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Y2 Spellings – SPRING 1

Hi Year 2. Here are your Spring 1 spellings.
Remember to practise them each week to achieve 10/10.
Group 3 – Ladybirds and Spiders
Group 2 – Bees and Butterflies
Group 1 – Caterpillars

7 responses to “Y2 Spellings – SPRING 1”

  1. Ebrar Y.

    Hi teacher
    Which colour is Ebrar spelling?
    It was yellow before

  2. Rayyan R.

    Thankyou also Mr.Mahmoud can you pls confirm when do they have spellings?

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Hi, the children have their spelling lesson on Monday and the spelling test will take place on the Friday of the same week.

  3. Ziad H.

    Spellings is incredibly il practice my Spelling.

  4. Hosanna N.

    Thank you Mr Mahmood and Happy new year.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      You’re welcome, Hosanna. Happy New Year to you too. Looking forward to seeing you and everyone else tomorrow 😁

  5. Mueez K.

    Ok l will practice my spellings

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