Please choose 2 activities to complete.

Maths – Please complete the Maths challenge. You will find this here:
Please comment when you have completed and uploaded your work.

English – Please log onto Purple Mash (use the same login details – check your diary). Look in your 2dos. You will find a task called ‘Alien Captions’. Choose an alien and write some sentences to describe it. Remember to save your work.

WOW Homework

Ask your grown up to blindfold you and give you 5 different foods to smell. Can you describe the smell? Can you guess what it is?

Send photos or a video to our sharepoint link.




51 responses to “Y1 Homework Week 5”

  1. Aiyla S.

    Aiyla has done the Maths bronze challenge
    she has done purple mash activity

    Aiyla was able to smell the following correctly


  2. Hudaa M.

    Strawberry smells like fruit
    Cheese onion crisps smell like onions
    Cinnamon rolls smell like cinnamon
    Lime juice smelled sour

  3. Maximilian J.

    Max completed his homework and uploaded.

  4. Warizah I.

    Warizah completed her homeworks maths is on the blog and purple mash saved.. And video will upload soon

    1. Warizah I.

      Video uploaded

  5. Dhonshan R.

    Dhonshan has completed his homework.

  6. Hannah B.

    We have uploaded hannahs english homework.

    Wow homework:
    Banana – smells fruity
    Salt and vinegar crisps – smells like vinegar, guessed correctly
    Mint chocolate – smells minty, guessed correctly.
    Dorritos – smells spicy, guessed correctly

  7. Mirr A.

    Mirr has done homework

  8. Maryam I.

    Esa imran work has been uploaded

  9. Bilal U.

    Bill has completed his purple mash homework and it is saved thanks

  10. Huzaifah J.

    I have done the wow homework. I smelt cheese, ketchup, popcorn, tomatoes, cinnamon.

  11. Zakariyah A.

    Hi we did the homework yesterday and it was different to what has been added today. We have already send the work in

    1. Miss Smith

      Hi Zakariyah! This homework was posted on Friday afternoon. I think you have completed Week 4 (numbers and tasting). Your video looks great!

  12. Huzaifa S.

    Huzaifa has completed his both Maths and English homework and we have submitted it.

  13. Shivani P.

    We have sent Anu’s maths challenge to the sharepoint on the maths blog and have sent in Anu’s purple mash in .

  14. Maryum N.

    Maryum has done her purple mash work.

  15. Yusuf A.

    Yusuf’s maths Homework has been done in his homework book. We have uploaded a photo and also sent photos of Yusuf doing the WOW homework! He tasted 5 foods and correctly guessed 3 of them! Yusuf has also completed his English homework, it’s been saved on Purple Mash.

    1. Yusuf A.

      The 5 foods Yusuf tasted (photo has been uploaded)

      Cheese – guessed correctly
      Chocolate – guessed correctly
      Lemon – guessed correctly
      Jamie Dodger Biscuit – could not tell
      Crunchy Nut Cereal – could not tell

  16. Maryam K.

    Maryam has completed the maths challenge
    Maryam smelt orange, strawberry, grapes, crisps

  17. Roshaan K.

    Roshaan has practices his home work. Thanks!!!

  18. Amina I.

    Amina has completed maths challenge on the blog and purple mash.

  19. Murtaza A.

    i have done purple mash and the maths challenge.

  20. Khadija B.

    Khadija has done both the English and maths homework. We have submitted both!

  21. Sarah B.

    Sarah has completed her maths and english homework.

  22. Muhammed I.

    Ibrahim completed his homework and send it

  23. Aqsa S.

    Aqsa done her homework I’ll send it .

  24. Zenat N.

    I have completed maths & English work being send

  25. Shaheer N.

    I have completed maths & English work being send

  26. Hasnaa N.

    I have completed maths & English work being send

  27. Advika B.

    I have completed my homework. Thanks Mr Mahmood

  28. Noah M.

    I got sumthink.☪️🕋🕌🇵🇸

  29. Freya S.

    All done and uploaded. Practiced spelling and reading

  30. Maryum N.

    Maryum has done her maths challenge I will email it in thx

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