Voting- part of democracy

Yesterday the council elections took place and peaople voted for their preferred candidate. Today we are having a vote.

Do you think SATS are good/bad ? Yes/No

Should SATS be abolished? Yes/No

Do SATS confirm what you learn in schools? Yes /No

125 responses to “Voting- part of democracy”

  1. Safiyah P.

    Do you think SATS are good/bad ?
    I think the SATS are good because you get to challenge your brain.

    Should the SATS be abolished?
    I think the SATS shouldn’t be abolished because then how will the teachers decide what group to put you in.

    Do SATS confirm what you learn in school?
    Yes because it will decide if you are GD or not or if you are in any other group.

  2. Osato O.

    Do you think SATS are good/bad ?
    I think S.A.T.S are good because they test up you on your knowledge of school so far.

    I think SATS shouldn’t be abolished because if we have no SATS then our future teachers won’t know what we need to work on ,what they are good at and what they are struggling at .

    SATS do confirm what you do in school because it’s about spellings , reading , reading , maths and English which are the main things you learn in school .

  3. Safa M.

    I think SATS are good because if u go into secondary school and they teach really hard lessons some of the people might not know what to do.
    I think SATS do confirm what you have learnt in school because if you learn stuff like in the middle of year 6 it can be in your exam papers so they understand what you know

  4. Toleen S.


    1. Toleen S.

      Sats is good because you learn and that’s what we do at broadheath.

      1. Toleen S.


  5. Khadijah M.

    I think SATS are good because SATS are a VERY important test. I think SATS shouldn’t be abolished for year 6’s, but they should be abolished for year 2’s because they are much younger than year 6. I think SATS don’t because SATS are just an important test that you need for secondary school.

  6. Aaminah A.

    Do you think SATS are good/bad ? Yes/No
    I think SATS are good.
    Should SATS be abolished? Yes/No
    Do SATS confirm what you learn in schools? Yes /No
    I’m not sure but I think they do.

  7. Ravi P.

    learning is good for you to learn different stuff so you can know them and helps with every subject and Maths is my faviroute subject

  8. Zaynab M.

    Aaron:I think SATs are good because they will get prepared for secondary school.
    Anaya:I think SATs shouldn’t be abolished because you will remember all your learning.

  9. Miss Redhead

    Overall 3 White think that SATs add a lot of pressure to children and stress. Children understand that education is important and exams are part of this, however they feel year 6 is a bit young to be put under so much pressure as their brains are still growing and developing. Exams at secondary school are more appropriate as children are more secure with learning. SATs are not fun children learn more when they have fun. Most of 3 White would vote to get rid of SATs. Or if they want to know our knowledge we should be able to do exams verbally as writing adds pressure to those who find it hard.

  10. Hamsia D.

    I think SATS are good because the teachers can see if they have learnt enough.
    I think SATS shouldn’t be abolished because they can learn new stuff.
    I think that SATS do confirm stuff that we have learnt in school.

    From: Hamsia and Maryam

  11. Alinna A.

    SATS are good because it helps you learn when you are in secondary school.
    SATS shouldn’t be abolished because when u are in secondary school you wouldn’t know much.
    SATS do confirm what we learn in school because there are different subjects to learn ,you have to gain and you have to push yourself.
    Aksa and Zoe

  12. Amirah T.

    Amirah – I think SATS are good because people can learn new things.
    Meena – i think SATS are good because it’s good for another test.

    Amirah- I think SATS shouldn’t be abolished because you will be ready for upper keystage.
    Meena – I think SATS shouldn’t be abolished because then if your in secondary school you won’t know the answers to the next test.

    Amirah- I think SATS don’t confirm that much of what we have learnt. I think this because it may not have all of our recent subjects.
    Meena – I think SATS don’t confirm what we have learnt in school because it might be a maths test and no other subjects.

    From Amirah and Meena.

