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Y1 – Bring Your Favourite Toy!

Hi Year 1. This half term in your History lessons, you will be learning all about toys from the past. We will begin by looking at modern toys to help us compare. On Thursday 28th April, please bring one of your favourite toys to school to talk about. Please do not bring an electronic toy e.g. an iPad or games console.
We can’t wait to hear how your toy works and why it is special to you!

7 responses to “Y1 – Bring Your Favourite Toy!”

  1. Aqsa S.

    Aqsa bring her puppy 🐶 toy today and she like

  2. Haseeb B.

    I will bring my toy 🧸

  3. Roshaan K.

    I will bring a big 🧸 and you will love ❤️ It

  4. Latifa A.

    I will bring it

  5. Yusuf A.

    Yusuf will be bringing in his favourite action figure!

    1. Mr Mahmood

      We can’t wait to see it Yusuf! 😁

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