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Y2 PSHE – Citizens Of Coventry!

Over the weeks, the children have explored what makes a good citizen. Not only at BH, but for their community, their country, their religion, their family and online.

Although people live in different areas, we are all citizens of Coventry.
Today, the children will explain how they are citizens of Coventry.

Here are some ideas;
* I protect the environment.
* I help poor people.
* I follow the rules and laws.
* I respect others.
* I recycle.
* I am trustworthy and honest.

133 responses to “Y2 PSHE – Citizens Of Coventry!”

  1. Zakir F.

    I am a great Coventry citizen because I take care of the environment and when a elderly lady is crossing the road I hold there hand.

  2. Yusuf A.

    I am a good Coventry citizen because… I dont litter and pick up rubbish. 🚮

  3. Nabira M.

    I am good citizen because I help my friends.
    I clean my street.

  4. Maximilian J.

    I am a good citizen because I pick up the littler and I put it in the 🗑.

    1. Head Teacher

      Well done. Love a clean school.

  5. Arham S.

    I can clean everything.
    I can help me friend.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Super! Keep it up!

      1. Adam A.

        I am a m good Coventry citizen en because I am kind

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