Y2 Reading Challenge – SUMMER 2

Hello, Y2. Please read the text on minibeasts, choose and answer a suitable challenge below. If you can, read the text by yourself or you can have someone read it to you.

What are minibeasts?
Give 2 facts about one of the minibeasts.

Please answer these questions in full sentences:
How do grasshoppers make noise?
How are bees useful to humans?
Why do snails often try to hide?

Use a dictionary to find the meaning of these words:
*species     *pollen    *quantity    *threatened

Research a minibeast of your choice using the internet or books and create a poster displaying key facts. Be creative – make it colourful, neat and add pictures. REMEMBER! Don’t just copy everything you read. Use your OWN words.

49 responses to “Y2 Reading Challenge – SUMMER 2”

  1. Venkata K.

    1) minibeasts are insects that dosen`t have a backbone, snails, spiders, beetles, slugs, worms, ants, butterflies, starfish, crabs and woodlice
    1) grasshopers make noise by tapping their wings on their legs
    2) bees are useful to humans because they make houney by pollen and nectar
    3)snails often try to hide about 3 months
    The natural world, as a whole or in a particular geographical area, especially as affected by human activity.
    *species: A set of animals or plants in which the members have similar characteristics to each other and can breed with each other.
    *pollen: a powder produced by the male part of a flower that causes the female part of other flowers of the same type to produce seeds.
    *quantity : The amount or number of something, especially that can be measured.
    *thretened: In danger, or likely to stop existing

  2. Zayaan M.

    ENVINOMENT=everything THAT IS around us IVING thing live in there environment.
    SPECIES=A GROUP OF SIMLAR organisms THAT are able to REPRDUCE.
    Quantity =MEANS THE AMOUNT OR number of something.
    Threatened = IN DANGER

  3. Rabia S.

    Minibeast are small animals with no backbones.

    Butterflies taste with their feet.

    Butterflies have don’t have mouth but they have long tongue

    Grasshoppers make loud snapping or crackling sounds with their wings or on their legs as they fly.

    Bees are useful to humans by making honey using nectar from flowers.

    Snails often try to hide when the weather is too dry.

  4. Martyna Z.

    Minibeasts are little bugs. There is a spider called daddy longlegs and have no spine.
    Grasshoppers make music by rubbing their wings on their legs. Bees make honey for humans and give flowers pollen. Snails hide when its hot to not lose water.
    an environment is a surrounding to affect people and other living things. Pollen is a powder inside a flowers, containing male seeds for other flowers. Species are a group plants or animals that have similar features and can breed with each other. Quantity is how much there is of something or how many things there are in one short. Threat is a warning you will punish or harm someone if they don’t do what you want.

  5. Ziad H.

    -How do grasshoppers make noise?
    they make noise by rubbing their wings or legs together
    -How are bees useful to humans?
    they produce honey and medicals products
    -Why do snails often try to hide?
    they can hide in their shells if the weather is too dry

    the surroundings that something lives in.

    a class of things of the same kind and the same name

    pollen is what comes out of a plant when they reproduce.

    an amount of something

    something being warned or in danger

  6. Iver V.

    Minibeasts are small animals that don’t have back bone.
    Minibeasts hatch from a eggs.
    Grasshoppers make sound by rubbing their wings together or on there legs.
    Bees are helpful to humans because they help make the environment healthy by pollenating the flowers.
    Snails hide from the dry weather in their shells.
    Environment: External conditions and surroundings.
    Species: The type of animal they are.
    Pollen: A fine powder from flowers.
    Quantity: The amount.
    Threatened: In danger.

  7. Marceline C.

    Bronze :
    – Minibeasts are small animals that don’t have a backbone

    – Butterflies taste with their feet
    Butterflies start as eggs

    – Grasshopper make music by rubbing their wings together or on their legs.

    – Bees are useful to human
    they feed nectar from flowers and make honey
    And they help grow plants by moving pollens.

    – The snails hide when the weather is too dry and cover themselves in mucus to reduce water loss

  8. Zayan J.

    Minibeasts are small animals that don’t have a backbone.

