Hi Y2! Please complete 2 pieces of homework.
We cannot wait to see what you produce.

Play โ€˜Fraction Like An Egyptianโ€™ on Education City. Find half of a number of objects. Look at the objects and select the equivalent fractions ยฝ and 2/4. Write your score in your homework book.

Complete a book review for Fantastic Mr Fox. See template on the Homework Blog.

Research how Coventry has changed since the war. You could choose one, draw them and make a fact file or poster

Practise Week 5 spellings, read your book and write a comment in your diary, please.
Have a lovely weekend.

19 responses to “Y2 Homework – Week4”

  1. Albert Q.

    Thanks MR Mamood

  2. Haaniya I.

    My book review by: Haaniya

    Book Title: Fantastic Mr Fox

    I give this book ****

    My favourite part is when Mr Fox stole the chickens from farmer Boggis.

  3. Haaniya I.

    My book review by: Haaniya

    Book Title: Fantastic Mr Fox

    I give this book ****

    My favourite part is when Mr Fox stole the chickens from farmer Boggis.

  4. Marceline C.

    My book review by: Marceline

    Book title:
    Fantastic Mr fox

    I give this book:
    5 stars

    My favourite part:
    When Mr. Fox steals the chickens.

  5. Emaan A.

    Book title: Fantastic Mr Fox
    I give this book 5 stars.
    My favourite part was when Mr Fox stole the chickens and fed them to his family and had a big feast.

  6. Haniya A.

    Book title: Fantastic Mr Fox
    I give this book 5 stars.
    My favourite part was the Bean, Bogis and Bunts hanged one of the cub foxes upside down from his legs. I liked that part because it made the cub look very cute.

  7. Grace C.

    I have done my homework for english and maths.

  8. Ziad H.

    Thanks mr mahmood

  9. Nycolas C.

    I done my homework.

  10. Ebrar Y.

    My favourite book review by:
    Fantastic Mr fox
    I give this book:
    5 stars
    My favourite part:
    When Mr fox find the chickens.

  11. Inarah T.

    Inarah has completed her Maths home work on education city.

  12. Hatim M.

    My favourite was when Mr fox
    Was digging the mud.

  13. Hatim M.

    I completed my maths homework on education City.

  14. Ziad H.

    i don’t know where the homework blog is

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Hussein, this is the homework blog.

  15. Rabia S.

    i have done my home work.

  16. Iyla H.

    My favourite part was when Mr fox took bean’s apple cider

  17. Adam K.

    Adam has completed mathematics on educational city, English and wow homework in homework book. Hes learning his spelling words and reading book daily.

  18. Yosias A.

    Favourite part of fantastic Mr. fox is when he Secretly Takes The food From bean and Bunce and bogies

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