Today we explored the effects of tsunamis on communities and livelihoods.

Imagine that you work for a charity that is creating aid parcels to send to people who have been effected in a tsunami.

You can only send 5 items per household. Which 5 things would you choose to send – you will need to justify your answers.

49 responses to “Tsunami Aid Packages”

  1. Bijan

    First I would bring some medical supplies for there injuries
    Next I would give a swimming suit so they don’t drown to death
    Thirdly I would give them food and drink to not starve or die by thirsts
    Then I would give a powerful flashlight to see in the dark just in case
    Lastly give a sharp weapon that you can cut just for if your stuck

  2. Afsana K.

    I would send:
    *Food so they don’t starve to their death.
    *Water so they die of thirst and not have to drink dirty water.
    *First aid kit to take care of any injuries.
    *Solar powered torch to see in the dark.
    * Clothes and blanket to keep them warm.

  3. Bilawal C.

    I would give them food and water,
    First aid kit,
    Sleeping bag to sleep
    And I would send phone with radar because ther don’t have wifi

  4. Aisha B.

    Firstly I would send some water that they can drink.
    Secondly, some food so they won’t starve.
    Thirdly, a first Aid kit because they might be hurt and need medical support.
    Next, some money so if they need to buy something that is essential.
    Lastly, some close that they can where if cold or wet.

  5. Zaid M.

    Firstly, I would send a first aid kit as it’s important to take care of injuries as soon as possible.
    I would also send a portable tent for some type of shelter and for warmth.
    I would send food supplies that are healthy so they don’t starve.
    A pocket knife just in case you are trapped in some kind of debris.
    Also, one of the most important things I would give would be a flare gun just in case a rescue heli flies over but doesn’t see you.

  6. Aleena M.

    Things I would give:
    1. Food so they don’t starve to death.
    2. Flashlight so they can see in the dark if the lights went out.
    3. Long lasting batteries fo the flashlight.
    4. A first – aid kit to heal the injured.
    5. Clean water to drink.

  7. Yousuf I.

    1. Water (one gallon per person per day for several days, for drinking and sanitation)

    2. Food (at least a three-day supply of non-perishable food)

    3. Battery-powered or hand-crank radio and an NOAA(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) Weather Radio with tone alert.

    4. Flashlight.

    5. First aid kit.

  8. Sabah S.

    To start with I would give:
    A first aid kit (which is suitable for any injuries of some sort)
    Secondly, I would provide, food & water as they are essential so they do not starve.
    Next I would send, a torch, this will be used for guidance in the darkness.
    Then, I would give, some clothes so that they do not get cold when the tsunami hits.
    Finally, I would provide, a map of area showing where to go and perhaps they could all agree on what to do when they arrive at the safe destination.

  9. Aayan S.

    1st item: Water as they don’t have clean water.
    2nd item: Healthy food supplies to survive.
    3rd item: Medical aid to cure the injured.
    4th item: Shelter for the homeless.
    5th item: Builders to make more drains in the country.

    1. Aayan S.

      Anyang and saira

  10. Leyad R.

    First aid for injury’s
    Tents to last a while
    Portable lights invade it gets dark
    Money to give to builders
    Crops so if they find farm land they can get food(but with farm equipment)

  11. Harroop S.

    To prevent the lethal effects of a tsunami I will send a first aid kit, this will help heal severe injuries.
    My second item will be a life jacket so people will not drown in shallow waters.
    The third life saving object I will send is a life boat so people can find land.

    The fourth object I will send is a communication device so you can communicate with people.
    The final object I will send is food and water so people don’t die of hunger

  12. Xavier M.

    I would give them lots of water and good food supplies which could last them a couple weeks and a shelter to stay in so they would not have to be homeless or cold as well I would give them a umbrella in case there’s a flood or rain.

