
Complete the symmetry quiz on Purple Mash.

You need to draw a line from the correct line/lines of symmetry to the blank shape at the top.


Write your own version of the Michael Rosen rap using the sentence starters of..

When I was 1 ….

When I was 2 …

When I was 3 …



To research and plan a route.

Research five tourist attractions in India. Tell me facts about them. Plan a journey to India – how will you get there? Which place will you go and visit?

You can present this as a poster or you can do a video version using imovie for example.

93 responses to “Week 4 Homework Year 4”

  1. Aran K.

    When I was 1 I did my first poo
    When I was two I cleaned up the loo
    When I was three i went to the zoo
    When I was 4 I cleaned up my 2nd loo
    When I was 5 I had lots of fun
    When I was 6 I ate an iced bun
    When I was 7 I ate a carrot
    When I was 8 I turned into a parrot
    When i was 9 I visited a farm
    When I was 10 I heard an alarm

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Great effort Aran, well done! Definitely made me laugh.

  2. Mohammed W.

    I have completed the task on purple mash.
    When I was one I made the sun beam.
    When I was 2 I ruined my ice cream.
    When I was 3 I loved the forest.
    When I was 4 I hated to deforest.
    When I was 5 I ate my plate.
    When I was 6 I became the bate.
    When I was 7 I slid in mid-air.
    When I was 8 I built a secret lair.
    When I was 9 I sky-dived.
    When I was 10 I made a tie-dye.

  3. Ibraheem S.

    When I was one I went to school.
    When I was 2 I was a fool.
    When I was 3 I learnt from my mistakes.
    When I was 4 I saw 5 snakes.
    When I was 5 I made a trap
    When I was 6 I had a big nap.
    When I was 7 used all of my pen ink .
    When I was 8 you could see me do everything.
    Whin I was 9 I was enjoying the sunshine
    When I was 10 I hit my spine.

  4. Yunus R.

    Yunus rap.
    1. I had 100$
    2.I had a diet to eat
    3.I went to space
    4.I got thinner
    5.I became an artist
    6.I had a lot of guest in my house
    7.I ate a swonky 🐍
    8.I got young
    9.I had neat handwriting
    10. I new how to swim.

  5. Ibrahim M.

    Math :
    I got 10/10.
    English :
    When I was 1, I swam the River Nile,
    When I was 2, I met a guy named Kyle,
    When I was 3, I learnt how to run,
    When I was 4, I had a lot of fun,
    When I was 5, I started getting thinner,
    When I was 6, I started boxing, I was only a beginner,
    When I was 7, I started Year 3,
    When I was 8, somebody ate a bee,
    When I was 9, I hit someone with a ball,
    When I was 10, I walked down a really long hall.
    A hip hop dib dob dab, I’m giving you all Ibrahim’s rap rap rap rap.

  6. Yaseen E.

    When I was 1 I had lots of fun.
    When I was 2 I ate a baked bun.
    When I was 3 I growed a tree.
    When I was 4 my cat had a flee.
    When I was 5 I robbed a bank.
    When I was 6 I drived a tank.
    When I was 7 I swam the enlish chanel.
    When I was 8 I ate some sopy fannel.
    When I was 9 I made a figure.
    When I was 10 I got bigger.
    I will do it.

    1. Yaseen E.

      I got 10 out of 10.

    2. Miss Bhangu

      Great to see you use some of the ideas we discussed in class Yaseen.
      Check your spelling of English and soapy.

  7. Kanishka P.

    I completed my maths so what and I got 10 /10.

    You may think I’m happy you may think I’m sad you may think I’m crazy you may think I’m mad. A hip hop a hip hop hap I’m going to show you the KK rap.

    When I was 1 I played with toys.

    When I was 2 I had some joy .

    When I was 3 I learnt how swim.

    When I was 4 I know how to sing.

    When I was 5 I had money

    when I was 6 it was sunny

    When I was 7 I climbed a mountain

    When I was 8 I found a chocolate

    When I was 9 I was small .

    When I was 10 I became tall.

