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Y1 Reading Challenge Spring 2

Read the story below and choose a challenge to complete. You can write your answers on this blog or write them in your homework book. Remember the best entry will win the prize! Good luck Year 1!



Find these words in the story:

What do they mean?


Use the pictures below to retell the story in your own words. Remember to use capital letters and full stops.

32 responses to “Y1 Reading Challenge Spring 2”

  1. Kai D.

    The rabbit was eating a carrot
    the gingerbread was yummy
    the hen was pecking breadcrumbs
    the fox wanted a gingerbread man
    the fox saw a fat dog and a black cat

  2. Abdulkafi Elmesalati

    GOLD-The fox came out of the hole .
    He has found a rabbit eating a delicious carrot .The greedy fox is chasing the quick rabbit but he did not want to eat it .Now the fox is chasing the chickens but didn’t catch it because he wanted a gingerbread man instead. Now, he is tired of running and is fed up. In the kitchen , he has found a black cat and a Fat Dog. Finally, he has found the gingerbread man.

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