  13. Arfa S.

    I think sats is good because the teachers know if you can go to a nother year.It should not be abolished because it is good for the kids.
    A little bit because you are still learning from your mistakes.👍

  14. Harrison S.

    I think Sats are good because you get to learn and make progress.
    I think Sats shouldn’t be abolished because if there were no Sats you would not learn.
    I think that Sats do confirm what we have learned in school.

    From Adam and Harrison.

  15. Ramandeep K.

    I think sats are good because they help us with our learning.
    I think sats shouldn’t be abolished because it is a important test that prepares you for secondary school.
    I think sats do confirm we have learned in the years.

  16. Sabiha K.

    Yes SATS are good 👍 because it will tell your teachers 👩‍🏫 if you are ready to gratuateand go secondary school 🏫.
    I think 🧐 STATS shouldn’t be abolished because you will not go through your work and life.
    I think 🧐 STAS do confirm what what we have learnt in school 🏫.
    Sabiha, Ahmad and Shayla.

  17. Keaton O.

    I think sats are good because they helping with your learning
    I think sats shouldn’t be abolished because they are important
    I think that sats do conform what we have learnt in school

  18. Mohammed K.

    Sats are good because it helps you with your learning.
    You should not get rid of sats because it sees if you know what to do.
    Zayd and Daniel

  19. Miss Holland

    3 Red had mixed opinions on whether SATS are good or bad. Most of us agreed on good, because sometimes SATS can show your progress and how much they’ve learnt.
    Aryan shared his views saying SATS for year 2’s are bad, because they are very scary and overwhelming and this might put them off other tests in the future.
    The majority of the class believe SATS for year 6 should remain, however for Year 2’s they should be abolished.
    The children do not think SATS showcase ALL of the knowledge learnt in schools, only some of it. The rest of the children’s knowledge is in our books, our school displays and in our lovely brains!
    3 Red discussed how we all learn in different ways, some people are better at writing, whereas others might be better at speaking or practical work.

  20. Miss Ostick

    1 Red think SAT’s are good, Zenat ” it is a way to learn”
    Aesha thinks its a good way to see your progress!
    Iqra thinks its good to see how much people know

    1 Red thinks they should not be abolished

  21. Mrs Latham

    As a class, we discussed the importance of voting and what the council elections are all about.
    Are SATS good? Yes (24) No (5)
    Should SATs be abolished? Yes (2) No (27)
    Do SATs confirm what you have learnt in school? Yes (28) No (1)

    – 4 Blue

  22. Saffa M.

    SATs is good because it sees how good you are and sees what you have learnt over the years
    SAT should not be abolished because It help the people get better at stuff and helps them get ready for year 7

  23. Arifa H.

    I think seats are good
    No it shouldn’t be abolished
    Yes and if you get a mistake you can learn what you did so you can learn

  24. Mohammed E.

    1. Sats are good 👍 because we need the right learning to get in the new
    school like in year 6 in there sats exam for them to go to secondary school 🏫.
    2.Sats have to be astabolisht so schools 🏫 people can improve there red stamp.

  25. Ahmed B.

    Sats are good so teachers know that your proggresing

  26. Afsana K.

    I do not think that SATS are bad because it is just a test on everything we have learned and it decides which set we go to in secondary.
    SATS should not be abolished because if there were no more SATS, we would not know which set are in and the teachers would decide and they don’t if we know how to do something or not.
    No they do not because people can get stressed and nervous and they might not do good but in reality, they know how to do this.

  27. Saira S.

    I don’t think SATS are a bad thing because it tests children about the things they have learnt throughout the years of primary school.

    1. Saira S.

      I don’t think SATS should be abolished because it is a test which tests you on the things which you have learnt before. SATS are only testing you on the things you learnt in school.

  28. Ayomide O.


  29. Inaaya S.

    Do you think sats is good
    Yes I agree because is good for education
    Should sats be abolished
    Yes I think so
    Do sats confirm what you learn for schools
    Yes because if you not go the secondary school

  30. Mrs Morris

    I like this question, Mrs Frankish, I will be interested to read the children’s opinions.

    Coventry only had a turnout of 28.48% last night. So, children, it’s important you learn to vote from a young age and understand how important your vote is.

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