Hello Year 2. Please remember to choose 2 of the challenges to complete for homework. Have a lovely weekend.

Please upload your work to https://broadheathcoventrysch-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/liz_penavega_broadheath_coventry_sch_uk/Emb5XN-xi95Gouyy8aAzGKEBeboCTbkOwT1XcjrVwVZDlA

65 responses to “Y2 Homework”

  1. Isaiah W.

    I. Have. Play the. But

  2. Sidrah S.

    I got 17/17 on hit the butun.

  3. Alisha S.

    once upon a time there was a sister called Gretel and a boy named Hansel
    they had a mother that is evil she hated them so she sent them to the forest and said we will go and chop some trees you two stay here and left them there and hansel said don ‘t worry gretel I droped some pettels so when the moon rised the pettles started to shine and they followed it and went back home the next day thier mother was so mad she sent them to the forest again this time hansel droped pices of bread crums when they got there thier mother did. the same thing when it was midnight they could
    not finnd the crums because the birds ate them and wonderd around the forest then they found a creamy, delicious gingerbread house they could
    not belive thier eyes and they started to bitieing the window but then the door opened there was a wicked witch and told them to come in
    and gave them lots of food the next day the witch locked hansel in a cage
    and told gretel to make food for hansel and she did it but hansel gave a bone to her she did not have good eye sight so she told gretel to go in the
    oven but she said how and she said like this and gretel pushed her in the oven and went unlock hansels cage and ran home and thier mother died
    The end

  4. Ameera K.

    Once upon a time there was one little boy and one little girl. Their names were Hansel ans Gretel . When it was night time their dad and step mother sent them to bed. The step mother spoke to the dad about taking the children to the woods because they don’t have enough fiod for them. Then the step mother said :” in the morning we will take the children to the woods and we will leave them there fir tgem to find some food.” The step mother gave tge children a piece of bread and took thrm to the forest. Then Hansel made crumbs from the bread and made a trail for the way home . After that when they arrived a bit deep into the woods the father and step mother left. The children were lost they looked for the bread crumbs but the birds have eaten them. So they just keptwalking until their legs got tired so then they stopped and relaxed. In the next morning they walked again and soon then they saw a candy ginger bread house. Their mouths started watering they run to the candy house and started nibbling on it. Until they hear a squeeky voice coming out the bathroom window. It was an old woman saying come in come in you look hunhry. But inside looked different from outside but the children didnt care about that because they were hungry and the old woman fed them. Then the next morning she was in a bad mood she locked Hansel in a cage and she said to Gretel we will leave him in there until he’s nice and fat and cook him for dinner. Gretel started boiling the water and Hansel was a clever boy so he did not eat any food so he stayed skinny and the witch askes to feel his finger and it was so skinny. She knew that he was nit getting fat enough so she decided to cook him. She asked Gretel to put on the oven but Gretel said she can not see they witch said its easy let me show you so Gretel with all her strength pushed the witch into the oven . They got away from the witch and found a veautil white goose and it took them on each side and finally they knew where they were they saw tgeir house and went back to their father and they took out gold and diamonds and jewelery and gave it to him tgen they lived happily ever after .
    ** Ameera finished her portrait and we practused the 2 time table.

  5. Hamza M.

    I have uploaded my Math work.
    Once upon a time there were two children, a little brother and sister lived with their stepmother. Their names were Hansel and Gretal. Her stepmother didn’t like them, so when they were sleeping the stepmother and the woodcutter were making a plan to get rid of their children. The woodcutter didn’t want to accept it, but he to accept it.
    The next day they were walking into the woods Hansel was as smart he dropped the pebbles where he got outside last night. The stepmother said they are going to go

