Y1 Reading Challenge Spring 2

Hi Year 1.
For your reading challenge, you will use your inference skills to find clues in the pictures below.
Please answer in full sentences.
The best response will win a special prize!

I think it is someone’s birthday.
Explain what makes me say that.

e.g. I think it is someone’s birthday because…

What season do you think this is?
How do you know? Explain using adjectives and conjunctions.
e.g. I think it is _________________ because I can see…..

Where do you think these people are? What are they going to do? How are they feeling?
Explain using adjectives, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions.
e.g. I think they are _______________ because I can see…

48 responses to “Y1 Reading Challenge Spring 2”

  1. Ahsan M.

    Silver challenge
    I think they are happy.
    I think the season is winter because they are playing with snow.
    I know it’s winter because there is fluffy white snow.
    I think there are happy because they are smiling

  2. Neron A.

    1.I think it’s someone birthday because I can see doughtnut, cake, jams and soo many things
    1. I think it is winter.
    I think it winter because, I can see kids playing in the snow and some are building snowman too.
    I think they are in the cinema because, I can see popcorn, candy, and pretzel,
    and I think they are happy too.

  3. Duaa A.

    Duaa’s reading challenge has been sent via the upload link. Thank you

  4. Maximilian J.

    I think is someone’s birthday becouse the boy has number 6 badge and I see birthday cake .
    I think is winter because I can see large snow and snowy trees .
    I think they are in a cinema because I can see popcorn machine and pretzels and candy.

  5. Sarah B.

    I think it’s someone’s birthday because there is a cake and party food. There is a lot of people and the boy has a number 6 for 6 years old.

    1. Sarah B.

      What season do you think it is?
      How do you know?
      The floor is filled with white snow
      And the children are making a big snowman

  6. Huzaifa S.


    I think it is someone’s birthday because I can see a lady holding a birthday cake with candles on the top and i can also see lots of party food on the table. Its a birthday of boy with a green jumper because it has six on it and he is also wearing a crown party hat.


    I think it is winter because i can see the children are making a big snowman. There is snow everywhere on the mountains and the trees but the branches don’t have any leaves with a one bird sitting on it.
    I can also see children sliding down the mountains and they are wearing hats, mittens, coats and boots to make them self warm.


    I think they are in cinema because I can see the grown up and children. I can also see there are popcorn, candies, pretzels and drinks. They are waiting for a movie to start and they all look happy and excited.

  7. Aiyla S.


    I think it is someone’s birthday because in the picture i can a see a Birthday Cake, I can see a boy wearing a party hat and a birthday badge with the number 6 on it. I can also see party food and loads of people.


    I think it is Winter because i can see a lot of snow and children are making a snowman. I can also see children wearing hats gloves and scarfs and big coats.


    Where do you think these people are?

    These people are at the Cinema and i can see Popcorn pretzels candy and drinks.

    What are they going to do? How are they feeling?

    I think the people are going to watch a movie because they all look very happy.

  8. Maryam K.

    I think it is someone’s birthday because there is a cake and lots of food.
    I think it is winter because I can see a snowman with a red hat and green scarf. It has brown sticks for his arms.
    I think they are at the cinemas because they have gone to watch a movie. They look happy because they have a smile on their face.
    They have juice and popcorn in a red tub. Some people are waiting in a queue.

  9. Advika B.

    I see a boy wearing a number 6 badge and I see a cake. So, it must be the boy’s birthday and I think they are enjoying lots of sweets for the birthday.

    I think it is the winter season because I can see they are building a snow man and l can see lot of snow trees and kids playing with the snow

    Gold: I think they are the movie theatre because I can see a candy bar and a popcorn and pretzels. They are going to a movie and they are feeling happy.

  10. Khadija B.

    1)I think it is someone’s birthday because you can see his badge which says he’s 6 he’s also wearing a party hat. He has some jelly and lots of food to share with his friends.
    2)what season is it?
    I think that it is winter because I can see that it’s snowing outside and there are many kids playing outside and making a snowman.
    3) I think they are at the cinema because they have popcorn and drinks in their hands

  11. Waniya Z.

    I think it’s someone birthday because he is got a cake’party food’and he is six years old.
    I see boy shirt and see people are happy.
    I think it’s winter because it’s snowing and I can see a snow man the kids are making
    I think they are standing outside of cinema because I see sweet and popcorn 🍿
    I think they are happy because they are watch a movie.

  12. Bilal U.

    Here are bilal answers below:
    I think its someones birthday because it is a party and there is a birthday boy who is 6 year old with a badge on his jumper and mummy is bringing the cake in. Everyone is ready to sing happy birthday song.
    I think it is winter because I can see a snowman, snow everywhere and two people on the sledge sliding down the hill.
    The people are at the cinema because I can see people waiting in a queue getting popcorn and they are going to watch a movie. They are very happy and excited!

  13. Aadyan W.

    I think it is someone’s birthday because there is cake and the birthday boy is wearing a badge with the number six showing how old he is.
    I think the season is winter because there is snow everywhere and the children are wearing warm clothes because it is cold. Also the tree has lost all its leaves.
    I think these people are at the cinema to watch a movie because I can see the popcorn. They feel very excited and can’t wait to see the movie. Everyone is smiling so it shows that they are really happy.

  14. Nabira M.

    I think it’s someone’s birthday because I can see someone is wearing a birthday badge and lots of food.

    It is winter because I can see people wearing scarfs on and people building snow mans.

  15. Zakir F.

    I think its someone’s birthday because there is a cake, the boy has a badge that says he is 6 years old. He is wearing a crown. There are people.

    I think it is winter because I can see a snowman. Children are playing in the snow and there is snow in the background.

    I think there in the cinema because they are buying popcorn and drinks and are happy to watch a movie .

