Hi Year 1. This half term, in Science, we are learning about plants.
Please read the information below.


Pick 5 words and tell me which ‘special friends’ you can see. Special friends are two (or more) letters which make one sound like ng, th, or, ow, er.
For example.
In the word flower, I can see ow and er.


If you blew a dandelion, what wishes would you make? Explain why.


Which plant would you like to find in your garden? Explain why.
Which plant would you NOT like to find in your garden? Explain why.

28 responses to “Y1 Reading Challenge Summer 2”

  1. Inaaya H.

    Inaaya H.

    Feathery. Ea,th,er
    Leaves. Ea
    Pink. nk
    Thorny. Th,or
    Evergreen. Er,ee
    I would wish to go Scotland

  2. Muhammed-Haaris A.


    1. Flower – ow er
    2. Glow – ow
    3. Orange – or
    4. Throw – th
    5. Long – ng


    Wish for a Lamborghini and meet Ronaldo & Messi


    I would like to plant a mango tree as this is my favourite fruit

    I don’t like nettles as they sting

  3. Muhammed A.

    slow ow
    long ng
    grow ow
    over er
    thorny or

  4. Mariam L.

    And I don’t like Netel
    Because it stinging you

  5. Mariam L.

    I would like to see
    A dog roses in my garden
    Because it’s so pity and

  6. Khloe D.

    flower – ow er
    long – ng
    grow – ow
    sting – ng
    wish – sh

    I would wish for lilo and stitch toys because i love stitch

    Buttercups because i like the shine off them
    stinging nettles because they will sting me

  7. Muhammad Y.


    GROW – OW
    LONG -NG
    TREES – EE
    THREE – TH


    I would wish to go to Disneyland

    I would like to find roses – because they smell nice
    I do not want to find Spikey plants – because they hurt

  8. Muhammad I.

    Grow- OW
    weed – EE
    bright – IGH
    wish – SH
    Clover – ER

    I would wish for more dandelions.

    I would like to find a sunflower in my garden because they are pretty.
    I would not like to find nettles because they sting.

  9. Abdullah P.

    – Tree

    – I would wish for a PS5, a ferrari and meet Ronaldo.

    – I would like daisies to grow in the garden.
    – I dont want nettles to grow in the garden.

  10. Hurayn A.

    ■ GOLD – I would like to find Tulips in my garden because they are pretty. I won’t like to find nettles in my garden because I might get stung.

  11. Anaya K.

    Flower = ow
    Long = ng
    Ground = un
    If I had to make a wish when I blow a dandelion I would wish for a my little pony play set because I really want it .

    I would want a bluebell in my garden because it is interesting and pretty
    I would not want ivy in my garden because it stings me and I don’t like how it looks.

  12. Anaya A.

    Silver challenge:

    If I blew a dandelion, I would wish too have lots off kitten’s because I would like to cuddle them all the time.

  13. Azmat A.

    1.long has ng
    2.thorn has th and or
    3.very has er
    4string has ng
    5. flower has ow and er

  14. Safwaan E.

    Sting – ng
    Feathery– th
    Thorny– or
    Grow– ow
    Flower – er

  15. Tamarah A.

    Silver:I wish to go to Tanzania to visit my family.
    Gold:I wish to find dandelion in my garden because I like to blow them and make a wish.
    I would not like to find the nettles in my garden because it will make me itchy.

  16. Yaseen S.


    I would like to find a mango tree because I love mangos as they are sweet and juicy.

    However, I would not like to find nettles and a biting plant because I dislike plants that hurt you and don’t keep you safe and sound!

  17. Yaseen S.

    If I blew a dandelion I would wish for a quad bike because it is exciting and thrilling to drive. I would also wish for a ps5 because I love playing fortnite. Finally I would wish to see Ronaldo because he is the world’s best football player!

  18. Yaseen S.

    1) thorn – or and th
    2) flower – ow and we
    3) grass – ss
    4) tree – ee
    5) nettle – tt and le

  19. Amirah A.

    Amirah has completed the bronze challenge

    NG – STING
    TH – THERE
    OW – GROW

    1. Anaya K.

      Seeds has ee
      Grow has ow

  20. Anastazja P.

    In the Words – bright – I can see ‘igh’
    – three – I can see ‘th’ and ‘ee’
    – blow – ‘ow’
    – along – ‘ng’
    – heart – ‘ear’

    I wish to go to Disneyland to Explore this place.

    I would like to find on my garden bluebells as this flower and its colour is my favourite.
    I would not like to find nettles as they give a nasty sting .

  21. Sofia S.

    Bronze –

    1. Seeds has ee
    2. Grow has ow
    3. They had th
    4. Long has ng
    5. Flower has ow and er.

    Silver –
    If I blew a dandelion I would wish for a new my little pony play set.

    Gold –

    I would like to find a bluebell in my garden because they look very interesting.

    I would not like to find the ivy in my garden because they grow everywhere.

  22. Alie-Junior K.

    Picking has ck
    Flower has ow
    They has th
    Seeds has ee
    Blow has ow


    I wish for a rc racing car because its fun.


    I would like to find a dandelion in my garden because it’s pretty and yellow.

    I would not like to find a tomato plant because I do not like them.

  23. Junnut M.

    I would like to find dandelions in my garden as there are pretty and fun.
    I would not like to find a nettel in my garden as they sting you and it would hurt.

  24. Haitham B.

    Grows – ow
    Wish – sh
    Bright – igh
    Weed – we
    They – th

    I would wish to meet Ronaldo !

    I would like to find a bluebell in my garden because they look nice and pretty.
    I wouldn’t want to find a stinging nettle because it might sting me and hurt me.

  25. Hashinika M.


    very has er
    flowers has ow
    thorny has or
    along has ng
    three has th

    I blew a dandelion wishing will have a garden with lots of plants with flowers.


    I would like to find daisies in my garden because they are very bright and pretty.
    I do not want to see ivy in my garden because it is itchy.

  26. Zack W.

    Zack has done his challenge in is homework book

  27. Mahid H.

    1:Long it has ng
    2:Thorny it has th and or
    3:Grow it has ow
    4:Very it has er
    5:Sting it has ng

    When I blew a dandelion I wish to always succeed in my school projects and be lucky in my games.

    I would like to find Dandelions in my garden because I like its bright yellow flowers and also love making wishes.
    I would never want to find Jagged in my garden as they have prickly leaves it can sting me.

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