    1. Hamza M.

      and cut some wood and they will be back. After a few hours they still were not there so Hansel decided to follow the pebbles that he dropped in the morning. He reached home safely. The woodcutter was surprised and shocked. The stepmother pretended to be surprised but her feelings were still the same. When they went to bed Hansel was still awake. He tried to go outside to get some pebbles but the door was locked. The next day they were walking in the woods again, the stepmother gave them some bread . Hansel drops one bread pieces but they were eaten by the birds,so they couldn’t get home. They found a giant house with candies inside. A sweet old lady who was actually a witch. She put Hansel in the cage. Gretal was forced to make some food but Hansel was a smart boy. Everytime when the Witch was sleeping, he digs a hole and When the food was ready, he put the food in the hole so he can’t get fat. So then, that day the Witch was angry because Hansel wasn’t fat. So then she was going to make a pie to make him fat so she said, check if the oven is hot or not. Gretal was smart as she made a plan to pretend that she didn’t know what to do. So she put the Witch near the oven she used all all her strength to push in the oven. Gretal knew where the key was, so she unlocked Hansel and then they went to a gold place where there was lots of Gold and treasure they took some gems and money. When they came back home their father was surprised that they were back and they had money. Their stepmother died so then the lived happily ever after, THE END.

      1. Mrs Browning

        A great recall, Hamza.
        I’m proud of you!

  6. Emil D.

    Homework completed. I have send 2 video’s to the sharepoint.

  7. Yasmin A.

    I have finished my work

  8. Shemaiah W.

    I have done my math and literacy homework and upload it.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Shemaiah, I have only seen your fantastic video, recalling the story of Hansel and Gretel.
      Could you upload your Maths work please.

  9. Simeongeya W.

    I have my math homework and upload it.

  10. Faris B.

    I’ve uploaded Faris’s portrait.
    He won’t let me make a video of him practicing his 2 x table! but he is going to practice with me and then play hit the button 👍

  11. Yasiin H.

    I did maths and I get 20/22

    One upon a time a brother and sisters Namer Hansel and Gretel Lived
    in a hut in a wood with their father, Their father was a poor Wood
    cutter His wife, their mother, had hired When the two children were
    Very young There father though he finally re married , But the new stmother made life Very hard for Hansel and gretel. The children. were not allowed to eat until after the stepmother had taken everything she
    Wanted off the planes . Most of time, there was one a crist of bread Iefe. And all day long were hard chores for them Hansel and gretel tride
    .To to tell their father about this but he would not hear of it. It seemed
    The only one he Would listen to was his wife. And all the stepmother
    Talked about was how much trouble it was to have children in the hut,
    Would go away forever.

    1. Mrs Browning

      A great recall Yasiin, however you need to read your work back to make sure your sentences make sense.

  12. Eesaa A.

    Mrs penevega, you have made a mistake. It is week3 not Week 4.
    I have sent my English homework and did my Maths Challenge on the blog.

  13. Havin A.

    Once apon a time there lived a boy called Hansel and a girl called Gretal they lived in a little house with there father and stepmother, they are poor. One night there stepmother told father to take them to the woods and leave them there.Hansel and Gretal heard everything Gretal started to cry but Hansel was a clever boy, he opened the door and went outside. He picked up as many pebels as he could. Next morning they went to the woods. Dad lit a fire for them . They go to a little cottage and ate but a lady walked out they thought she was a nice lady but she is a witch . They ate and ate and they even got to sleep in a cosy bed . In the morning Hansel got locked up in a cage . The witch wanted to eat Hansel and gave him lots of food.But Hansel didnt eat. But the witch has poor eyesight and Hansel showed her a chicken bone . The witch wanted to make him fat . She had enough she said to Gretal to see if The oven was hot enough. But she said I can’t do that and she did it herself Gretal gave a her a big push and burned, And she was never seen again and the father left the stepmother and he and the children lived happily ever after. the end.

    1. Mrs Browning

      A great recall Havin.
      Could you improve your sentence below with a subordinating conjunction or expanded noun phrase….

      But the witch has poor eyesight and Hansel showed her a chicken bone.

