disappointed and frustrated.
    2. Slime forever is sticking up for Lily because he doesn’t want Lily to get more bad comments so he’s helping her by telling others to be kind and respectful and not hurt Lily’s feelings.
    3. Because everyone thinks she is a freak and feels really embarrassed.
    4. Lily does not deserve these horrid comments because when she made the stammering video everyone should have respected her video and to be kind and positive instead of being mean and negative posting bad comments.

  16. Salman O.

    Challenge 1:
    1. The video.
    2. Because she does not want to go to school.
    3. Maybe because she is worried and nervous.
    4. It has been viewed 321 times.

    Challenge 2:
    1. This makes her feel anxious.
    2. Because she couldn’t speak properly.
    3. Because they will laugh at her.
    4. No because she didn’t do anything wrong but they are being rude.

  17. Tala I.

    🎉Challenge 1🎉
    What is out there in the world 🌎 ? The video is out there in the world 🌎
    Lily told her mother that she’s sick the reason why she is asking her mum because she doesn’t want to go to school 🏫
    Because she’s nervous 😥
    321 times ⏰
    🎉challenge 2🎉
    This makes her miserable and anxious
    Because everyone isn’t perfect 👌
    Because everyone thinks I’m freack
    Lily doesn’t deserve the horrid comments because her friend posted a video about her on online 🎊

  18. Sulaiman A.

    Challenge 1
    1.Out of the world is the video.
    2.Lily tells her mum that, she is sick because she doesn’t want to go to school.
    3.Because she was nervous.
    4.321 times
    Challenge 2
    1.This makes her feel miserable and anxious.
    2.Because everyone isn’t perfect.
    3.She think that everyone will laugh at her.
    4.No because she weren’t mean to them but everyone was being rude to her.

  19. Saanvika M.

    1. What is out in the world? The stammering video.
    2. Why does Lily tell her mum she is not felling well?
    because she does not want to go to school so nobody embarrassed her.
    3. Why do you think Lily stammers say? because she is nervous and worried what people will `think about her.
    4.How many times has the video been viewed? The video has been viewed 321 times.

    1. how do the comments make Lily feel? It makes Lily feels like full of bees buzzing as loudly as they can.
    2. Why is Slime Forever sticking up for Lily? Because Lily was not perfect in talking.
    3. What is making her not want to go to school. Lily does not want to go to school because if she goes to school then other people will make fun of her.
    4. Does Lily deserve horrid comments? No Lily does not deserve horrid comments, because She is born with stammering.

  20. Kayla P.

    Challenge 1

    1. What is ‘out in the world’?
    The video of Lily stammering is out in the world.

    2. Why does Lily tell her mum she is not feeling well?
    She tells her mum she doesn’t want to go to school as she feels embarrassed as everyone has watched the video of her stammering.

    3. Why do you think Lily stammers when she say: (Use your inference)
    “W-W-What do you mean? Who-who-who has she shown it to?”
    Because she feels embarrassed all her friends would have seen the video and she would get teased.

    4. How many times has the video been viewed?
    The video has been viewed 321 times.

    Challenge 2

    1.How do the comments make Lily feel?
    The comments make Lily feel sad and angry as some of the comments are not very nice.

    2. Why is Slime Forever sticking up for Lily? Because Slime Forever thinks its not nice to make horrid comments about someone if they have a disability.

    3. What is making her not want to go back to school? Lily doesn’t want to go to school because of the different horrid comments she has received and she can’t face Mia.

    4. Does Lily deserve the horrid comments? Why? No Lily doesn’t deserve the horrid comments because everyone has accidents or does something funny but that doesn’t mean she should be teased about it.

  21. Maximilian J.

    Challenge 1
    1. Other people know about it.
    2. She doesn’t want to go to school.
    3. Lily stammers because she is worried about people seeing the video.
    4. 321 Times.

    Challenge 2
    1. She feels sad because she is being made fun of.
    2. Because bullying is not good.
    3. Everyone thinks she is a freak.
    4. No because no one should be bullied.

  22. Aadyan W.

    1. The video of her stammering is out in the world.
    2.Because more people are going to make fun of her.
    3.She stammered because she is scared and nervous because how many people have seen the video.
    4. 321

    1. She felt nervous and upset because they can put more bad comments and she can’t disable the comments because she didn’t post the video.
    2. So she can see someone is respecting her.
    3.She might get bullied and teased.
    4. No because it hurts her feelings and can become frustrating. :)

  23. Natan R.

    Challenge 1
    1. What is ‘out in the world’?
    The video is out in the world.
    2. Why does Lily tell her mum she is not feeling well.
    Because she didn’t want to go to school
    3. Why do you think Lily stammers when she say.
    Because she is nervous and she is worried what the people will say.
    4. How many times has the video been viewed?
    The video was shared with 146 new people.
    Challenge 2
    1.How do the comments make Lily feel?
    The comments make Lily feel sad.
    2. Why is Slime Forever sticking up for Lily?
    Because they were rude comments
    3. What is making her not want to go back to school?
    Because she thinks everyone will be laughing at her.
    4. Does Lily deserve the horrid comments? Why?
    No because she doesn’t deserve this not nice comments because she didn’t nothing wrong.

  24. Roshaan K.

    1 The stammering video.
    2 She tells her mom she’s not feeling well because she does not want to go to school and she does not want to go to school because the other kids could create another stammering video which can also be to the whole world.
    3 I think she stammers when she says ” W-w-what do you mean who-who-has she sent it to ” because she might be surprised or her stammering might be spreading.
    4 The video has been viewed 321 times.

    1 Lily feels embarrassed
    2 Slime forever is sticking up for Lily because slime forever knows bullying someone with disability’s is bad.
    3 The thing which is making Lily not want to go to school is her stammering because people make fun of her stammering by making videos which go viral all around the world.
    4 Lily does not deserve horrid comments because the horrid comments are bad and bad comments make her unhappy.

  25. Murtaza A.

    Challenge 1
    The video
    Because she will get bullied for stammering
    Because she is worried about what people say about it
    It was viewed 146 times
    Challenge 2
    Very miserable
    Because he or she saw the bad comments and felt bad
    Because she scared that people will make fun of her and bully her
    Because she can’t stop it and she can’t do anything about it and she can’t control it

  26. Safa A.

    Because she was nervous and worried what people will many times has the video been viewed?the video has been viewed 146 times.

  27. Safa A.

    What is out the world? The stammering video. Why does Lily tell her mum she’s not well. Because she doesn’t want to go to school embarrassed. Why do you think lily stammer when she said

  28. Iqra A.

    What is ‘out in the world’? The stammering video

    Why does Lily tell her mum she is not feeling well? Because she does not want to go school to face embarrassment

    Why do you think Lily stammers when she say? Because she is nervous and worried what people will say.

    How many times has the video been viewed? The video has been viewed 146 times

  29. Amelia R.

    Lilly feel sad and doesn’t want to go to school
    Smile for ever sticks up for Lilly because he thinks that it’s badTo bully people with disability
    Everyone thinks she’s a freak
    No Lilly doesn’t deserve Are you coming because she was born with a stammer

  30. Amelia R.

    Lilly Summers because she is nervous that people are seeing her videos
    The video has been viewed 321 times

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