  16. Haseeb B.

    i think its someone’s Birthday because i can see a boy wearing number 6 badge and also they got a cake and loads of food
    All of the people are happy and smilling

  17. Salman O.

    I finished my reading challenge

  18. Noah M.

    I think it is someone’s birthday because they are to much people and he has a cake and I think it,s birthday of the boy with green jumper because he has a six on his jumper.

    What season do you think this is?
    I think it is winter
    How do you know?
    I know it’s winter because they are wearing lot of klods.
    I think it snowing because people are making a big snowman and they are skating.

    Where do you think these people are? What are they going to do? How are they feeling?
    Explain using adjectives, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions.
    I think they are in cinema because I can see sweets and popcorn.

    I think they are happy because they are going to watch a movie.

  19. Dhonshan R.

    because,he has a cake ,they decorated table and he has a birthday hat, and he has a jelly cake.

    1. Dhonshan R.

      I think it is winter, because I can see the snow man, and there are no more leaves in the tree. They are wearing winter hat, gloves and jackets. one of the women puts her hands in the jacket pockets. Two children are playing snowboard.
      I think they are in the cinema theatre because, there are popcorn, candy pretzels. They are in break time so they are waiting.

  20. Iqra A.

    I think it is someone’s birthday because I can see a boy wear a birthday badge that says number 6 and a birthday hat and I can also see someone’s bring a birthday cake and lot’s of party food.
    I think it is winter season because I can see some children making a snow man and there playing sliding and I also could see there are all children wear glove and hat.
    I think they are in a cinema because i can see they are buying popcorn ,candy and pretzels. They are feeling happy because I can see every one smiling.

  21. Shayan S.

    I think its somebody’s birthday because i can see blue shirt boy holding the birthday cake.
    It’s green shirt boy’s birthday because he got number 6 badge on his shirt and crown on his head and there are 6 candles on the cake.
    There are sweets and sandwiches on the tables.
    I think it is winter because i can see snow.
    kids are making snowman and they are wearing winter cloths such as hats,gloves and coats.
    I think these people are in the cinema because i can see lady selling popcorns candy and pretzels.
    kid is holding popcorns and man is holding drinks.
    They are so happy because they ate going to watch movie.They are smiling and waiting for movie to start.

  22. Hudaa M.

    I think the people are at the cinema becuase the workers are selling popcorn and other snacks. I think they are going watch a movie and eat all their snacks because people are lining up to buy snacks. I think they are feeling happy becuase they have a smile on their faces. I also think they are a bit excited to watch a movie because the line is long.

  23. Anu K.

    I think it is someone’s birthday because there was a lady holding a cake with candles on it, friends of the birthday boy were around him, there was party food on the table and lastly the birthday boy was wearing a number 6 badge.

    I think it is winter because people are building snowman’s. Also, little children are sliding down the snowy mountains, there were bare branches meaning there were no leaves on them. Lastly, the people were wearing wooly winter clothes to keep them warm.

    I think they are going to the cinema because there is a popcorn machine, a pretzel machine, and a man was carrying two drinks. I think they are going to watch a movie, they may be feeling nervous due to it being a scary movie or excited because they are watching a funny and happy movie.

  24. Latifa A.

    Gold Challenge:
    I think that these people are at the cinema because the little girl has popcorn.
    They are going to watch a movie.
    They feel happy because they are excited to go watch a movie.

  25. Amina I.

    Bronze – I think it is someone birthday because I can see a boy wearing no 6 badge, a party hat, someone is bringing out the cake which has candles and sprinkles. there are chocolate chip biscuits, strawberry jelly, sandwiches and fruit on the table. There are lots of children in the party.

    Silver –
    I think it is winter because I can see snow all around the mountains and garden. I can see there are two children sliding down on the sledge and playing around the mountains. There are 2 children wearing hats, gloves, scarfs, coat and made a big snowman with snow, scarf carrot for is his nose, twigs for his arms, gloves for his hands. One girl is standing and is cold putting her hands inside her jacket. and there is another child making a snowman to.

    Gold – I think they are in the cinema because i can see all the grown ups and children smiling and are excited to see a movie. I can see popcorn, fritzes, candy and drink. They are all standing to get there snacks and tickets.

  26. Ella K.

    I think it is someone’s birthday because l see birthdays cake , jelly and number 6 sticker and crown.
    I think it is winter because l can see snow, ice skate and snowman and everyone have coats and boots and gloves.

  27. Emraan A.

    I think it is someone’s birthday because there is a cake with candles on it.
    I think it is winter because there is snow everywhere and everyone wearing warm gloves, colorful scarves and fluffy hat. They are making snowman.
    I think they are in cinema with their family because I can see popcorns, candies, pretzels and they bought drinks. They are feeling very happy because they are smiling.

  28. Freya S.

    I think they are at the cinema because I can see the little girl has a large popcorn . She looks very happy to be there . All the people look happy as they are smiling.

  29. Freya S.

    I think it’s winter because there is snow everywhere in the picture.

  30. Freya S.

    I think it’s someone’s birthday because one child has a 6 years old birthday badge , there’s cake with 6 candles , there’s other children and birthday boy is wearing a party hat .

    1. Noah M.

      I think it is someone’s birthday because they are to much people and he has a cake and I think it,s birthday of the boy with green jumper because he has a six on his jumper.

      What season do you think this is?
      I think it is winter
      How do you know?
      I know it’s winter because they are wearing lot of klods.
      I think it snowing because people are making a big snowman and they are skating.

      Where do you think these people are? What are they going to do? How are they feeling?
      Explain using adjectives, expanded noun phrases and conjunctions.
      I think they are in cinema because I can see sweets and popcorn.

      I think they are happy because they are going to watch a movie.

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