  14. Siyam A.

    I sent a drawing of my Dad.

    1. Mrs Browning

      I have uploaded it onto our Gallery, Siyam- Well done!

  15. Siyam A.

    Hansel and Gretel is a fairy tale about a brother and sister in a forest. They fall in a witches trap. The witch lives in a house made of gingerbread, cake and sweets.

    1. Mrs Browning

      That is a great explanation, do you think you could re write the story in simple sentences…..

      Once upon a time there was….
      The evil stepmother tried to….
      Hansel left pebbles….
      Hansel and Gretel found a cute, little cottage….

  16. Toleen S.

    I have uploaded my work.

  17. Havin A.

    I did my math and wow work and sent it I also got 6 out of 6 from the math game

    1. Mrs Browning

      Well done, Havin.
      All uploaded on the gallery

  18. Ameena I.

    I have sent mathematics and literacy homework videos.

  19. Aiza B.

    Aiza scored 9 out of 10 in Maths.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great score, Aiza.
      Remember, you need to complete at least 2 pieces of homework.

  20. Aadam R.

    Maths and WOW homework have been uploaded. Aadam has been playing hit the button.

  21. Javishan R.

    I have done hit the button my score was 16 out of 16.

    Literacy :_
    Once upon a time , there was a boy called Hansel and his sister called Gretel. Their father was a poor woodcutter and their mother died. Their father had re married with a mean woman. When they went to sleep they heard their parents arguing to kick out Hansel and Gretel. In the morning the stepmother kicked them out of the house and said that the house was running out of food. She gave them a cryst of bread and sent them away. Hansel was a very smart boy he put a trail of pebbles leading back to the house. When they went in the forest Hansel and Gretel followed the trail of pebbles and got back home. Then the step mother said the same thing. Hansel got some bread crumbs and put them in a trail. When it was morning he tried to follow the trail but all the birds had eaten the bread crumbs . They got lost and found a house made out of candy. They were starving and began to eat the house. They went inside and the witch had tricked them. She put Hansel in a cage andade Gretel a cleaner. She was feeding Hansel so he got fatter and he would be nicer to eat. Gretel told the witch to check the oven. When the witch looked inside Gretel pushed her in and closed the oven. She turned it on and the witch burned. Gretel freed Hansel. They began to get food from the house and went back home. The father left the stepmother so she was gone forever. The three of them live happily ever after.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Great recall, Javishan.
      Could you improve your sentence below, by using subordination or an expanded noun phrase…..
      She was feeding Hansel so he got fatter and he would be nicer to eat.

  22. Rayan M.

    Hansel and Gretel are a brother and sister abandoned in a forest, where they fall into the hands of a witch who lives in a house made of gingerbread, cake, and pastries. The cannibalistic witch intends to fatten the children before eventually eating them, but Gretel outwits the witch and kills her.

    1. Mrs Browning

      Wow, Rayan!
      What does cannibalistic mean?

