This is me

Short Quiz this week for you all.

What is the school’s mission statement? (Ie what do we expect you achieve in every lesson?)

List  3 school values and give an example for each?

How many behaviour rules do we have?

What happens every Friday with Graham and Mrs Rullay?

Teamwork is important- what does the class need to fill in to get an award?  Can you tell me the rewards you would like?

154 responses to “This is me”

  1. Yedullah S.

    1. Our mission statement is to gain
    2.Resilience is to not give up,Honesty means be honest and Communication means to talk with others
    3.We have 5 behaviour rules
    4.Citizen Of The Week happens
    5.You need to Win the brick wall.

  2. Kai D.

    Our mission statement is to gain
    Communication is where you talk to your partner or your table or other broad heath citizens, respect means where you treat people how you want to be treated, honesty always speak the truth
    We have 5 school rules
    Miss chooses the ciziten of the week
    We have to fill the brick wall I would like to go to the trampoline park/ new red kangaroo

  3. Sana N.

    1. Our school’s mission statement is To Gained
    2. Honesty is to always speaking the truth,Kindness is giving and thinking of others,Teamwork working and using each other’s skills
    3. there are 5 behaviour rules
    4.there are 5school rules
    5. Someone gets chosen for citizen of the week

  4. Safah D.

    1. What is the school’s mission statement? To gain
    2. In every lesson we gain knowledge
    3.Reslince-never give up
    Individuality-we are all different
    Teamwork-we all work in a team
    4.5 rules
    5.The give out certificates
    6.the class needs to work as a team a to fill the brick wall

  5. Abdulasiis M.

    The schools mission statement is to gain a green stamp.

  6. Abdurrahman K.

    1 In every lesson we need to achieve brilliance
    2 .Teamwork to work as a team
    . Tenasate to never give up
    . Imagation to use your thoughts
    3 We have 5 behaviour rules
    4 Every Friday Graham and miss Rullay give us a sitificut
    I would like to have medals as awards to win

  7. Hammad A.

    1.Our mission statement is “To gain
    2. Honesty means when you tell the truth Resilience means to never give up imaginations.
    3.We have 5 behaviour rules:
    6. We have to fill the brick wall.
    4.when you come in you do citizen certificate.

  8. Hanfaa N.

    The school 🏫 mission statement is to gain.
    There are 5 rules
    1. Stop look and listen 👂🏻 when asked to.
    2.To respect and care for all things.👩🏻
    3.To give your best.
    4.Speak everyone respectfully.
    5.To follow instructions to the best of your ability.
    They both come and give citizenship by giving certificates.
    The maths and reading challenge
    The reward that I want is to let everyone have something.

    1. Hanfaa N.

      Resilience means to try again.
      Kindness means to be nice 👍.
      Tenacity means you want to achieve more.

  9. Aarav R.

    1. The schools mission statement is To Gain.
    2. Three school values are kindness resilience tenacity.
    3. We have 5 school rules.
    4. They come and make one of us citizen of the week.
    5. The class needs to fill in the brick wall to get a award.

  10. Caleb A.

    To gain.
    Communication , resilience ,kindness .
    5 behaviour rules.
    Cake trampoline chocolate ice cream marshmallows and tea ☕️ 🍵 .

    1. Caleb A.

      I accidentally sent my work.

      1. Caleb A.

        1.To gain.
        2.Communication , resilience ,kindness .
        3.5 behaviour rules in the school.
        4.Certificates .
        5.Cake trampoline chocolate ice cream marshmallows and tea ☕️ 🍵 .

  11. Abdulasiis M.

    I mean there are 5 behaviour rules

  12. Abdulasiis M.

    Respect treat everyone the same
    Imagination use you’re imagination
    Individuality we are all individual
    That’s are 5 behaviour rules
    When graham and miss
    rullay come they give out certivicates.
    The class needs to fill in the brick wall I would like a trip to the trampoline park.

