Hi children,
Our reading challenge story this half term is:
Firstly, practise reading the sounds and blend them into words which we will find in the story.
Now read the story to your grown up…
Now pick a challenge to complete. Write your answers on the blog.
What does Dad make Ned out of? (Page 6-7)
What 3 things does Dad say Ned can do? (Page 9-10)
Why does Dad tell Ned to stop? (Page 9-10)
If you could build your own robot, what would you like it to be able to do? Why?
Tell me what happened in the story using full sentences. Remember to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Segment and blend to help you spell the words.
If you would like to read more books to support your phonics learning, ask your grown ups to create a free account on https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/
You can then read lots of e-books for free! Look out for the ‘Read Write Inc’ ones. These are just like the ones we use at school! :)