Hi year 4,

Here is this weekโ€™s homework. Donโ€™t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. Complete a minimum of two pieces and if you have any problems, let your teacher know on Monday morning.


To recall multiplication facts 

Practise your times tables on TTRS and record your score in your homework book.   

Make sure you play for at least 10 minutes. 


To write a persuasive text. 

Write a text to persuade. You can write about deforestation or any other topic you feel is important.

Below is an example of a persuasive text.

Proposal to allow all teachers a free supply of chocolate when teaching at Broad Heath School

The purpose of this report is to discuss a proposal which has recently been made by the year 3, 4, 5 and 6 teachers to the Head Teacher of Broad Heath School, requesting that free supplies of chocolate be made readily available to all teaching staff when teaching.  All teaching and support staff are in absolute agreement that this would bring many positive benefits to the school, and we will describe these benefits here. 

Firstly, we are completely convinced that a free supply of chocolate would increase the number of happy faces both around the staff room and throughout school.  At least 90% of teaching staff enjoy eating a variety of chocolate on a regular basis.  If they were to be given this free, not only would it save them money but it would also save them going out to the shop to buy the aforementioned chocolate.  These two reasons, added with the delight that teacher would have when actually eating the chocolate, would most definitely make teachers happier and more relaxed. 

Secondly, we passionately believe that the quality of teaching would greatly improve if teachers were to be given a regular supply to Cadburys, Nestle and other assorted chocolate goodies.  Teachers would actually increase the happy chemicals in their brain as a result of eating the delicious chocolate, and therefore would be more relaxed and ready to teach their classes.  When they are sat struggling over a huge pile of books to mark, a mouthful of chocolate would wake them up and get their brains and pens working again! What parent wouldnโ€™t want their children being taught by happy, chocolate-fuelled teachers?

Finally, we are all in agreement that the pupils Broad Heath School would benefit from their teachers receiving these free supplies of chocolate.  Not only would they receive a better standard of teaching from happier staff, but they would most certainly receive less telling off!  Teachers would be so happy from eating their free chocolate, that they would never have any reasons to shout at their pupils.  In fact, even when the teachers have real reason to get upset with their class, they could simply reach into their draw and gobble down whatever delicious snack was nearby, which would most definitely make them feel better!

The staff at Broad Heath School ask you to seriously consider their proposal.  We truly believe that a free and endless supply of chocolate would lead to happier staff, happier pupils and an all-round happier school.  Surely no one can deny that an increase in chocolate within school grounds would be a wonderful thing?


To research an endangered animal from the Rainforestโ€ฏ 

Create a poster/leaflet about an endangered animal that lives in the Brazilian Rainforest.โ€ฏ 

Donโ€™t forget to read daily, practise your spellings and to play TTRS!

49 responses to “Year 4 Spring 2 Week 2 Homework”

  1. Haarun M.

    Children should have more work for education so then they can learn more the time because some act naughty

  2. Sabiha K.

    My first score:
    I’ve got 26 correct and 4 incorrect.
    My second score:
    I got 36 correct and 1 incorrect..
    My third score:
    I got 30 correct 0 incorrect.

    When you go to Brazil you would love the scenery. Brazilian people will be going to the beach to play volleyball and have fun on the velvety sand at the amazing, beautiful, Cobana Beach. If you go to Brazil you would be gazing at the phenomanal amazing Amazon for hours and hours.

    What is Brazil Famous for?
    Brazil is famous for the Amazon Rainforest and Amazon River. New 7 Wonders of the World: Christ the Redeemer. Caipirinhas. Carnival. Soccer. Impressive Architecture and UNESCO World Heritage Sites.Gorgeous Coastlines and Beaches. Colorful Cities. The Amazon rainforest and gives humans, animals and plant species 25% oxygen and carbon dioxide. Brazil is also famous for itsย stunning beaches, rainforests, and diverse cities. It is known as the country of football with world-renowned footballers such as Pelรฉ and Neymar were born there.

    What is the famous dish?
    You must try Brazil’s delicious, fantastic food. Brazil famous dish like joada or cheesy bread. This is how Brazilians say joada and cheesy bread in Portuguese: Joada is pronounced the same and cheesy bread is Cropuete de frango.