  8. Aarav R.

    You may think I’m happy you may think I’m sad you may think I’m crazy you may think I’m mad. But hang on to your seats and listen right here. Cause I’m gonna tell you something that’ll burn your ear!
    A hip hop a hip hop hap I’m gonna tell you the aarav rap rap rap rap.
    When I was one I bought spce. when I was was 2 I bought a moon base.
    When I was 3 I discovered amongus. When I was 4 I saw a bus. When I was 5 I got a job. When I was 6 I got a credit card. When I was 7 I found a emerlad shard. When I was 8 I became prime minister. When I was 9 I robbed a jewellery store and when I was 10 I became the king of England.

  9. Aarav R.

    I did purple mash

  10. Elyas A.

    When I was 1 ….my brother play forite
    When I was 2 …
    I play football
    When I was 3 …
    I play baseball
    When I was 4 … l play basketball
    When i was 5 … Iplay tennis
    When I was 6 …I play cricket
    When I was 6 …I got a ps5
    When I was 7 … I got a ps4
    When I was 8.. I got a ps6
    When I was 9 … I play robot
    When I was 10 … I came a king of Mickley mouse
    Maths homework
    I complete the line of symmetry and I got a 10%10

  11. Ebenezer O.

    When I was 1 I was scared of mice
    When I was 2 I played with a dice.
    When I was 3 I went to the zoo
    When I was 4 I went in a race
    When I was 5 I went to space
    When I was 6 I ate a soppy flannel
    When I was 7 I swam the English channel
    When I was 8 I robbed a bank
    When I was 9 I shut all the schools
    When I was 10 I became king of the fools.

  12. Elham S.

    I have saved and completed the purple mash.
    The Broadheath rap…
    ya may think i’m happy ya ma i’m sad ya may think i’m crazy ya may think i’m mad well hold on your seats and listen right here cause i’m going to tell you something that will burn your ears,a hip a hop a hip hop hap i’m giving you all the broadheath (rap…rap…rap)

    When i was 1 i went to the zoo
    When i was 2 i spent 2 week in the loo
    When i was 3 i lost my leg
    When i was 4 i cryed in bed
    When i was 5 i planned to rob a bank
    When I was 6 i robbed a bank
    When I was 7 i became prime minister
    When I was 8 i closed all the school
    When I was 9 i had a little brother
    When i was 10 i had no sister
    so that’s what i am that’s what i be with a b with o with a with a d so it’s a hip a hop a hip hop hap i’m giving you all the broad heath (rap…rap…rap)

    1. Miss Bhangu

      This is a great effort. Well done Elham.

  13. Zahraa Y.

    I got 10/10 for maths!

  14. Hanfaa N.

    I have done my maths and my other wow.

  15. Zahraa Y.

    Zahraa Yaseen rap!
    Tik tok tik tok I’m giving all I got this is the Zahraa Yaseen rap!
    When I was 1 I learned to talk
    I was 2 I learn to walk
    When I was 3 I climbed a mountain
    When I was 4 I when to a fountain
    When I was 5 I played football
    When I was 6 I got hit by a snowball
    When I was 7 I bought a cat
    When I was 8 I was mad
    When I was 9 I made a football team
    When I was 10 I tried bubblegum ice cream.
    (And I will be doing maths I will tell you what I got for a score.

  16. Bakary C.

    When I was 3 I went to bed
    When I was 4 my friend went dead
    When I was 5 I went to go eat
    When I was 6 I cut my feet
    When I was 7 I loved cheese
    When I was 8 I wanted peas
    When I was 9 I went on a rolacoster
    When I was 10 I went on a motor voter

    1. Bakary C.

      I got 9/10 for maths

    2. Bakary C.

      When I was one I stole a car
      When I was two I was hanging on a bar

    3. Miss Bhangu

      Good effort Bakary, well done!

  17. Aisha A.

    When I was one I went in the pool,
    When I was two i was cool.
    When I was three I was free,
    When I was four I liked the number three.
    When I was five I looked,
    When I was six I read a book.
    When I was seven I lied,
    When I was eight I died.
    When I was nine i was bad,
    When I was ten I was sad.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Well done Aisha, this is a great effort.
      Nice to see how you have used the ideas we have shared in class.

  18. Abdul Y.

    I did maths and English

  19. Hasbia D.

    When I was one I became queen.

    When I was two I was very clean.

    When I was three I went to Wales.

    When I was four I grew three tails.

    When I was five I started going school.

    When I was six I was very cool.

    When I was seven I got a pet snake.

    When I was eight I swam a lake.

    When I was nine I got bit by a shark.

    When I was ten I lived in a park.

