Wellbeing Day in 3 Blue

What a fantastic day 3 Blue have had. They started the day with some active maths which involved times table dances and playing maths games. The children also made friendship bracelets, Christmas\happy holidays cards and snowflakes to decorate the classroom in.

What was your favourite activity?

What new skills did you use?

What Broad Heath values did you use?

8 responses to “Wellbeing Day in 3 Blue”

  1. Alima S.

    That was so fun

  2. Ravi P.

    I Lockd. The. Bit. uv. 3 -: 10 =30 fat. IS the bit I. Locks
    I. Lund. dances. Well.
    Cera. uv. chiland. Helping. Wen. THeY. are. Stuca…

  3. Said M.

    My favaourite game was the Times table game
    The skill that I used was tenacity
    The value That I used was Brillance

  4. Adam O.

    My favourite part was the dancing.
    We learned how to do a plat.
    We have shown friendship.

  5. Alinna A.

    I used tenacity and teamwork.

  6. Ramandeep K.

    My favourite activity was making the friendship braclets.
    I used teamwork.
    I used tenacity.

  7. Alinna A.

    My favourite activity was making the friendship bracelets.
    I used skills.

  8. Arifa H.

    My favourite activity was the math game
    I used active skills
    I used tenacity

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