    What do you think about Brazil now?

  3. Keaton O.

    Why is football important

    The game of football is something that is very intriguing. People think that itโ€™s a only a game of star athletes there is much more to this game. Behind the scenes is where the true football players are made. Hard work, long days, and fatigue all describe what the preparation is like. However, while all of this seems so difficult the rewards that being a football player provides are priceless. Everyone is always looking out for each other and nothing can separate them. Not only do they become friends on the field, but off the field as well.
    Another one of the great rewards of football is game days. After the long, hard week of practice is over it is time for the team to see how they match up. There is nothing better than preparing to walk onto the field in front of lots of fans. The football game itself is something that every player always enjoys. One main reason players enjoy it is because if they mess up at any time, there is always an opportunity later in the game to make up for it.

  4. Khadijah M.

    Why You Should Visit Paris
    Paris is known to be the capital city of France. It is an extremely charming, delightful place. There are many things to do in Paris such as visiting landmarks, going shopping at the Avenue des Champs-ร‰lysรฉes and even having dessert at a cafe! This is why you should visit the magnificent city Paris. Continue reading to find out more breath taking facts.

    Paris has many exquisite landmarks. It is best known for the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel Tower is a very famous, fabulous landmark. If you visit Paris, you have a chance to take a look at it! You can also come see the Louvre Museum. This museum, is an art museum with vast collection. Anothor spectacular landmark is the Arc de Triomephe, which is a national monument. Come visit paris to see all these wonderful landmarks!

    Paris has many scrumptious food options to choose from. The first choice is baguettes. The second choice is onion soup. Yum! All this food sounds like heaven. They also have macarons. A pleasant pastry does not sound to shabby. You can also have a try of a croissant. That must be delicious! If you adore these food choices and would like to have a try of them, buy a ticket to Paris for you and your family and come withdraw a plane to Paris today!

  5. Myiesha S.

    Why should you visit Italy
    Italy is known for their worldwide for pizza, pasta, and gelato.
    You should visit Italy because you can go to beuatiful places like Rome,Milan,Turin,Bologna,Venice,Sanremo,Sardina and Naples.
    Italy has amazing landscape, unique coastlines, historical buildings, and a rich cultural heritage.

    Italy is a popular destination for tourists and it’s easy to see why.
    Some other countries might be beautiful to you but you should also try to go to Italy.
    It might seem boring but when you arive at Italy you feel that you never want to leave.
    The climate and the Lake Garda should be the best things in italy.

  6. Haarun M.

    Deforestation destroyed of our rainforest.โ€‹

    football rainforest was destroyed 36 size of football pitches.โ€‹
    Animals was living there only live in rainforest and if they will lose they will lose there beloved home.โ€‹
    The food is moslty found in the rainforest.โ€‹
    If someone still chopping the tree down and the animal and human will have no food to eat.โ€‹
    Food has vitamin and if we keep doing it we will have no vitamin. Carbon dioxide and air comes from the rainforest. If we keep chopping tree down we will have no carbon dioxide and air. we would not Survive will out air and carbon dioxide โ€‹.

    1. Haarun M.

      The purpose of this report is to discuss how i believe that children in schools in the uk do not get enough break time.Break time is around 15 minutes in most schools in the uk. I think it should be at least 30 minutes and I also think there should be more break times during the day.
      Firstly we know children need to have exercise and move around because they are growing and have alot of extra energy that they need to get out .If children canโ€™t get their energy out they surely wonโ€™t beable to sit still or concentrate on their class work.This will lead to getting in to trouble , not enough work done , then loosing break time .This wonโ€™t help it will make things worse. Also they will get lower grades , they will feel frustrated, stressed and sad.
      Secondly being out side makes children happy , in school it is somewhere safe they can play , run , climb, relax, and get fresh air. Some children have no gardens at home or anyone to play with , they donโ€™t get the chance to play outdoors , so school playtime is so inportant.
      I think happy children can learn better and will want to learn more because they feel good .
      Thirdly other countries have had good results in giving their students longer playtime. For example Finland gives their their students 15 minutes break every 45 minutes of class .Finland is the 8th most educated country in the world.
      . Finish children spend more time playing outside, even in the winter and homework is minimal.They realise how time outdoors is particularly important for childrenโ€™s mental health โ€“ reducing stress, giving a sense of calm and simply making them happier.This has given Finland the distinction of being the most equitable school system in the world. Its proven that by increasing time spent out of the classroom actually has the effect of creating a positive learning environment for all students.
      Maybe this is why Finland is ranked as the happiest country in the world in the latest World Happiness Report .If the uk tried this aybe children would enjoy school more , learn more , and be happier also the teachers would be happier with well behave children who want to learn.

