Times Table Olympics in 3 Blue

Another impressive round in the times table Olympics with 7 children moving up the leaderboards, well done. The race for the top spot is getting more tense as the weeks go on. Who will be the first ever 3 Blue Olympic winner?

How could you get quicker at your times tables?

Answer the following:

8 squared=

24 divided by 3=

4 X _ = 28

4 squared=

_ X 3 = 27

9 responses to “Times Table Olympics in 3 Blue”

  1. Zaynab M.

    8 squared = 64
    24 / 3 =8
    4 times 7 = 28
    4 times 4 = 16
    9 times 3 = 27

  2. Ramandeep K.

    8 squared= 64
    24 divided by 3= 8
    4 X 7 = 28
    4 squared= 16
    9 X 3 = 27

  3. Meena B.

    I mean we can beat them if we have time to get to the Olympics.

  4. Meena B.

    Um we can beat them if they don’t do it just in time for the Olympics. We all need to get to Olympic all you can do is practise it’s a really important word practise practise practise PRACTISE!!!!!!

  5. Alima S.

    8 squared =64.
    24 divided by 3 =8.
    4 x 7 =28.
    4 squared =16.
    9 x 3 =27.
    Good job everyone lets beat Zayd and Said.👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏✨✨✨🤩🤩👍😃🎉🎉🎉✨✨👏👏👏👏.

  6. Harrison S.

    8 squared is 64.
    24 divided by 3 is 8.
    4 squared is 16.

  7. Alinna A.

    Well done all of you have done so good 👍🏻👏🏻

  8. Meena B.

    Well done for everyone that moved up well done to everyone because we all tried that’s the only thing we need and it’s okay if you have low or high scores because it matters if you try and give it a go.You keep trying till you get it right that’s what I do.

  9. Meena B.

    8 times 8 =64.
    24 divided by 3= 8.
    4 times 7 = 28.
    4 times 4 =16.
    9 times 3= 27.

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