  13. Ravi J.

    To prevent lives being lost, my first item I would send a life jacket to be able to float on water.
    My second item I would pack is food and water. This is because people will not starve.
    My third item i have chosen is a first aid kit to prevent injuries.
    We have decided to pack board game to entertain people durning the tsunami.
    My final item is a communication devise because we can contact those who have been effected by the tsunami.

    Ariana and Ravi

  14. Saffiyah K.

    First-aid-kit,food and water,shelter,clothes

  15. Rasan M.

    I would send them:
    Water because all the different types of waters around them have been mixed which can be bad for the body due to diseases spreading in them.
    Food because most the food and farm land would have been destroyed which means there isn’t much left for them to live on.
    A source of light as they won’t have much light in the night because of everything being destroyed around them.
    Clothes because their clothes would be ripped and some may be destroyed through the waves.
    Bandages because they would have either gotten hurt or may have broken bones.

  16. Timothy C.

    The items that I would send are:
    A flashlight because there would be no light during an tsunami.
    A first aid kit because someone could get injured or seriously injured.
    A portable, battery-powered radio or television and extra batteries this is so they can hear the news and see if the tsunami has stopped or if there is another tsunami.
    Water to drink.
    Some food to not starve to death.

  17. Shabaz A.

    If I could send five things to somewhere where they have had a tsunami.
    The first thing that I would send would’ve been a first aid kit for those who have been severely injured and wounded.

    Next, I would send some essential food and water supplies. This is because people may be extremely ravenous to eat.

    Furthermore, some warm and dry clothes to keep each or the people that have been hurt can stay dry and warm.

    Additionally, I would give them some flares and torch for signalling and calling for help.

    Finally, I would pack some water-proof satellite communication phone so they can call anyone they want to call.

  18. Danyaal H.

    Aid Parcels
    1. A first aid kit.
    2. Food and drink.
    3. Flashlight and a flare (to show your location).
    4. Life guard jackets.
    5. Sanitation for wounds or for your health.

  19. Ellie T.

    l would send them water to keep them hydrated .
    l would send them clothes that are water proof so they keep dry .
    l would send them food incase they are hungry .
    l would send big torch so when it dark the light can see them .

  20. Yalda N.

    1. I would send a first-aid kit in case of any injuries.🤕
    2. Also I would send some money for mor materials for houses that were destroyed. 💴
    3. Next I would send food and water to keep them alive.🍜
    4. I would also (if I can) send shelter for the people who survive.🤒
    5. Lastly I would send pain killers and remedies to reduce the pain.

  21. Yahya K.

    1. I would send a water and food to nurish them
    2.flare and whistle for signaling for help
    3. Torch for if it gets dark
    4.water proof clothes
    5. Satellite phone to ring for help

  22. Umaiza T.

    I would send:

    A first aid kit- this is beneficial for injuries.
    A way of cleanliness- If people get injured, the water from the tsunami can also flood in the sewers (and sewers are not very clean).Hand sanitiser would be nice.
    Some food and drinks- Enough food and drinks can help you until you find help.
    Clothes- After a tsunami strikes, your clothes would be wet, keeping some clothes incase for disasters like this would be suitable (just make sure there’re comfortable and suitable to wear).
    Lastly, I would send a..

    Torch – Torches are great for when the electricity collides with the water as it causes the electricity to go out, torches can be used like candles but with more light.

  23. Ouzair A.

    I would send
    a first aid kit.
    life jacket which makes you float better.
    when they get on a bit of land I would maybe give them a communication device.
    Actually, I would send may be something that they could clean their selves with like clean water sanitizer or just something they could cover their selves with.
    I would definitely send some nutritious food because if they are in a Tsunami they are going to have to eat something it doesn’t have to be healthy but it would be better if it was healthy.

    1. Mr Inman

      Yes, healthy food would be important. Not only this but food that doesn’t need to be refrigerated and doesn’t go bad very quickly. Rice and pasta can be useful as they are high in energy, relatively simple to prepare and cheap.

