Dear parents / carers,

Welcome back to the new school year at Broad Heath, and a huge welcome to those new families joining us for the first time. We hope that you have all had a good summer with your children.

Over the past two teacher days (and during the holidays), all staff have been in preparing for the new term, and the school looks fantastic as a result. We’ve had a big refurbishment in Reception and Nursery in particular, so we hope our new children continue to gain from their experiences in there. Around the school, the new decorating, cleaning and displays have made the school look brilliant!

It has been a very positive first day, and the children have returned full of enthusiasm and eagerness to learn. They’ve spent more time with their new teachers and LSAs and are looking forward to the week ahead.

This week we are doing a project week called ‘This is Me’, which will give the children a chance to share a little more about themselves with their new adults.

Each class will also take time to go through the school rules, our expectations, listen to every child read (by Friday), and share some of the exciting things ahead this year. This will also be shared with parents over the next two weeks through the website and our September newsletter (to be sent out next week)

At the start of the day, parents of children in reception and nursery are permitted to bring their children onto school site, until further notice. Parents of children in other year groups are asked to ensure their children walk in independently. In the morning, the school gates will open at 8:30 and close at 8:45 and open at 3:10 in the afternoon, closing at 3:25.

A reminder to keep checking the school blogs, school calendar and read our monthly newsletter for key dates – all available on our website.

News – Broad Heath Primary School

Calendar – Broad Heath Primary School

Y1 Spellings

Hi Year 1,Here are your spellings for this half term! You will be tested each…

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Y1 PE & Swimming

Hi Year 1,Welcome back and thank you for such a fantastic first day!This year you…

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We are very excited about the year ahead and are look forward to catching up with you all over the coming days and weeks.

With best wishes,

Mr Andrews


One response to “Welcome back September 2024”

  1. Mahid H.

    It was a super day

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