
Week 2 in 1 Blue!

Weโ€™ve had another super week in 1 Blue! You are all settling in so well and we are so proud of you! Take a look at our pictures and videos below to see what we have been up to!

In science we learnt about sound and we thought about if it could travel through string. We discussed our predictions and then hen conducted an experiment to find out!

In our geography lessons, we have been learning about our spectacular school. We explored our outdoor area and used positional language to describe where different areas are.

We had lots of fun in our practical maths lessons. We have been learning to count on from any number and also add one more. Take a look at our video below!

We are learning all about Picasso in our art lessons, this week we used different skills to create some amazing Picasso style portraits! We are fantastic artists!

What was your favourite part of the week?

2 responses to “Week 2 in 1 Blue!”

  1. Anaya A.

    I love you

  2. Kareem A.

    Well done Kareem

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