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Hi Year 1. This half term, in Science, we are learning about plants.
Please read the information below.


Pick 5 words and tell me which ‘special friends’ you can see. Special friends are two (or more) letters which make one sound like ng, th, or, ow, er.
For example.
In the word flower, I can see ow and er.


If you blew a dandelion, what wishes would you make? Explain why.


Which plant would you like to find in your garden? Explain why.
Which plant would you NOT like to find in your garden? Explain why.

32 responses to “Y1 Reading Challenge Summer 2”

  1. Esha H.

    GrOWs, dOEsn’t, fEAthery,lEAves,hEAds

    I would wish for a all yes day. It is a day where i can do and have whatever i want.

    I don’t like plants with spicky leaves in my garden.because it hurts us.
    I like plants with flowers in my garden.because they look beautiful.

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