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Today 13th November 2021 Celebrating KINDNESS DAY…

Can you tell me what you have done that is kind or could do that this can be at home or school.

Looking forward to reading your comments…

15 responses to “Today 13th November 2021 Celebrating KINDNESS DAY…”

  1. Evie T.

    Evie says I love my mummys cooking and thanked her for a lovely yummy dinner

  2. Mrs J Patel

    I have enjoyed reading your comments showing your kindness fir this special day. Thank you all.

  3. Shayan S.

    I help the kids at class in work and at home i listen to my Mum and Dad in different things.I also spend good time with my friends.I feel so good.

  4. Yusuf A.

    Yusuf has been extra kind to his sister this week and showed a lot of love.

  5. Aiyla S.

    I helped my Nanny with cleaning
    and i help my mummy with sorting the clothes out

  6. Huzaifah J.

    I gave my old toys to charity so other kids can play with them

    1. Mrs J Patel

      Huzaifah how lovely giving toys to charity. That is bring really kind .

  7. Latifa A.

    I said ‘good morning’ to my sister and I helped my mum clean up.

  8. Freya S.

    I help my mum put shopping in the trolley and help my mummy put it away at home .

    I always tell my sisters they are pretty .

    I always share my food .

  9. Mrs A Patel

    I like to say thank you to everyone for being kind, thoughtful. and friendly.

  10. Mrs J Patel

    Well done you are all showing kindness by sharing,helping and appreciating your teachers well done.

  11. Anu K.

    I drew a picture for Simran and Shivani to say thank you for helping me do my homework . I think this is being kind because they help me .

  12. Maryum N.

    Thank you to my teachers at school.

  13. Maryum N.

    I helped my mum put the table and take the clothes off.

    I said thank you to my mum for my food.

  14. Bilal U.

    Bilal says I did sharing with Natan. I played a rocket game with him.

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