      The purpose of this report is to discuss how i believe that children in schools in the uk do not get enough break time.Break time is around 15 minutes in most schools in the uk. I think it should be at least 30 minutes and I also think there should be more break times during the day.
      Firstly we know children need to have exercise and move around because they are growing and have alot of extra energy that they need to get out .If children canโ€™t get their energy out they surely wonโ€™t beable to sit still or concentrate on their class work.This will lead to getting in to trouble , not enough work done , then loosing break time .This wonโ€™t help it will make things worse. Also they will get lower grades , they will feel frustrated, stressed and sad.
      Secondly being out side makes children happy , in school it is somewhere safe they can play , run , climb, relax, and get fresh air. Some children have no gardens at home or anyone to play with , they donโ€™t get the chance to play outdoors , so school playtime is so inportant.
      I think happy children can learn better and will want to learn more because they feel good .
      Thirdly other countries have had good results in giving their students longer playtime. For example Finland gives their their students 15 minutes break every 45 minutes of class .Finland is the 8th most educated country in the world.
      . Finish children spend more time playing outside, even in the winter and homework is minimal.They realise how time outdoors is particularly important for childrenโ€™s mental health โ€“ reducing stress, giving a sense of calm and simply making them happier.This has given Finland the distinction of being the most equitable school system in the world. Its proven that by increasing time spent out of the classroom actually has the effect of creating a positive learning environment for all students.
      Maybe this is why Finland is ranked as the happiest country in the world in the latest World Happiness Report .If the uk tried this aybe children would enjoy school more , learn more , and be happier also the teachers would be happier with well behave children who want to learn.

      The purpose of this report is to discuss how i believe that children in schools in the uk do not get enough break time.Break time is around 15 minutes in most schools in the uk. I think it should be at least 30 minutes and I also think there should be more break times during the day.
      Firstly we know children need to have exercise and move around because they are growing and have alot of extra energy that they need to get out .If children canโ€™t get their energy out they surely wonโ€™t beable to sit still or concentrate on their class work.This will lead to getting in to trouble , not enough work done , then loosing break time .This wonโ€™t help it will make things worse. Also they will get lower grades , they will feel frustrated, stressed and sad.
      Secondly being out side makes children happy , in school it is somewhere safe they can play , run , climb, relax, and get fresh air. Some children have no gardens at home or anyone to play with , they donโ€™t get the chance to play outdoors , so school playtime is so inportant.
      I think happy children can learn better and will want to learn more because they feel good .
      Thirdly other countries have had good results in giving their students longer playtime. For example Finland gives their their students 15 minutes break every 45 minutes of class .Finland is the 8th most educated country in the world.
      . Finish children spend more time playing outside, even in the winter and homework is minimal.They realise how time outdoors is particularly important for childrenโ€™s mental health โ€“ reducing stress, giving a sense of calm and simply making them happier.This has given Finland the distinction of being the most equitable school system in the world. Its proven that by increasing time spent out of the classroom actually has the effect of creating a positive learning environment for all students.
      Maybe this is why Finland is ranked as the happiest country in the world in the latest World Happiness Report .If the uk tried this aybe children would enjoy school more , learn more , and be happier also the teachers would be happier with well behave children who want to learn.

      1. Miss Nisa

        Haarun are you sure this is all your own work ?

        Please come and see me tomorrow.

  7. Amirah T.

    On TTRS, I scored 48 correct and 2 incorrect.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Thank you Amirah, your homework has been marked. Good score in TTRS too

  8. Alzahra R.

    I did my wow homework

  9. Alzahra R.

    Deforestation destroyed of our rainforest.โ€‹
    The football rainforest was destroyed 36 size of football pitches.โ€‹
    Animals was living there only live in rainforest and if they will lose they will lose there beloved home.โ€‹
    The food is moslty found in the rainforest.โ€‹
    If someone still chopping the tree down and the animal and human will have no food to eat.โ€‹
    Food has vitamin and if we keep doing it we will have no vitamin. Carbon dioxide and air comes from the rainforest. If we keep chopping tree down we will have no carbon dioxide and air. we would not Survive will out air and carbon dioxide โ€‹.