  24. Ridwan U.

    I would send a box of food and water, this is so whilst finding a place to stay they can survive.
    Also I would send a first-aid-kit so that the injured of the occurrence gets help.
    Next i would send any type of hygiene item, such as sanitizing, tissues (etc.)
    I would also send a sleeping bag.
    And lastly I would send communication device incase the first aid doesnt help much.

    1. Mr Inman

      Excellent suggestions Ridwan, First aid is indeed important but so are medical supplies. For instance, someone with diabetes may need insulin to survive and if medical supplies are destroyed or damaged, countries may rely on neighbouring countries sending some of their supplies to help.

  25. Safya S.

    I would send a
    First aid kit in case we get hurt
    Good and drink so we don’t eat infected good and drinks like water
    Warm clothes to stay in
    Maybe a blanket in case the clothes get wet
    And last but definitely not least a torch for when it gets dark and there is no electricity

    1. Mr Inman

      Thank you Safya. Some organisations will have emergency generators and providing they aren’t damaged within the disaster, they can be used to power important buildings like hospitals, shelters and schools. I wonder if we have one in school as a backup in case electricity is cut?

  26. Hajrah S.

    I would send:
    A first aid kit (just in case you got hurt).
    A sleeping bag to sleep in .
    Food and drinks so people don’t starve to death.
    Clothes to keep clean and hygienic.
    Also a life jacket incase there happens to be another one.

    1. Mr Inman

      Your suggestions and justifications sound excellent. I hope that the poor people of Tongo are have access to these life saving things.

  27. Zain A.

    life jackets just in case water gets out of hand.
    walkie talkies so you can communicate and get through it together.
    first aid kit for any injuries.
    Non-perishable food. Power will most likely be knocked out in the event. also with the food 1 gallon of water per person each day.
    finally a pocket knife this could help cut ropes open food and more

    1. Mr Inman

      Some fantastic suggestions and justifications. The life jackets are an excellent idea.
      I wonder if you could deliver water purifiers so that people could sanitise their own water…

      1. Zain A.

        yes but There are no portable survival filters that handle salt water.

        1. Mr Inman

          No. Although there are some under development and there China has just developed a non portable one (although it would be astronomically expensive). There are these straws that kill bacteria as you drink the water, they don’t work on salt water but there may be a source of fresh nut unsanitary water – although I’m not sure how good they’d be when water has been contaminated with raw sewage.

  28. Abdullah A.

    I would send a torch, a mattress and a pillow, some food, a phone and a umbrella

    1. Mr Inman

      Some great ideas here. A mattress is lovely, but they’re also heavy and bulky. It may be difficult to transport thousands of mattresses in helicopters to use as emergency aid.

  29. Qasim K.

    I would of send a sleeping bags, and some foods, warm clothes, and first aid kit, a flash light for night time, waterproof case if it’s raining…

    1. Mr Inman

      Some excellent suggestions, the torch is really sensible and one that I wouldn’t have thought of if you hadn’t mentioned it.
      Did you know, most wealthy countries have a ‘foreign aid budget’ to help other countries when this sort of thing happens. Sending aid to a country in turmoil is not cheap.

  30. Hamaad D.

    A first aid kit- Tsunamis can cause great destruction,and it is difficult for medical support to reach you quick enough.
    A communication device- It is very likely for a tsunami wave to hit after the first wave,so staying on alert could bring help sooner.
    A stash of food and drink- Tsunamis can contaminate rivers and water to drink,and nutritious food can diminish. Keeping a good storage could keep you going until helps is found.
    A form of sanitation- Water from the tsunami can flood sewers,causing the filth to flow around in the flood. Hand sanitizer,soap or wipes could be beneficial.
    Suitable/comfortable clothes- If you do get stuck ,you need to be wearing a protective type of outfit so you do not get injured or wounded.

    1. Mr Inman

      These suggestions are suitable, relevant and justified. You’re absolutely correct about the aftermath and often this can be as devastating as the disaster itself. I agree on the fresh drinking water, it’s something that we take for granted but when the water system get polluted, it’s actually really hard to access fresh water.

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