World Book Day at BH

Who do you think had the best dress up?

Who were you dressed up as?

What did you learn about the book?

What was your favourite part?

We all hope you had a fantastic day and enjoyed coming as your favourite book character!

94 responses to “World Book Day at BH”

  1. Ayeza Z.

    I dressed 👗Up as Matilda and it was soooo fun we got to sketch mechanical sea creatures

  2. Mohammad M.

    It was so much fun I dressed up as Captain America I liked rifaths

  3. Asiya M.

    I enjoyed dressing up and I think that Miss Starkey’s costume was the best.
    I dressed up as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz.
    The book we did was Flotsam

  4. Ryan A.

    1)Miss street had the best dress up as the cat 🐈 in the hat.
    2)I was dressed up as Harry Potter.

  5. Cara-Jade S.

    Laylah costume was the best💃
    I learnt about fish🎣
    Yes I had a good day👍🏻

  6. Keira M.

    I really liked world book day and all the effort BH have put into this thank you 😊!

  7. Adela C.

    The sea

  8. Adela C.

    1. Ruby Mary poppins
    2.i was hermine granger favourite part was when we used water colours to paint thesea

  9. Yibo H.

    I like Miss Frankish because she reminds me of the Grand High With in the witches.
    I like Anis because I like black panther and also I like marvel.
    I like Miss Street because The Cat In The Hat is funny.
    I dressed up as Superman because I don’t have any other superhero costumes I can wear, and also I like marvel better.
    I learnt about sea creatures, a boy and a camera.
    My favourite part is when the boy got batteries for his camera.

    1. Anora N.

      1.I think Mrs Janjua ,Miss Starkey and Mr Mashford.


  10. Aboubakar Y.

    I learned about the book that there was a robotic fish swimming in the ocean.

  11. Luqman A.

    1.Miss starkly has the best dress up
    3. I was Harry Potter

  12. Kiyan H.

    1.I think Mrs Khan had the best dress . I dress as Hiccup from How to train you dragon

    2. Flotsam. I favourite part was the boy was looking at sea creature

  13. Marcel P.

    I learnt that the fish in the ocean was a robot

  14. Aidan M.

    I think the one who dressed up the best was everyone because they all looked good
    I dressed up as wally(where’s wally)
    The squid was a robot
    I liked the part when he found the camera

  15. I think the boy on the bottom picture on the top left corner.
    I was dressed up as black panther.
    I learnt about the book that it was just a picture book with no writing.
    My favourite part was when you could see people holding picture of people and pictures of people holding pictures of people.
    Thank you Mrs Frankish for all the things you do for us.

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you Anis for being a super role model and enjoying learning!

  16. Aaron S.

    1. I think Miss Starkey dress up was the best.
    2. That there were lots of Harry Potters in my classroom.

  17. Aalya H.

    I like wold book day

  18. Muhammad M.

    I dressed up as Harry Potter.

  19. Hasan A.

    I. I think miss Starkey dressed up the best .
    2. I was dressed called a person Gabon Gotts

  20. Farhan M.

    I think Vinay P. dressed the best.
    I learned about still images when we were doing flotsam.

  21. Zeynab A.

    1) I think Miss starkey dress up the best.
    2) I was dressed up as harry potter in 6 red
    3)I learnt about Flotsam.

  22. Fatima G.

    Will really enjoyed world book day and Mrs freakish was so scary when she said good afternoon I looked at her and I was like gooahhh.

  23. Umar S.

    I enjoyed presenting a character from a reading book.

  24. Asia A.

    I think the best costume for the teachers were:
    Miss Starkey:
    Because her right eye looked so cool and creepy at the same time.But watch out before its ,off with head!✂️😱
    Mrs Frankish:
    Be a her costume was so eerie but funny at the same time.👩🏻😎
    Miss Ahmed:
    Because she pulled of the acting with her granny voice and body structure.👵🏻😄
    Miss Redhead
    Because she’s kind,caring and she’s ambitious like Razupenzel also.❤️😘

    If no one gussied book I was from it was The Midnight Gang by David Walliams and I was Amber plus all the children in that book are sick and in their pj’s.

    The book Flotsam was fun and what we did in my class was we got to make our own lesson and create pieces of drama. I learnt that under the sea there’s so much more than water and creatures.

    1. Asia A.

      I think the best costume for the teachers were:
      Miss Starkey:
      Because her right eye looked so cool and creepy at the same time.But watch out before its ,off with your head!✂️😱
      Mrs Frankish:
      Because her costume was so eerie but funny at the same time.👩🏻😎
      Miss Ahmed:
      Because she pulled of the acting with her granny voice and body structure.👵🏻😄
      Miss Redhead
      Because she’s kind,caring and she’s ambitious like Razupenzel also.❤️😘

      If no one gussed what book I was from it was The Midnight Gang by David Walliams and I was Amber ,plus all the children in that book are sick and in their pj’s.
      The book Flotsam was fun and what we did in my class was we got to make our own lesson and create pieces of drama. I learnt that under the sea there’s so much more than water and creatures.

      1. Asia A.

        I spelt some things wrong.

        1. Vinay P.

          I have learnt that the fish was a robot a in the ocean.

      2. Head Teacher

        You looked cool Asia. You are a caring, thoughtful and inspiring young lady.

  25. Mrs Walker

    We have had an amazing day full of fun and laughter. I dressed up as the rabbit out of Alice in Wonderland. Everyone looked absolutely amazing and made a really effort.

    1. Head Teacher

      They certainly did. 2019 was a super World Book Day!

      1. Ayeza Z.

        Out of the teachers 👨‍🏫 were the year five 👩‍🏫 teachers best dress up and mr carters costume nice 👍 dressing in world book 📚 day I like flotsam it was so adventurous and full of happiness 😀

  26. Eman A.

    You all look prity .

  27. Eman A.

    You all look good as a karta.

    1. Bogdan S.

      MR khan had the best costume because he was like a rob and I like it

  28. Asilah K.

    it was great

  29. Sediqa S.

    Thankyou i had a good world book day.

  30. Sediqa S.

    I enjoyed world book day it was so much fun in my class I thought that Mr Khan and Miss Ahmed had the best costumes oh and also Mrs Frankish.We looked at Flotsam it was a picture book by David Wisener.

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you. I was Mortisia from the Addams family.

      1. Aleem H.

        I enjoyed world book day. It was so fun I got to dress up as Barry loser and I thought that mr Patel, Mrs Hurt, Miss Kaur and Mrs Frankshish were the people that was dressed the best.

        1. Head Teacher

          Thank you! X

      2. Jacek C.

        1.Ruby-Mary poppins
        I was dressed up as Batman

        2.There was lots of secrets and key information
        My favourite part was when he looked at the pictures

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