As we have just discussed, the most unusual object appeared in the sky above Broad Heath yesterday!

What is a UFO?

What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?

How do you feel having seen this?

What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?

45 responses to “UFO Sighting – Year 5”

  1. Seher A.

    What is a UFO?
    It’s an unidentified flying object.

  2. Xlexben F.

    What is a ufo
    a mysterious object seen in the sky for which it is claimed no orthodox scientific explanation can be found, often supposed to be a vehicle carrying extraterrestrials.

  3. Mohammed S.

    What is a UFO?
    UFO stands for Unidentified Flying Object.
    What might be inside the UFO that is above BH?
    I think aliens might be in the UFO that is above BH.
    How do you feel having seen this?
    I felt a little scared when I first saw this footage.

  4. Mohammed W.

    What is a UFO?
    A UFO is a unidentified flying object.
    What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?
    Inside the UFO 🛸 there might of been aliens or robots or even humans, there might of been a mystical creature inside UFO.
    How do you feel having seen this?
    I feel shocked and surprised because if there was a UFO 🛸 in Coventry why would it be after the school.

  5. Maryam N.

    What is a ufo 🛸 ?
    It is a unidentified flying object
    What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?
    There might be aliens in the UFO🛸👽
    How do you feel having seen this?
    I fell, curious because there might be no aliens in it👽
    hat might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?
    They might fell concerned and scared !👽🛸👽🛸

  6. Adam J.

    1. I think inside the ufo is maybe aliens but not sure probely a alien sighting .
    2.I am not scared of this because if it was alien sighting it would of gone to space and probably stole some stuff for there ship.
    3. Since a ufo stands for unidentifed flying object which people want to find out what is inside it.

  7. Miski M.

    What is a UFO?
    A UFO is an unidentified flying object.
    What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?
    Alien who want to invade our school.
    How do you feel having seen this?
    Shocked and surprised to see a UFO above the school.
    What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?
    A reporter would want to see what inside and who’s inside.

  8. Mohammed I.

    I felt really sad 😔 and scared at the same time.😱

  9. Minaal A.

    What is a UFO?
    A UFO is a type of alien spaceship airplane.

    What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?
    I think people and aliens are in the ship.

    How do you feel having seen this
    I feel scared really scared also thinking why it would of been on our school

    What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?
    What time it happened what day it happened and who was in the space ship also they would want to know how big the space ship was.

    – Minaal and Meharunisa

  10. Aisha A.

    How do you feel having seen this?
    Aisha- I felt very emotional and shocked that came to our school.
    Aro- I felt shocked and very scared
    What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?
    They would like to probably want to find out who done this and who recorded it. They also would might want to find out why did they go to this school.
    What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?
    It might be a person inside it or a robot either way.
    What is a UFO?
    A UFO is something which is light and can move and also makes the sky ash and different colour.
    -Aisha and Aro

  11. Ghazala H.

    Jensen and Ghazala
    What is UFO?
    A ufo is an unidentified flying object.
    What might be inside the ufo seen above BH?
    It could be an alien in the ship.
    How do you feel having seen this? Feel scared
    What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?they would like to find out about alien ship.

  12. Retaj I.

    What is a UFO?
    a UFO is something strange thing that flys in the sky and it comes from aliens.
    What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?
    There might be a hidden alien inside it.
    How do you feel having seen this?
    I feel frightened and terrified of it.
    What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?
    They might want to find out if there is a alien hiding inside the UFO

    By Aran,Retaj and Umar

  13. Ismael K.

    1.a ufo is a unidentified flying object with Alien in there. the ufo there are bomb rockets coming out of it.
    3.if I saw this I would be frightened.
    4.if I reporter saw this they would say where did it come from, what does it do, what was inside, who took the video.
    Tyson and Ismael.

  14. Sanad S.

    What is a UFO?
    A UFO is a plane that we believe Aliens control
    What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?
    It might be an alien
    How do you feel having seen this?
    I feel scared and worried
    What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?
    We’re it came from why? Is it here is it going ? to wipe out the uk?