  13. Zaeem S.

    our school mission statement is to gain.
    Resilience: Keep on trying.
    Teamwork: work together
    Kindness: Be nice
    We have 5 school rules
    On Friday they come to give certificate of the week
    I want to get a school trip to Legoland

  14. Arafath A.

    1) to gain.
    2) Honesty means to not lie resilience to keep trying teamwork is to work together.
    3) There are 5.
    4) citizen of the week.
    5) The brick wall.

  15. Suraiyah A.

    1.To gain
    2. Teancity means never giving up honesty always telling the truth respect always being kind .
    3. We have 5 school rules the first one is stop look and listen when asked to do so the second one is respect and care for all things the third one is talk to everyone respectfully follow instructions to the best of you ability.
    4. On Friday Graham and Mrs Rullay comes with a certificate for the person the teacher choose to be the citizen of the week.
    5. We have to be really good and earn bricks to put on the brick wall and the first class would win a prize I like a bouncy castle.

  16. Fatimah K.

    What is the school’s mission statement? (Ie what do we expect you achieve in every lesson?) To Gain

    List 3 school values and give an example for each?
    Teamwork- When you work together. If you have to make a poster with your table you have to use teamwork.
    Respect- While your teacher is talking LISTEN!
    Imagination-When you imagine things in your head.

    How many behaviour rules do we have?
    We have 5 behaviour rules
    What happens every Friday with Graham and Mrs Rullay?
    They come in every classroom with certificates.

    Teamwork is important- what does the class need to fill in to get an award? Can you tell me the rewards you would like?

  17. Afreen S.

    1.Our mission statement is “To gain”
    2. Honesty means when you tell the truth Resilience means to never give up imaginations means respect means be kind to each other
    3.We have 5 behaviour rules they are stop look and listen (when asked to do so)
    4.have 5 school rules they are stop look at listen (when asked to doo so) , try ur best , respect and care for all things , speak to everyone respectfully , to follow instructions with the best of your ability
    5. Graham and Miss Rullay hand out certificates
    6. We have to fill the brick wall I would like the bouncy castle

  18. Bahar K.

    1. Our mission statement is our school mantra “To gain”
    2. Honesty means when you tell the truth if you did a bad choice you
    should tell the truth so you don’t get in more trouble. Respect means to respect someone and you shouldn’t talk while the teacher is talking. Kindness means the same as respect but when Soninke is hurt you take them to first aid
    3.we have 5 rules
    4.miss chooses someone to be citizen if the week then Graham and Miss rullay bring the certificate and a lollipop and a pen and give it to you you take a picture with Graham and Your teachers
    5.They have to work together as a team if we don’t we won’t get a prize

  19. Mohanned A.

    What is the school’s mission statement? (Ie what do we expect you achieve in every lesson?)
    List 3 school values and give an example for each? imagination and
    Example of resilience is when I’m doing a challenge I never give up.
    Example of Knowledge is when you know about your work.
    Example of honesty is you tell the truth to your teacher.
    How many behaviour rules do we have?
    We have 5 schools rules.
    What happens every Friday with Graham and Mrs Rullay?
    On Friday Graham and Mrs Rullay gives certificates to who did good this week.
    Teamwork is important- what does the class need to fill in to get an award?
    If the class want an award 🥇they have to win the brick wall.
    Can you tell me the rewards you would like?
    To go on a picnic.

  20. Muhammad B.

    1)The mission statement is To Gain.
    2)Honesty= being hones, Communication= communicating with others Kindness= being kind to everyone.
    3) Stop look and listen when to do so(when to do so),To respect and care for all things,To give of your best,Speak to everyone respectfully,To follow instructions to the best of your ability.
    4)Every Friday Graham and Mrs Rullay come to give certificates.
    5)The class needs to fill in the brick wall we would like a bouncy castle.

