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We are looking for Junior Librarians!

9 responses to “We are looking for Junior Librarians!”

  1. Ameen K.

    I’ll bring it in tomorrow.

  2. Elham S.

    i’m looking forward to see who’s going to be a junior librairian

  3. Bakary C.

    I have got a letter I will bring it to you at lunch or break

  4. Mohammed I.

    I’ll bring it in tomorrow.

  5. Markuss B.

    Ok i will bring the letter tomorrow.

  6. Inayha H.

    Ok I will bring a letter tomorrow.

  7. Sania K.

    I already sent you letter I hope I get chosen.

  8. Kanishka P.

    Can I sign up for the junior libaries

  9. Bakary C.

    Please may I sign up for junior libraries

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