    Grasshopper make music by rubbing there wings or legs together. Bees are useful to humans because they make honey using nectar from flowers. Snails often hide when the weather is to dry.

    Environment- the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.Pollen: A powder produced by the male part of a flower that causes the female part of other flowers of the same type to produce seeds.

  9. Pugalini K.


    Minibeasts are small animals that don’t have a backbone.


    1. Dragonflies have been on the earth before dinosaurs.

    2. After they first hatch, they liver under water about a year.


    1.Grasshopper make noise by rubbing their wings together or on their legs.

    2. Bees gives honeys to human.

    3. Snails hide because of dry weather.


    Environment :

    All the physical surroundings on Earth are called the environment. The environment includes everything living and everything non-living.

    Species :

    A species is a class of plants or animals whose members have the same main characteristics and are able to breed with each other.

    Pollen :

    Pollen is a fine powder produced by flowers. It fertilizes other flowers of the same species so that they produce seeds.

    Quantity :

    A quantity is an amount that you can measure or count.

    Threatened :

    Threatened means in danger, or likely to stop existing.

  10. Fareha H.

    Mini beast are small and have no back bone
    Grasshoppers make noise by using there back legs.
    bees are useful because they help create many medisons.
    snail try to hide because they need to cover them selfe from the hot sun.
    environment means the national world.
    polen a fine powdery substances typically yellow consisting of microscopic grain.

  11. Rayyan R.

    Minibeasts are small creatures that don’t have a backbone.
    One fact:The honey bees talk to each other by dancing
    Second fact: They make honey using nectar from flowers.
    Grasshoppers make noise by rubbing their wings together or on their legs.
    Bees are useful to humans because they make tasty honey and they spread pollen.
    Snails try to hide in their shells to protect themselves and to stay away from dry weather.
    Gold challenge:
    Environment is everything around us including living and non living things.
    Species is a group of plants or animals which have similiar qualities like each other and are able to reproduce.
    Pollen is like a fine powder produced from one plant to another and is carried away by wind.
    Quantity means a number or amount of something.
    Threatened means something which is harmful or can kill them.

  12. Bavison A.


    Minibeast are small animals.
    Minibeast don’t have a backbone.


    Grasshoppers rub their wings together or with their feet to make noise.
    Honey bees help humans by making honey from flowers.
    Snails oftenly hide in their shells when the weather is too hot.


    The meaning of environent is the surrondings or conditions in which a person, ance animals or plants live.
    The meaning of species is a group of living organisums.
    The meaning of pollen is a fine powdery substance typically yellow discharged from the male part of the flower.
    The quantity means a value or component that may expressed in numbers.
    the threatened means someone or something to be vulnerable or at risk.

  13. Emaan A.

    Emaan Amin

    MiniBeats are small animals with no backbon
    The centipede means 100 legs but most have 30

    Please answer these questions in full sentences:
    How do grasshoppers make noise? They use their wings and rubbrheir legs
    How are
    bees useful to humans? They make honey
    Why do snails often try to hide?

  14. Aaron R.

    Bronze minybeast have no bacboun.

    How do grasshoppers make noise?
    by rubing ther legs.

    How are bees useful to humans?
    by giveing huney
    Why do snailf try to hide?
    becse they are scerde.

  15. Mustafa M.

    Minibeasts are small animals that don’t have a backbone.

    They can hide in their shells for months.
    They have 4 tentacles.

    Grasshoppers make noise by rubbing their wings together or legs.

    Bees are useful to humans by making nectar from flowers which produce honey.

    Snails hide when the weather is too dry.

  16. Hamja B.

    wasps eats small insects
    they build paper nests

    Grasshopper make noise by using there back legs to rub across there wingcase
    bees are usefull because they help create many medicines and provide food for wild life
    snail try to hide because they need to cover there self from the hot sun
    environment means the natural world
    pollen a fine powdery substances typically yellow consisting of microscopic grain
    threaten agenst somone in retribution
    species a group of living organisms
    quantity the amount or number of a material or abstract things

  17. Safiyyah A.

    Minibeasts are small animals who have no backbone
    Moths have hairy bodies to keep them warm
    Moths use the moon to help them navigate
    Grasshoppers make noises by rubbing their wings
    Bees are useful as they suck nectar and make honey for humans
    They try to hide if the weather is too dry as they cannot walk on dry land

  18. Oscar R.

    Minibeasts are small animals and they don’t have an backbone.
    Grasshoppers make noise by rubbing their wings together.
    Bees make honey and honey is useful to humans.
    Snails often hide when the weather is to dry.

