Hi everybody,

We would like to invite you to our Diwali assembly on Thursday 16th November 2023 at 2:30. Please arrive at 2:20 to ensure you are seated before the performance begins. Please could you arrive through the Hanford Close gate.

We would like children to wear their special ‘celebration clothes‘. This could be something nice that you would usually wear for Eid, Diwali, Christmas, a birthday or any special occasion. Children can come to school wearing their outfit on this day.

We cannot wait to share our learning with you!

Miss Smith

Here are the songs we are learning at school. It would be great if you could practise these at home!

11 responses to “Y1 Diwali Assembly”

  1. Harun A.

    My mum will be caming๐Ÿ˜€

  2. Muhammed-Haaris A.

    We will attend thank you

  3. Junnut M.

    Junnut is really looking forward to the assembly as are we can’t wait xxx

  4. Rahima B.

    Rahima was soo interested in these songs that she has already learnt them! Rahimaโ€™s favourite song is โ€˜Iโ€™m a little Diya Lamp!

  5. Yaseen S.

    My favrut song is twinkle twinkle

  6. Esha H.

    I am gioing to have a great time at the diwali party.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ˜Žโœจ๏ธ๐ŸŽŽ๐ŸŽŠ๐ŸŽ๐ŸŽ€๐Ÿ”ฎ๐Ÿชฉ๐Ÿช€

    1. Harun A.

      My mum will be caming๐Ÿ˜€

  7. Logan B.

    Me and dad will be coming

  8. Ayman Q.

    What a creative re-mix of rhymes ๐Ÿ‘ already Ayman is murmuring at home and we all enjoying.

  9. Mahid H.

    I like all the diwali songs and its so much fun to learn them ๐Ÿช” ๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”๐Ÿช”

  10. Adam A.

    How exciting! Hopefully we will be there!

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