  21. Safa K.

    Short quiz:
    The school mission statement is to gain.
    3 school values are:
    (Talking to each other and sharing ideas )
    (Always telling the truth)
    (Creating things in your mind)
    We have 5 behaviour rules they are:
    1)Stop look and listen when told to do so
    2)Respect and care for all things
    3)Always give your best
    4)Talk to each other respectfully
    5)To follow instructions to the best of your ability
    Every Friday Graham and Mrs Rullay give certificates to the citizen of the week

  22. Yaw A.

    1. What is the schools mission statement?
    The school’s mission statement is to gain.
    2. List 3 school values and give an example for each.
    Resilience – never give up if you get something wrong, try again.
    Imagination – think about something that isn’t present, or find methods to complete things.
    Knowledge – you are very smart, and you know a lot of things.
    3. How many behaviour rules are there?
    There are 5 rules and they are: Stop look and listen, when asked to do so.
    To respect and care for all things,
    To do your best and try your best, even when something is hard.

    1. Yaw A.

      To give your best
      And to use manners.
      4. What happens every Friday with Graham and Mrs Rullay?
      They give out the certificates of the week.

  23. Simin W.

    1)Our mission statement is To Gain.
    2)kindness: to be kind to everyone
    Communication: talk to people
    Honesty: to be truthful.
    3)We have 5 behaviour rules
    4)We get citizens of the week.
    5)We need to fill up the brick wall to earn a award.

  24. Leon T.

    1.The school’s mission statement is to gain.
    2.3 school values are respect,Resilience and teamwork
    Teamwork is shown by working together when we made the cubes out of cocktail sticks.Respect is shown when someone is hurt.Resilience is show by people with disabilities by trying and trying to achieve something and share what they have done to the world.
    3.whar happens on Friday is Graham and Ms rullay come for citizen of the week.

  25. Sara M.

    1 To gain.
    2 5, one is Stop looking listen when you’re told to.
    3 We have five rules. Values are stop looking listen when you’re told to Kind and care for all things.
    4. Mrs Rulley and Graham give are citizens of the week two children.

  26. Esa M.

    To gain and concentrate.
    Stop look and listen (when asked to do so).
    We have 5 behaviour rules.
    They give certificates.
    To fill the brick wall .

  27. Samik S.

    1. What is the school’s mission statement? (Ie what do we expect you achieve in every lesson?)
    Our school mission statement is To Gain
    2. List 3 school values and give an example for each?
    Resilience- I’m going to use resilience for my maths
    Imagination- I imagined that I was rich
    Communication- I was communicating with a friend
    3. How many behaviour rules do we have?
    We have 5 school rules in our class they are
    1. Stop look and listen ( when asked to do so).
    2. To respect and care for all things.
    3. To give your best.
    4. Speak to everybody respectfully.
    5. To follow instructions to the best of your ability.
    4. What happens every Friday with Graham and Mrs Rullay?
    Graham and Mrs Rullay give out the citizen of the week award
    5. Teamwork is important- what does the class need to fill in to get an award? You need to fill in the brick wall. Can you tell me the rewards you would like? We might like
    To have another 15 – 20 minutes added to break time

  28. Surinder J.

    1) Our school’s mission statement is ‘To gain’.
    2) Resilience: never give up
    Honesty: never lie and always tell the truth.
    Imagination: use your creativity to make something new.
    3) We have 5 behaviour rules.
    – Stop look and listen.
    – Respect and care for all things.
    – Give your best.
    – Speak to everyone respectfully.
    – To follow instructions to the best of your ability.
    4) Every Friday you get citizen of the week.
    5) The class needs to fill in the brick wall to get an award.

  29. Shahzad S.

    1.The schools mission statement is To Gain!
    2.Knowledge means when your brain knows the answer or statement individuality means when your independent and you can solve the question yourself respect means when your kind and do the right thing
    3.We have 5 behaviour rules
    4.They give out certificates to each year
    5.The class needs to fill in the brick wall to revive our reward

  30. Kaif B.

    1. The school mission statement is to gain
    2. Resilience means trying and trying again
    Honesty means when you tell the truth
    Teamwork means when we work together
    3. There are 5 school rules
    4. They give out certificates
    5. The class needs to fill our brick wall to get a award.

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