  19. Ayaad H.

    1-Minibeast are small animals that don’t have backbone.
    2- .Wasp live nest of 10000 workers and one queen.
    .They eat fruit,nectar from flower and other insect.
    1-Grasshopper make music by rubbing their wings together or on their legs.
    2- Bees have cultural and environmental importance as pollinators and producers of honey and medicinal products.
    3- If the weather too dry, Snails can hide in their shells for months.
    Environment – Surrounding or conditions in which a person, animal or plant lives or operates.
    Species- A group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
    Pollen-A fine powder produced by male part of flower,that cause the female part of flower of the same type to produce seed.
    Quantity – The amount or number of something.
    Threatened- Feeling that something bad might happen or someone might do something bad to you.
    Facts about wasp
    .Wasp eat many of common pests that would otherwise plague farmers and gardeners.
    .All the wasp are not black and yellow.
    .Wasp has sharp stinger that injects a small dose of venom when they stings.
    .Wasp stings more then one times when you scared them or bother them.
    . There are 9000 species of Wasp in UK.
    Poster of wasp is made on the paper with facts will bring on Monday.

    1. Amina A.

      Minibeat are small animal .
      He doesn’t have a back bones.

      Grass hipper make a noise by rubbing their wings together or on there legs. Bee are use full to human by giving us honey.

      Environment means the surrounding in which a person animalor a plant live.
      Means set animal or plant members of which have similar characteristics to each other.

      Pollan means a power produced by the male part.

      It’s means the amount of member of something aspeccily that can be measured It’s means danger or likely to stop existing

  20. Adam K.

    Minibeasts are small animals that dont have any backbones.
    Honey bees – honey bees can sting only once.
    Honey bees talk to each other by dancing.
    Butterflies- butterflies dont have a mouth but can dtink from there long tongue.
    Butterflies first start an egg, then become a caterpillar and then becomes an butterfly.
    Grasshoppers make noise by rubbing their wings together or on there leg.
    Bees are useful to humans by giving us honey.
    Snails hide because when the weather is very dry.
    Environment means the surrondings in which a person, animal or a plant lives.
    Species means a set of animals or plants, members of which have similar characteristics to each other and which can breed with each other.
    Pollen means a powder, produced by the male part of a flower, that causes the female part of the same type of flower to produce seeds. It is carried by insects or the wind.
    Quantity means the amount or number of something, especially that can be measured.
    Threathened means danger, or likely to stop existing.

  21. Mueez K.


    – live in nests pf 10,000 workers and one queen and eat fruit

    Grasshopper make music by rubbing there wings or legs together
    Bees are useful to humans as they make honey using nectar from flower
    Snails hide when the weather is dry as they flourish in damp weather

    Enviroment is whats around us like the surrounding or conditions in whch a persob or plant lives or operates
    speciies as class of things of the same kind like we are human species
    quantity its way to describe a number of something like sweets or humans or anything like that
    threatened means like hostile or deliberately frightening

  22. Aiyla I.

    What are minibeasts? Minibeasts are small animals that don’t have a backbone.

    Give 2 facts about one of the minibeasts.
    People used to call butterflies “flutter-bys”.
    Butterflies taste with their feet.

    Please answer these questions in full sentences:
    How do grasshoppers make noise? They make music by rubbing their wings together or on their legs.

    How are bees useful to humans? They make honey using nectar from flowers.

    Why do snails often try to hide? You will usually see snails when it’s damp or at night. if the weather’s too dry, they can hide in their shells for month.

    Use a dictionary to find the meaning of these words:
    Environment – The air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live.
    Species – A class of things of the same kind and with the same name.
    Pollen – A fine powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone.
    Quantity – The amount or number of a material or abstract thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement.
    Threatened – State one’s intention to take hostile action against (someone) in retribution for something done or not done.

