What makes a BH pupil stand out?

KS1-List 3 things that make BH special?

KS2- Why are BH pupils “head and shoulders “above others?

79 responses to “What makes a BH pupil stand out?”

  1. Rexford A.

    The things that make broad heath special is teacher, education and the playground

  2. Zakariah D.

    Broad heath pupils are all polite and different in their own ways and use manners to teachers and dinner ladies. Broad heath pupils are taught many things that others might not learn.

  3. Maryam G.

    BH pupils are head and shoulders above others because we are older and we are role models to the younger children also we are showing kindness everywhere such as the playground.

  4. Aisha R.

    We BH pupils have manners and are representatives of our school when we go on trips and visitors come to our classrooms. We have been kind and caring on the playground and are learning new things every day. We also have many resources and stationary for our lessons.

  5. Amirah T.

    We are above others because we have manners. And also that we are very well educated also we have the kindest teachers. Everyone is so smart. Broad Heath is the best primary school!!😊
    From Amirah, Zaynab and Arifa.

  6. Adam O.

    BH pupils learn manners and the values from reception. Some schools have no swimming pool and golf course. We also improve our behaviour so we can’t go in the behaviour book. And if our behaviour is good we can get a treat. BH pupils always improve.

  7. Keaton O.

    Keaton- we are polite
    Mustafa-We use our manners when we have a visitor.
    Meena- We know we are extremely lucky because other schools don’t have swimming pools and adventures.

    From Keaton, Mustafa and Meena.

  8. Hamsia D.

    We are great because we are are polite and we show respect to any teachers and we visitors come in we greet them. We are very lucky because we have a swimming pool and different stuff and no other school has our stuff.
    From: Hamsia and Maryam.

  9. Alinna A.

    You need to show manners to other people and help them if they are stuck on something.We show good values to people.We are good role models. We need to gain and try are hardest to be good citizen. And we are lucky to have lots of things.
    From Aksa,Arfa, and said

  10. Anaya R.

    Our pupils are polite we stick on the same values and build up on them. We also show manners when we eat our lunch we say please and thank you also not only the children but our teachers show manners when they say stop look and listen please they politely say please.
    From Ramandeep and Anaya

  11. Sabiha K.

    We should show them a good 👍🏾 example like:
    If we’re walking 🚶‍♀️ and they’er running 🏃‍♀️ we should tell them to “please walk.”
    We should help them be successful and help them to succeed from Reception to Year 6.
    We help them “TO GAIN”.
    Sabiha Alima Ahmad Shayla

  12. Mohammed K.

    We share respect.we make sure we have good behaviour and good manners.The teachers always support us with our learning.we also show respect all the other school rules.We also show all the school rules starting from reception to year 6.When you be good you get treats and when your bad you go in the behaviour book.

  13. Arifa H.

    Our behaviour is really good because we use manners

  14. Miss Redhead

    In 3 White we discussed how BH pupils are awesome and spoke of the qualities we have that make us stand out above all others. We show bravery and can conquer our fears, we did this recently with the climbing wall. We did this by showing resilience and tencacity. Also we show teamwork, when one of us was worried and scared of the wall we all cheered to show support and this made us all achieve. We always improve our knowledge and we do this everyday by giving our best, we ask questions about learning and life and this helps us to gain more. We are a big team and care for each other and respect each other and embrace all of our differences, this makes us strong. We do our best to make sure we are all happy by showing kindness always.

  15. Iqra

    Why are BH pupils “head and shoulders” above others?
    They use many of the school values such as honesty, empathy, respect and many more.
    Examples include:
    Honesty – when we have done something wrong and admit we have done it.
    Empathy – when someone has had something happen to them (e.g their grandpa died) and you have felt that you can be empathetic to them.
    Respect – we respect others religions, races and genders.

  16. Armaan M.

    The reason for broad heath pupils being better than others, (or head and shoulders above if you would prefer to say that) is due to the fact that we have had many different types of special days to focus in other attributes of a human, rather than our knowledge; along with other clubs to improve our skills at the specific sport/activity. These may include:
    *athletics club
    *and many, many more

  17. Ali K.

    Why are BH pupil “ head and shoulders” above others
    They are above others by treating each other with respect no matter what even if we are not friends.

  18. Absi P.

    Why are BH pupils “head and shoulders “above others?

    They are better because some of them use all of the 12 school values which makes them stand out even when they are not in school and that is what they make them ‘head and shoulder’.

  19. Umaiza T.

    Because we treat others with respect and we are grateful for the stuff we have.

  20. Abdirahman D.

    KS2-Because they are the highest in the whole KS2 and KS1

  21. Hamaad D.

    Three things that make BH better is that we a creative,intelligent and respectful. We are head and shoulders above others because we use our values and are good role models.

  22. Bijan N.

    Ks2 because compare to ks1 we have learned more in ks2 because it’s harder and there is more

  23. Lawy A.

    There above because there older and are getting harder challenges.

  24. Safya S.

    BH students are head and shoulders above others because we follow all British and school values.
    We also are kind to one another in school and out of school.
    We greet people with respect if they are visitors in the best manner. “ a handshake!”

  25. Ouzair A.

    Because they have learnt more than the youngers in KS2.

  26. Alina B.

    We are more knowledgeable and responsible we persevere and never give up. As we follow our school values along side the British values this is how we are “head and shoulders” above others.

  27. Because we have a responsibility and that we are the elders of the school and we need to set a good example for not just the people in younger ages but for everyone.

  28. Muhammed A.

    Why are BH pupils “head and shoulders “above others?
    We are “ head and shoulders “ above other because we are smart, knowledgeable and role models to younger year groups.

  29. Safa M.

    KS2- Because we are shown as role models and showing younger people how they should act.

  30. Ridwan U.

    Broadheath pupils learn a lot of the things other people don’t get a chance to learn about, also the head and the shoulders support the body to stand up and move different limbs.

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