    I completed my maths homework.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      This is a fantastic effort Hasbia. Good work!

  20. Kirtan P.

    When I was 1 I went to the zoo.
    When I was 2 I went on the loo.
    When I was 3 I ate all the cake.
    When I was 4 I woke with a shake.
    When I was 5 I hurt my knee.
    When I was 6 I hit a bee.
    When I was 7 I kick a car.
    When I was 8 I broke a jar.
    When I was 9 I robbed a bank.
    When I was 10 I stole a tank.
    I did my maths.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Nice work Kirtan, good effort made.

  21. Haroon K.

    I have completed my Maths and my English.

  22. Ismael K.

    When I was 1 I went to the zoo.
    When I was 2 I went to the loo.
    When I was 3 I went mars.
    When I was 4 I went to the bars.
    When I was 5 I buyed a tank
    When I was 6 I sank
    When I was 7 I brought a fish
    When I was 8 I went to the dishes
    When I was 9 I was in a fight
    When I was 10 I went out in night
    English homework.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Good ideas Ismael. Well done!

  23. Tipian I.

    English :
    The tipian idris rap:
    You may think I’m happy
    You may think I’m sad
    You may think I’m crazy
    You may think I’m mad
    Hang on right here I’m going to tell you something that will burn your ears
    A clip ,a clop, a clip ,clock click
    When I was 1 I had two teeth
    When I was 2 my teacher became a thief
    When I was 3 I ate cake
    When I was 4 I learnt how to bake
    When I was 5 I had an accident in my bed
    When I was 6 I ate a loaf of bread
    When I was 7 I had a pet snake
    When I was 8 I realised it was fake
    When I was 9 my friend became dizzy
    When I was 10 I drank a drink that was fizzy
    That’s what I am that’s what I do with a T , with a I, a P, a I a a and a n .
    A clip , a clop a clip clock click I’m giving you all the tipian idris rap rap rap rap
    Mrs tip , mrs top ,mrs tipi and mrs me .

    Hoped you liked it

    1. Tipian I.

      I have done maths and got 10/10

  24. Tyson T.

    When I was 1 I ate from a funnel.
    When I was 2 I ran a long tunnel.
    When I was 3 I painted some art.
    When I was 4 I went in a cart.
    When I was 5 I flipped my first lever.
    When I was 6 I found a feather.
    When I was 7 I robed a bank.
    When I was 8 I did a big spank.
    When I was 9 I went to the zoo.
    When I was 10 I did a big poo.

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Good ideas Tyson. I like your poem.

  25. Seher A.

    1:I ate a fish
    2:I ate a dish
    3:I slqpped my brother
    4:I slapped my mother
    5:I climbed up the stairs
    6:I climbed up the satern
    7:I mind my business
    8:I mind me beeswax
    9:I hid in the garage
    10: I hood in the marage.

  26. Kamil N.

    When I was one I swam the English Channel
    When I was two I want to buy ice cream
    When I was three I learned how to put cream
    When I was four I saw a football team
    When I was five I saw my parents eating meat

  27. Sumaya S.

    when i was 1 i was the boss
    when i was 2 it started to cost
    when i was 3 i ate some cake
    when i was 4 i learned how to bake
    when i was 5 i was a fool
    when i was 6 i became cool
    when i was 7 i was small
    when i was 8 i became tall
    when i was 9 i wore some nappies
    when i was 10 i was happy

    1. Miss Bhangu

      Good effort Sumaya.
      Well done for having a go. Check the first two lines. Remember the last two words need to rhyme.

  28. Maryam N.

    When I was 1 I had allot of money
    When I was 2 I started buying honey
    When I was 3 I invented sugar
    When I was 4 I was a coocer
    When I was 5 I wanted a cake
    When I was 6 I vizeted the lake
    When I was 7 I robbed a bank whith my sister
    When I was 8 I became priminester
    When I was 9 I closed all the schools
    When I was 10 They made me king of the pools

  29. Isah C.

    I did my maths I got 9/10

    When I was 1 I created the couler blue
    When I was 2 I was a blue ninja
    When I was 3 I was the king
    When I was 4 I tought people how to sing
    When I was 5 I was the joker
    When I was 6 I always used to blink
    When I was 7 I was big
    When I was 8 I was a digger
    When I was 9 I was a footballer
    When I was 9 I was taller

  30. Karanbir B.

    I did the maths

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