    1. Miss Nisa

      Well done Alzahra can you provide an explanation to backup your points ?

  10. Aisha A.

    We should stop chopping down trees
    because trees produce oxygen and we
    need oxygen to breathe or we will die.
    Animals in the Rainforest will lose
    there homes . How would you feel
    If you lose your home.
    I scored 51 on TTRS and I played for 10 minutes.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      Well done Aisha! Can you provide evidence to back up your points?

  11. Mohammed D.

    Is Messi better than Mbappe ?
    Introduction :
    Messi has won 1 ballon dor at 21 years old but Mbappe has not.
    Arguement 1: Messi skilled all of real betas but Mbappe has not skilled the defenders and goalkeeper. Messi captainโ€™s Argentina but Mbappe does not captains France.

    Argument 2: Messi has won everything except the puskas award Mbappe has not.

    Therefore Messi is the goat.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      A good effort! Can you write statistics to back up your points?

  12. Sabiha K.

    My first score:
    I’ve got 26 correct and 4 incorrect.
    My second score:
    I got 36 correct and 1 incorrect..
    My third score:
    I got 30 correct 0 incorrect.

    When you go to Brazil you would love the scenery. Brazilian people will be going to the beach to play volleyball and have fun on the velvety sand at the amazing, beautiful, Cobana Beach. If you go to Brazil you would be gazing at the amazing Amazon for hours and hours.

    Brazil is popular for the Amazon rainforest and gives humans, animals and plant species 25% oxygen and carbon dioxide. Brazil is also famous for itsย stunning beaches, rainforests, and diverse cities. It is known as the country of football with world-renowned footballers such as Pelรฉ and Neymar were born there

    1. Mrs Walker

      Good girl Sabiha for trying to beat your score.

      Sabiha what is your opinion on deforestation? Please explain your answers and give reasons why.

  13. Lawan R.

    we should be allowed to have more lunch time because teachers will like it to. maybe from 45 minutes 55. and teachers will have a longer break from us.

    1. Head Teacher

      It would also give you more time to get into trouble and add to teacherโ€™s stress. Thoughts?

    2. Miss Nisa

      Hi Lawan

      Good start but can you back up your argument with more than 1 piece of evidence or explanation. Look at the examples above.

  14. Mahdi R.

    Recycle plastic in the ocean.
    Did you know that recycling in the ocean can save animals?
    If you put plastic bags in the ocean will cause animals to get trapped in plastic bin, plastic bag and plastic wrapper.

    because animals like to stay plastic in their home but cannot get out.
    sometimes people like to put plastic things in the ocean and some people don’t like to put plastic in the ocean.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      Can you back up your points with evidence?

  15. Delilah R.

    The purpose of this report is to discuss how i believe that children in schools in the uk do not get enough break time.Break time is around 15 minutes in most schools in the uk. I think it should be at least 30 minutes and I also think there should be more break times during the day.
    Firstly we know children need to have exercise and move around because they are growing and have alot of extra energy that they need to get out .If children can’t get their energy out they surely won’t beable to sit still or concentrate on their class work.This will lead to getting in to trouble , not enough work done , then loosing break time .This won’t help it will make things worse. Also they will get lower grades , they will feel frustrated, stressed and sad.
    Secondly being out side makes children happy , in school it is somewhere safe they can play , run , climb, relax, and get fresh air. Some children have no gardens at home or anyone to play with , they don’t get the chance to play outdoors , so school playtime is so inportant.
    I think happy children can learn better and will want to learn more because they feel good .
    Thirdly other countries have had good results in giving their students longer playtime. For example Finland gives their their students 15 minutes break every 45 minutes of class .Finland ย is the 8th most educated country in the world.
    . Finish children spend more time playing outside, even in theย  winter and homework is minimal.They realise how time outdoors is particularly important for childrenโ€™s mental health โ€“ reducing stress, giving a sense of calm and simply making them happier.This has given Finland the distinction of being the most equitable school system in the world. Its proven that by increasing time spent out of the classroom actually has the effect of creating a positive learning environment for all students.
    Maybe this is why Finlandย  is ranked as the happiest country in the world in the latest World Happiness Report .If the uk tried this aybe children would enjoy school more , learn more , and be happier also the teachers would be happier with well behave children who want to learn.