  23. Kuwar S.

    Minibeasts are small animals that don’t have a backbone.
    Grasshopper make music by rubbing their wings together.
    They make hunny and hunny is use to humans.
    Snails often hide when the weather is too dry.
    Environment means the air , water and land in or on which people, animals and plants live
    Species- a group of animals or plants that are similar and can produce young animals or plants.
    Pollen – The very fine usually yellow dust that is produced by a plant and is carried to other plants of the same kind usually by wind or insects so that plants can produce seeds.
    Quantity- an amount or number of something.
    Threatened- Used to say something bad or harmful appears likely or possible.

  24. Amelia B.

    Mini beast are small creatures that don’t have a back bone like snails and ants.

    They lay 100 eggs in underground nests and have 4 tentacles.

    Grasshoppers make noise by rubbing their wings together.
    Bees make honey for humans.
    Snails hide when it is too dry.

  25. Musa S.

    wasps eats small insects
    they build paper nests

    Grasshopers make noise by using there back legs to rub across there wingcase
    bees are usefull because they help create many medisons and provide food for wild life
    snail try to hide because they need to cover there self from the hot sun
    envirerment means the natural world
    pollen a fine powdery substances typically yellow consisting of microscopic grain
    threaten agenst somone in retribution
    species a group of living organisms
    quantity the amount or number of a material or abstract things

  26. Ameera K.

    Minibeasts are small animals that don’t have a backbone.
    Grasshoppers make noise be rubbing their wings together or on their legs.
    Bees are useful for humans because they are making honey using nectar from flowers.
    When there is no moisture outside, snails go into hiding to prevent water loss and avoid predators.
    Environment- the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.
    Species- a group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding.
    Pollen- a fine powdery substance, typically yellow, consisting of microscopic grains discharged from the male part of a flower or from a male cone.
    Quantity- the amount or number of a material or abstract thing not usually estimated by spatial measurement.
    Threatened- state one’s intention to take hostile action against (someone) in retribution for something done or not done.

  27. Shamsa A.

    Bronze :
    1.Minibeast are a tiny animal
    2.wasps eat fruits also wasps can sting if they feel threatened.
    1.they make music by rubbing their arms or legs together.
    2.bees are useful to humans because they make honey.
    3. Snalis hide in the shell so they don’t dry out or get stepped on .

  28. Rishaan C.


    Minibeasts are like small creatures.
    They can be found in lots of different places.

    Grasshoppers can make noises by rubbing their wings on their legs.

    Bees can talk by jumping on their feet.

    Snails can hide in shells if the weather is too dry.


    Environment: Is everything that is around us, which includes both living and non living things such as soil, water, animals and plants which adapts themselves to there surroundings.

    Speicies: Species is often defined as a group of organisms that can reproduce naturally with one another and create fertile offspring.

    Pollen: A powder produced by the male part of a flower that causes the female part of other flowers of the same type to produce seeds.

    Quantity: Amount or number of something, or a particular amount or number.

    Threatened: Can mean you feel as if someone is trying to harm you.

  29. Abdullah S.

    Minibeasts are small animals without a backbone.
    1. A centipede means a hundred legs.
    2. If they loose a leg, they can regrow another one to replace it.

    1. Grasshoppers make noise by rubbing their wings together or on their legs.
    2. Bees are useful to human because they collect nectar from flowers and turn it into honey.
    3. Snails hide because of the dry weather.

    Environment means surroundings or conditions in which a person or animal lives.
    Species means a group of similar organisms that are able to reproduce.
    Pollen is a fine powder produced by flowers.
    Quantity means the amount or number of something.
    Threatened means in danger.

  30. Samuel N.

    wasps eats small insects
    they build paper nests

    Grasshopers make noise by using there back legs to rub across there wingcase
    bees are usefull because they help create many medisons and provide food for wild life
    snail try to hide because they need to cover there self from the hot sun
    envirerment means the natural world
    pollen a fine powdery substances typically yellow consisting of microscopic grain
    threaten agenst somone in retribution
    species a group of living organisms
    quantity the amount or number of a material or abstract things

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