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Hi Year 1,

Firstly, read the short story below…

Pick a challenge to complete. You can complete all 3 if you like!

You can complete your challenge in your homework book or on this blog.

If you complete in your book, please write comment to tell us ‘My challenge is in my book.’


Who was ‘it’?
Where did Zip hide?
Where did Tip hide?
Who was found first?


Do you think Tip had a good hiding place? Explain why…


What do you think will happen to Tip now? What will happen next?
Make a prediction.

The best entry will win a prize at the end of half term! Good luck!

32 responses to “Y1 Reading Challenge Autumn 1”

  1. Airah I.

    pip it is
    zip hid in a big box.
    Tip hid in a rocket.
    zip was found first.
    It is was a bad idea because it was going to fly.

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