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Y2 PSHE – Citizens Of Coventry!

Over the weeks, the children have explored what makes a good citizen. Not only at BH, but for their community, their country, their religion, their family and online.

Although people live in different areas, we are all citizens of Coventry.
Today, the children will explain how they are citizens of Coventry.

Here are some ideas;
* I protect the environment.
* I help poor people.
* I follow the rules and laws.
* I respect others.
* I recycle.
* I am trustworthy and honest.

133 responses to “Y2 PSHE – Citizens Of Coventry!”

  1. Freya S.

    I am a good citizen because I am kind

    1. Mr Mahmood

      That is a lovely quality to have!

  2. Amelia R.

    I help poor people and family,friends 😇

    1. Mr Mahmood

      This is very kind!

  3. Dominik B.

    I am a good citizen because I follow the rules and laws.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      You are the perfect role-model!

  4. Shayan S.

    I a ma good citizen because I respect others and I recycle rubbish.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      This is very kind!

  5. Elim F.

    My mom gives money to poor people

    1. Mr Mahmood

      This is very kind. What do you do to help others?

      1. Elim F.

        i give money 💵 and when they are cold 🥶 i give them a 🧣

        1. Mr Mahmood

          This is lovely!

  6. Sulaiman A.

    I am a good citizen because I recycle.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      This is very important! Well done!

  7. Naksh P.

    I am a good citizen because I am trustworthy and honest.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      This is very true! Well done, Naksh!

  8. Amina I.

    I am a good citizen because I follow the rules and laws.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      This is lovely! Well done!

  9. Huzaifah J.

    I am a good citizen because I help people when they get hurt

    1. Mr Mahmood

      You are a super school councillor!

  10. Aadyan W.

    I’m a good citizen of Coventry because I help poor people by giving them money and food.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      What a kind boy!

  11. Kayla P.

    I am a good citizen of Coventry because I play with my friends 💖

    1. Mr Mahmood

      How do you help others?

      1. Esa I.

        I am a good citizen because I don’t drop litter. I am a good citizen because I help people. I am a good citizen because I am citizen of the week.

        1. Mr Mahmood

          You are brilliant! What a super citizen you are!

  12. Liliana S.

    l am a good citizen. of Coventry because l pick up litter.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      That’s very kind!

  13. Waniya Z.

    I am a good citizen of Coventry because I
    Protect the environment by pick up plastic

    1. Mr Mahmood

      This is super! We must stop plastic pollution from spreading!

  14. Kayla P.

    I am a good citizen of Coventry

    1. Mr Mahmood

      You are brilliant! “I help poor people, and I give them food.”

  15. Natan R.

    and I respect others

    1. Mr Mahmood

      That’s very important! Well done!

  16. Iqra S.

    I am a good Coventry citizen because I help por people🥰😍😇.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      That’s very kind! Well done Iqra!

  17. Emaan S.

    I love my friends because I am a very nice friend

    1. Mr Mahmood

      You are very kind!

  18. Hudaa M.

    I am going to be a good citizen and help the environment to make the world healthy.I am going to be a heathy to our citizens .all ways smile to everyone you see.😁

    1. Mr Mahmood

      You are brilliant! Well done!

  19. Aesha M.

    I am a good citizen because I help others when they fall down.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      That’s very kind!

  20. Mirr A.

    I am a good Coventry citizen because I pick litter up and put it in the bin.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Great! Keep it up!

  21. Bilal U.

    We like you Mr Mammood.

  22. Natan R.

    I am. A. good. citizen of Coventry because I. recsycle

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Good boy. We use full stops at the end of sentences.

  23. Aurora H.

    l am a good citizen of Coventry because l Pick up litter when l come back from the play ground l see litter on the floor out side l pick it up an put lt ln the bin.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      This is lovely! Well done, Aurora.

  24. Rahman A.

    I am a good citizen because I clean the mess outside.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      We must always tidy the outside areas. Well done!

  25. Maryum N.

    I am a good citizen of Coventry because I give poor people money and respect others by smiling and being there friend and I recycle plastic to help the Enviorment because of this I want to be kind and helpful and I follow the rules and laws because I’m trustworthy and honest to everyone:

  26. Nichollas B.

    I am a good citizen of Coventry because I follow rules and laws.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Superstar Nicholas!

  27. Hannah B.

    I have been a good citizen because I always smile at people 🤗😊

    1. Mr Mahmood

      What a lovely girl!

      1. Hannah B.

        Thank you Mr Mahmood😎😊😃

  28. Bilal U.

    I am a Coventry Citizen because I recycle ♻️ to clean the environment.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      What a star!

      1. Yusuf A.

        Thank you Mr Mahmood😃

  29. Yusuf A.

    I am a good Citizen of Coventry because I be honest and trustworthy.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Well done Yusuf!

  30. Maryum N.

    I am a good citizen of Coventry because I give poor people money and respect others by smiling and being there friend and I recycle plastic to help the Enviorment because of this I want to be kind and helpful;

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Good girl. Think carefully about where your full stops need to go.

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