    1. Sanad S.

      By saffa and sanad

  15. Sumaya S.

    A ufo is something alians travel in
    There could be alians in it sucking out all the learning
    I feel scared and I feel like it will happen again
    An newspaper reporter would say lot,s of questions and how it happened

  16. Muhammad R.

    What is a UFO?
    A ufo is like an alien spaceship
    What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?
    Aliens,technology and smaller space ships
    How do you feel having seen this?
    I feel very happy because I really want to see a green alien
    What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?
    Where did it come from? Why did it come to broad heath? What is living inside of it?what time did it happen?where did they record it from?

    1. Muhammad R.

      Jamaal and kirtan

  17. Elham S.

    Will it destroy England .? Will it kill us all?
    Elham and Romeesa

  18. Ali A.

    A UFO is a unidentified flying object that is terrifying when seen.
    Inside the ufo might be an alien or a scientist trying out a new thing.
    I would feel very scared if I saw this as it has never come on Earth.
    A reporter would find out where it came from and does it have any life.
    Ali And Rayyana.

  19. Khadija A.

    What is a UFO?
    It’s a ship in the Skye that people that see it.

    What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?
    It might be aliens in there.

    How do you feel having seen this?
    Scared and upset .

    What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?
    A lot of question and be scared .

  20. Abdullah K.

    It is a vechile that fly in the sky
    I think it is an astrounauts inside
    I feel normal
    How did it come and why

  21. Yaseen E.

    What is a UFO?
    It’s a ship in the sky that people believe there are aliens inside.
    What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?
    It might of been a alien in the UFO
    How do you feel having seen this?
    Scared from the flying ship.
    What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?
    He would write were they saw it

    By Yaseen and Haroon

    1. Yaseen E.

      What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?
      He would ask why it came to earth.

  22. Bakary C.

    Unidentified flying object (UFO), also called flying saucer, any aerial object or optical phenomenon not readily identifiable to the observer. UFOs became a major subject of interest following the development of rocketry after World War II and were thought by some researchers to be intelligent extraterrestrial life visiting Earth.

    There would be aliens in the ufo because the would come to ubducted someone.

    I feel happy that there was a ufo so I could study it.

    The would report it and sent it on the news.

    1. Bakary C.

      A reporter would write that this is fascinating but it is scary and it could possibly abducted you

  23. Sania K.

    What is a UFO ?
    A UFO is a alien space ship.
    What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?
    There might be aliens inside the UFO
    How do you feel having seen this?
    I feel mysterious because I don’t know what’s inside of the UFO .
    What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?
    They would like to find out what was actually in the UFO and would like to know how it all happened

  24. Hasbia D.

    What is a UFO?
    A UFO is an unidentified floating object.
    What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?
    There might be aliens in the UFO or there might be nothing in the UFO. Also there might be monsters in the UFO.
    How do you feel having seen this?
    I feel normal having seen the UFO.
    What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?
    The reporter might want to know when this happened, who saw the UFO and some evidence.

  25. Elham S.

    A UFO is a type of alien ship.
    There might be some aliens in the space ship.
    We feel frightened of the ufo.
    If reported would be frightening at the uf.

    Elham and Romeesa.

  26. Eman A.

    What is a UFO?
    a mysterious object seen in the sky for which it is claimed no orthodox scientific explanation can be found, often supposed to be a vehicle carrying extraterrestrials.

    What might be inside the UFO seen above BH?
    We think there is a space ship and aliens inside.

    How do you feel having seen this?
    Surprised because we’ve never seen a UFO.

    What might a reporter want to find out if they were to write about this?
    They would want to find out where when why a UFO had came to our school.

    1. Eman A.

      By Umama and Eman

  27. Ahmed B.

    A ufo stands for unknown flying object
    There might be aliens in it
    I feel unsafe
    They might be trying to catch it and see inside

  28. Ebenezer O.

    A ufo is an alien space ship.
    The ufo might have seen the playground the Muga the all weather pitch and the some of the classes

  29. Yahya S.

    A ufo is a mysterious object seen in the sky.
    A ufo above broadheath could contain aliens and random items

  30. Hanfaa N.

    A UFO is a space vehicle that aliens arrive in.
    A alien.
    Why are they here and what do they want!

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