RB Welcome to 1White!

Hi Reception Blue! I am very excited to be your new teacher and I cannot wait to create great memories with you all. Watch this video to become a little familiar with your new class and teachers.
In the comments below, answer these questions so I can learn some things about you:
* What is your favourite sport?
* What is your favourite colour?
* What do you love most about Broad Heath?
* What would you like to do in Year 1?

I cannot wait to read your responses! See you all on Wednesday for Transition Day.

14 responses to “RB Welcome to 1White!”

  1. Sapphire W.

    Hello Mr Mahmood.

    Saphy is very excited to be joining year 1

    My favourite sport is swimming, I have swimming lessons
    My favourite colours are orange and blue .
    I like to to learn and play with toy babies.
    I want to look and listen when I am in year one.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Hi Sapphire! I’m also very excited for Y1 too. It’ll be a great year and I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow 😀

  2. Vivaan P.

    Hi Mr mahmood

    vivvan is delightful to meet you in year 1 keep your hard work up.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Hi Vivaan!
      I’m so happy to have Naksh’s little brother in my class next year. Are you as cheeky as your brother?
      Looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday 😀

  3. Vivaan P.

    3.School work and playing in the playground
    4.Do fun school work,have fun,play and be nice

    1. Mr Mahmood

      We will have so much fun next year!

  4. Dinah K.

    It’s dancing,
    Play area,
    I would like to do maths.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      We will do lots of fun maths activities next year, Dinah! It’ll be an amazing year 😀

  5. Glorious O.

    Hi Mr Mahmoud,

    Super excited knowing that you will be Glorious teacher in year 1 💃💃💃💃💃

    Please keep up the good work God bless you 🙏

    She will see on Wednesday.

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Hi Glorious!
      I am super happy to have Great’s little sister in my class next year! It’ll be amazing and I’m looking forward to seeing you on Wednesday.

  6. Pranav V.

    Hello Mr Mahmood,

    Pranav’s answers
    Favourite sport – Cricket
    Favourite Colour- Blue
    He loves Playing, Drawing and Craft.
    He wants to play, learn Swimming and have fun while learning

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Hi Pranav,
      I cannot wait to meet and work with you! See you on Wednesday :)

  7. Aizah U.

    Hi Mr Mahmood
    Aizah is really excited to be joining 1w.

    Favourite sport is running
    Favourite colour is blue
    I love playing in creative area in my classroom
    I want to play on the big playground

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Hi Aizah,
      I am excited to meet you and your friends on Wednesday. We will have a great year in Year 1!

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