What would you do?

You are going to be given various scenerios and you ahve to decide what you would do?

KS1- to be done as a class.

You see a house on fire as you walk to school?

A child crosses the road each day not using the crossing?

A child steals a swwet from the teacher’s desk.

KS2- individually but teachers to explain and discuss.

You are playing in the park and a gang approach you pffering you a cigarette for money, what would you do?

You are playing at lunch time and you see a BH pupil jump on someones back, kick them and run away. The DRAs are told but they do not tell the child’s teacher and you know what has happened?

You are at home and get a message about a pupil/teacher at this school with some vile comments against their name, what will you do?

91 responses to “What would you do?”

  1. Hudayfa A.

    I Would call 999 and tell an adult.
    We are talking to the child.

  2. Haseeb B.

    When I see a house 🏡 on fire I would call 999and run home 🏠 as fast as I can

    If I see a child not yousing the crossing I would tell them too yous it

    If a child steal a swwet from the teachers 👩‍🏫 would tell them off or tell the teacher

  3. Maximilian J.

    1.I would call 999 and buy water to splash the fire 🔥.
    2.I would tell him to stop ✋ but if he gets hit by a car 🚙 I will call 199.
    3.Tell him to stop ✋.

  4. Elgin A.

    1- i will tell the teacher
    2- i will wait in till the green man is there
    3-i will call 911

  5. Zakir F.

    I Will call the firemen or 999 so They can rescue me
    I will try to make them cross the road with me and turn it into a fun Game!

  6. Latifa A.

    If I saw a child that took a sweet of the teachers desk I would tell them of.

  7. Adrian O.

    1. If they wanted me to buy a cigarette I would say no and I would say I am not into cigarettes.
    2. I would tell the child not to do it again and if it doesn’t work then I will tell their teacher.
    3. I would tell the teacher or tell them to stop! I would also block them.

  8. Eva T.

    When the gang comes to give me the cigerette I will say sorry no I will not get the cigerette.
    I will tell the persons teacher and tell who it was and the teacher could sort it out

  9. Hadiya M.

    KS2 :
    1) If a gang was approaching me for money I would quick run away go to a trusted adult I know and then tell them why I came to them.
    2) I think 🤔 what happened was that the boy wanted a piggy back but the other BH pupil didn’t want him on his back so he jumped on and accidentally kicked then he ran away because he saw a DRA who was about to look.

  10. Latifa A.

    If I saw a child going without the crosswalk I would tell them to stop

  11. Tinuola T.

    I would refuse to buy the cigarettes and call the police.
    I would tell the dra and tell them how you feel.
    I would tell a tristed adult and make the person feel better ❤️‍🩹

  12. Abigail F.

    1) I would tell my parents about what is happening or a trusted adult.
    2) I would remind them and tell which class they are in .
    3) I would tell my parents or a trusted adult.

  13. Yusuf A.

    I would run away to my parents and my parents would sort it out 😃😀

  14. Aadam R.

    1. if a gang came up to me and offered me a cigeret for money I would decline and call the police because cigerets are bad for your teeth and your teeth could fall out.

    2.First of all jumping on somones back is very nahguty and kicking them and running away is bad also the DRAs saw what happend and they are told to tell the teacher what happend.

    3.If the teacher did that I would phone the office and speech to the teacher.

  15. Latifa A.

    If I see a house on fire I would run home tell my mom to call the firefighters.

  16. Sidrah S.

    Walk away and tell a trusted adult what has happened .

  17. Rexford A.

    1.ks2I would decline the offer and not pay them and walk away.
    2. I would make sure he doesn’t do it again so what I would do is talk to him about his actions.
    3. I would tell the ones that are being naughty to stop and it is against the school rules to make fun of a teachers name.

  18. Jebrin Y.

    If they offer you a cigarette just ignore them and run away from them.
    I would probably tell the child’s teacher myself or tell someone else who is part of this school.
    i would tell the teacher that this kid has done this or if it was pupil I would tell the pupils teacher.

  19. Ebeid M.

    1.I would say no and walk away.
    2.I would tell the teacher what has happened.
    3.I would block them.

  20. Yahya K.

    1. I would say no, tell a adult and stay around my friends.
    2. I would first follow them and ask why they have done this then I would explain the whole scenario to the DRAs.

  21. Muhammad Y.

    If they said to buy a ciggarette ill say no and walk away.
    If the DRAs didnt tell i would explain what happened to an important member of the community.
    If someone was saying vile comments about their names on messages about a teacher or a school pupil i would block them and tell what happened to an adult.

  22. Miss Matthias

    1 White:
    1 – We would call 999 and ask the firemen!
    2 – We would ask them to cross at the crossing with us and try to make it a game waiting for the green man!
    3 – We would tell the teacher! We could also tell the child to stop.

    1. Roshaan K.

      If a child 👶 steals a sweater from the teachers 👨‍🏫 desk we could put cameras to see what they do and the cameras will be camouflaged

  23. Mr Rawlings

    Here is 1 Red’s comments;

    Scenario 1) Hossana: I would call the fire bregade.
    Abdulkafi: You need to dial 999 to get a fire truck.
    Scenario 2) Rishaan: I would show them how to cross safely.
    Isabelle: I would tell an adult, either a teacher or another adult.
    Scenario 3) Great: I would tell the class teacher that the sweet was taken.
    Joshua: I would snatch it back off him and then put it back on the teacher’s desk.
    Shreya: I would tell him he has done something wrong and that he should put it back on the desk.

  24. Noor A.

    1. Run and tell an adult.

    2. Go in and tell an adult.

    3. Take a screen shot , tell an adult and block them.

  25. Miski M.

    You are playing in the park and a gang approach you pffering you a cigarette for money, what would you do?
    I would tell my parents and run away from the gang.
    You are playing at lunch time and you see a BH pupil jump on someones back, kick them and run away. The DRAs are told but they do not tell the child’s teacher and you know what has happened?
    I would explain what happened to the teacher and how it wasn’t solved properly.
    You are at home and get a message about a pupil/teacher at this school with some vile comments against their name, what will you do? I would screenshot it, block them and tell an adult.

  26. Maryam N.

    I wold run away and tell my parents

    I would tell my teacher there was a problem at lunch time

    I will screen shot it block them and tell my parents

  27. Markuss B.

    1st scenario. I would tell an adult about it and wouldn’t accept it.
    Scenario 2. I would tell a teacher what happened outside.
    Scenario 3. I would take a screenshot,block them and tell an adult and show them the screenshot.

  28. Mehreen I.

    1 I would help them
    2 I would tell them
    3 I would stop them

  29. Muhammad S.

    I would say no and tell an adult.

    Tell another DRA.

    Screenshot it. Block the person. Tell an adult.

  30. Murtaza A.

    If a gang is chases run away 😎😎😎😎😎😎

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