    1. Head Teacher

      Love it and yes you make a good point. Does having more playtimes lead to more problems as this is when the majority of poor behaviour occurs in schools?

    2. Miss Nisa

      Excellent explanation Delilah!

      How often do you think we should have break time during the day and how will that help you ?

  16. Mohammed E.

    Title:Messi is better than Ronaldo

    As if you know there is a rivalry Messi vs Ronaldo.
    Both have won many awards and played for big
    clubs like Messi played for Catalonian club

    Argument 1:
    Messi has won the most ballanโ€™dors (7 ballanโ€™dors)he also skilled up the whole real
    Betis team like Maradona did to England in 1986
    .15% of
    his goals are international goals for Argentina.
    Even though he had scored more than ten amazing goals he hasnโ€™t won a puscas award yet
    so fifa is corrupt.

    Argument 2:
    Messi has won the World Cup last year ,but Ronny has never won it. Messi has seven Ballan
    Dors Cristiano has five.Messi got five champions
    Leagues and Ronaldo has five.Messi has 4golden
    boot and Ronaldo has 4 golden boot

    1. Head Teacher

      Who will be remembered long after they have retired by the majority of the population?

  17. Mohammed E.

    I scored 96 on gig

    1. Mrs Walker

      Mohammed how did I know you would talk about football. ๐Ÿ˜€ can you tell me what language they speak in Brazil?

  18. Zahra N.

    I played TTRS for 10 minutes and 13 seconds.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      Well done Zahra!

  19. Amina H.

    I got 33 correct and 0 incorrect .
    Deforestation is the destroyed of our rainforest.
    The rainforest is being destroyed an size of our football pitch.
    Animal living there only lives in the rainforest and if we destroyed they will losses there beloved home. Some animals are almost to be extinct.
    The food is mostly found in the rainforest. If we keep chopping tree down the animals and humans will have no food. Food has vitamin and if we keep doing it we will have no vitamin. Carbon dioxide and air comes from the rainforest. If we keep chopping tree down we will have no carbon dioxide and air.we would not Survive will out air and carbon dioxide.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      Some excellent points Amina!

  20. Ramandeep K.

    I have completed my home work. On TTRS i scored 91 in one minute and i will bring my poster in on monday

    1. Mrs Walker

      Thank you Ramandeep your homework has been marked. Your wow work is great. You have given some great arguments for against deforestation.

  21. Mahdi R.

    I played titiares 11 minutes and 23 seconds.

    1. Mrs Sanders

      Well done Mahdi!

  22. Anaya R.

    I also got 98 in 3 minutes.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Good score Anaya and thank you for bringing your poster into school. You could have added some pictures to make your poster to look more bright and vibrant.

  23. Alinna A.

    I have played ttrs for at least ten minutes and I scored 19.
    And I did the wow homework.

    1. Mrs Walker

      Good girl Aksa, make sure that you go back and keep trying to beat your score.

  24. Anaya R.

    I scored 30% in 1 minute on TTRS.

  25. Arhan Sarkar

    I have done TTRS for 43 minutes (My Highest score was 1557)

  26. Osas O.

    I have done TTRS for ten minutes and my highest score was 237 ( in 3 minutes)

    1. Mrs Sanders

      Well done Osas!

  27. Ammar W.

    recycle plastic.
    do you ever wonder what happens if we put plastic in water?

    if we trohe plastic in waterit will cause plisone. but more impotntli the fish that we eat.
    Puting plastic bags in water is vere bad because plastic bags look like jellifishis.
    And plastic s bad for ther helth wich is vere bad.

    IF plioson contnuse we will have no fish if plowson continuse.

    You can risiycl,trow awau plastic

    1. Mrs Walker

      Ammar you have made some really good point to your argument. How would you try and reduce plastic?

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