  23. Hamida K.

    I did hit the button for 60 seconds and got 26/26.
    Once there lived two sibilings a brother and a sister that lived nearby to a forest.There mother had sadly passed away so the father had to re marry but little did he know that she was an evil witch.Once she had planned to take the kids to the forest and leave them there but Hansel over heard there convorsation so he secretly collected some pebbles that shone at night.So the next morning they set out while Hansel walked a little slower and threw the pebbles while he was walking.They went deep into the forest there mother said “Me and your father will go and cut some wood while you two sit here and rest”. Hansel and Gretel waited paitently for both the parents to return but they didn’t and it began to get dark Gretel started getting worried but Hansel told her to stay calm and explained to her on what he had done and what their step mother actually planned to do.Hansel found the pebbles that he had left on the floor on the way to the forest and guided Gretel back to their house their father was happy to see them and there mother pretended to be happy to see them but was actually upset this time at night she locked the front door so Hansel couldn’t get any pebbles to collect this time she said to the father that they were going to go further into the forest.The next morning she gave each of them a loaf of bread Hansel didn’t eat it but dropped it she did the same when it got dark Hansel tried fining the pieces that he had left but the birds had ate them.In the morning they seen a bird they followed there bird and it came to a house full of chocolate,sweets and candies.They both started eating it an old women opened the door and told them to come in she gave them food Hansel and Gretel explained on what happened she felt really bad for them she said they were allowed to stay for that night but they said “no” they tried leaving but the old women didn’t let them and locked the door with a magic stick she turned into a witch and locked Hansel up and made a cage fro him with that magic stick and made Gretel clean and make food for Hansel so she could make Hansel pie.Hansel didn’t eat the food but dug a hole and put the food in there he knew that the witches eye sight wasn’t good.She got angry that he wasn’t getting any fatter so she told Gretel to put water in the bowl to get ready to make Hansel pie.She told her to check it Gretel was clever like Hansel she knew excatly what the horrible witch was going to do so she said she wasn’t tall enough when the witch went up Gretel pushed her in the bowl and closed the oven she unlocked Hansel and they escaped with gold from her house they escaped in time because minutes later the house blew up.They went back home when they seen their father thhey explained everything and their father said that he ahd sent their step mother back to the witches.They lived a happy life ever after.

  24. Jebrin Y.

    Maths: I got 15 out of 15.
    Literacy: Once apon a time , there was a boy called Hansel and his sister called Gretel. Their father was a poor woodcutter and their mother died. Their father had re married with a mean woman. When they went to sleep they heard their parents arguing to kick out Hansel and Gretel. In the morning the stepmother kicked them out of the house and said that the house was running out of food. She gave them a cryst of bread and sent them away. Hansel was a very smart boy he put a trail of pebbles leading back to the house. When they went in the forest Hansel and Gretel followed the trail of pebbles and got back home. Then the step mother said the same thing. Hansel got some bread crumbs and put them in a trail. When it was morning he tried to follow the trail but all the birds had eaten the bread crumbs . They got lost and found a house made out of candy. They were starving and began to eat the house. They went inside and the witch had tricked them. She put Hansel in a cage andade Gretel a cleaner. She was feeding Hansel so he got fatter and he would be nicer to eat. Gretel told the witch to check the oven. When the witch looked inside Gretel pushed her in and closed the oven. She turned it on and the witch burned. Gretel freed Hansel. They began to get food from the house and went back home. The father left the stepmother so she was gone forever. The three of them live happily ever after.

  25. Esa A.

    I have completed my work.

  26. Safwan A.

    My Scored 18 out 18

  27. Ebeid M.

    I done my homework and uploaded it

    1. Mrs Browning

      Well done, Ebeid.
      It is on the gallery blog.

  28. Lewis M.

    Once upon a time there wants was Hansel and Greatly they lived with a stepmother and a woodcutter. The stepmother heated Hansel and Gretal so the stepmother had a plan the next day they send Hansel and Gretal to the wods they put up a fire so Hansel and Gretal can get warm and the stepmother and the woodkuter walked away
    Hansel was clever because he got rocks in his pocket to find the way back home.And the stepmother send them far more away and Hansel and Gretal got lost they saw a beautiful bird and the pigeon walked away so Hansel and Gretal follow the pigeon after that they saw a beautiful rainbow mouth watering house .Hansel and Gretal Heard a voice there was a witch saying ,how is nibbling in my house she try to kill Hansel but her sister save him,instead of him they push the witch in the oven and the house got in fire and Hansel and Gretal run to the house after 3 days and they find their dad and they find some gold from the witch’s house and they give it to dad and they were happy after they lived happily together.

    1. Lewis M.

      I send my video and I played hit the button .

  29. Rayan M.

    I have played hit the Botton my score is 16.

    1. Mrs Browning


  30. Minnah M.

    I have done my homework

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