What would you do?

You are going to be given various scenerios and you ahve to decide what you would do?

KS1- to be done as a class.

You see a house on fire as you walk to school?

A child crosses the road each day not using the crossing?

A child steals a swwet from the teacher’s desk.

KS2- individually but teachers to explain and discuss.

You are playing in the park and a gang approach you pffering you a cigarette for money, what would you do?

You are playing at lunch time and you see a BH pupil jump on someones back, kick them and run away. The DRAs are told but they do not tell the child’s teacher and you know what has happened?

You are at home and get a message about a pupil/teacher at this school with some vile comments against their name, what will you do?

91 responses to “What would you do?”

  1. Zakir F.

    1.I’ll tell a adult .
    2.get a bucket 🪣 with water and splash it on the fire.
    3.I will save her from the car’s.
    4.I will jest say go away.

  2. Iqra S.

    If a child gets a sweet from a teacher without telling the teacher I will tell the teacher.

  3. Sarah B.

    If a gang comes go back home 🏡 straight away 🏃‍♀️ as fast as you can.🥇😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😁😁😁😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😆😎😎😎😎

  4. Noah M.

    House on fire:l would run to a teacher and tell for to call. The fire station.

    Crossing:l would do the crossing for them.
    Steals: l would tell the teacher.
    Hurts: l would tell the teacher my self.
    Bad message: l would go and tell the important teachers.

  5. Ammara K.

    I would not take it from them and run off to tell an adult
    I would come inside after lunch and tell the adult about the incident
    I would screenshot it then block it then tell an adult

  6. Eesaa A.

    I would not talk to them and just run away
    I would tell the bad pupils teacher that they did that and advise them to get the hurt pupil to the first aid person.

  7. Emil D.

    1.I would ignore them and run away
    2.I would tell Mrs.Frankish or my teacher
    3.I would tell that person who has been made fun of and then tell that rude person off

  8. Raiyan K.

    4)I would run away and tell about this to my parents.
    5) I would tell miss about the issue about what happened to the child and who did it.
    6) I would block them and tell someone I know or a teacher

  9. Hudayifah

    1)I would tell a trusted adult and say to them that smoking is bad for you and Can kill you.

    2)I would tell a trusted adult about what has happened

    3)I would screenshot the comment and tell a trusted adult.

  10. Muhammed H.

    If there is a robber in a museum and stealing I will call the police

  11. Ibrahim M.

    1) I would tell my parents to call an ambulance and a fire engine in case some people are in there.

    2) I would tell them to use the crossing so they have less chance of getting ran over.

    3) I would tell the teacher and get the kid to give it back.

    4) I would tell them no, this is against my religion and go tell my parents about it.

    5) I would tell the child’s teacher and explain what happened.

    6) I would screenshot it, block them and tell a grown up.

  12. Najma O.

    1. I would go and tell my mum and then leave it to her and then would run away .
    2.I would go and explain it to the teacher then let her deal with it .
    3.I would screenshot it , block them then tell an adult .

  13. Zahra D.

    I wouldn’t accept the offer because I don’t know these people and cigarettes are bad.
    I would tell the teacher in detail so they sort it.
    Block. Tell a teacher.

  14. Mohammed W.

    1) I would tell my parents or an adult.
    2)I would tell the teacher.
    3) I would screenshot it then I would block them then I would tell somebody.

  15. Maddox B.

    1 I would say no it’s against my religion
    2 tell them what happened and if not sorted correctly tell the teacher about the bullying
    3 screenshot it and block them and then tell my parents

  16. Xlexben F.

    1 . I would say no and go tell my mom
    2. I would tell the teacher and check if the child is okay
    3. I would screen shot them and block them and tell an adult

  17. Kamil N.

    1. I wouldn’t accept the offer and I will tell a parent about it.
    2. I would immediately tell the kids teacher and I will tell exactly what happened to the teacher and I will see if the child is okay.
    3. I will tell another teacher as soon as possible because it’s very important.

  18. Tipian I.

    I would tell my parents immediately and my parents would probably tell me to stay away from them and go inside.

    I would say mrs he jumps on someone’s back meaning it is probably the amber traffic lights hurting someone .If the DRAs do nothing I would tell mrs Rullay or mrs Raja Khan and they will sort it out or Mrs Hurt or Mr Patel or the teachers .

    I would screen shot the message before they delete it and I’ll tell an available parent my parent will sort it out and for an example if it says Mrs Rullay I’ll tell her about it .

  19. Rubab G.

    If someone comes up to me I will say no because I don’t have money and I will start walking away for them.

  20. Zahraa Y.

    1)I would go up and confront them and tell them “I may look old due to my hight but smoking is bad and has a higher chance of me dying so no thanks.I have my own money”
    2)I would go to the teacher and tell them “That ______ has been kicked and is injured and needs support and this was done by _____”
    3)I would tell them that “they (Pupil/Teacher/staff)are amazing and you shouldn’t judge them because their nice.”

  21. Sarah A.

    I would tell an adult that is near or close.
    I would tell the child’s teacher.
    I would tell and adult or teacher what has happened.

  22. Rir K.

    1) I would say no and Run as fast as I can then I would go tell my dad.
    2) I would tell the teacher.
    3) I would tell the head teacher what they have said to me.

  23. Ibraheem T.

    No I would run as fast as I can , I would tell a teacher I would say you should never say that

  24. Isah C.

    If a gang approached me like that I will not give the citerficate because I earned it and housed my skills
    I would tell the teacher that this boy has hit someone and he will go to the behaviour
    I will go to the schools the next day and tell the teacher what they said about that pupil/teacher

  25. Adam J.

    If saw that a person stole a sweet from The teacher I would tell them what happened.😁😁

  26. Evie T.

    If I see a House on fire I will call a fire truck to help them🚒 🔥 🤯

    1. Ayaan M.

      1)If a gang had approached me while I’m playing in the park and they offer me a cigarette for money I would not do the deal because cigarettes are bad for our physical and mental health and I would also tell my parents about the people.

      2)If someone did jump on someone’s back and kick them then run away and the DRAs know but don’t tell the teacher I would tell an adult then let the teacher know.

      3)I would try to stop people to make fun of their name and then I would try to make the teacher feeel better.

    2. Maryum N.

      If I was hurt I would tell the dinner lady

    3. Dhonshan R.

      If my house is in fire I will call the fire truck.If the fire truck is not here we will be dead 💀🔥

  27. Evie T.

    If I see a House on fire I will call a fire truck to help them🚒 🔥 🤯😱😥😭

  28. Liyana M.

    1. When i see i house on fire I would help them.
    2. When i see a child not using the crossing I will tell them to
    3.if a kid stole a sweet from the teachers desk I tell them to stop and get the teacher

  29. Ella C.

    1.Tell a adult
    2.help them
    3.tell a teacher

  30. SAFA A.

    A girl steals a sweet from The teachers desk I will take it off her and give it to the teacher ♥️😍🤩☺️😊

    1. Nichollas B.

      When I see a child who steal a sweet from the teacher desk I will tell them to stop steal it and give to the teacher.

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