This is me

Short Quiz this week for you all.

What is the school’s mission statement? (Ie what do we expect you achieve in every lesson?)

List  3 school values and give an example for each?

How many behaviour rules do we have?

What happens every Friday with Graham and Mrs Rullay?

Teamwork is important- what does the class need to fill in to get an award?  Can you tell me the rewards you would like?

154 responses to “This is me”

  1. Muhammad S.

    Our mission statement is TO GAIN.
    My favourite school values are
    1) Respect
    I was playing football and I slide tackled one of the other children.He was on the ground meaning and I thought I should help because this shows the act of kindness

  2. Ellie T.

    Ellie .
    Are mission statement in to gain .
    We expect a form of progress .
    1. Honstey becuase knowone should lie to people .
    2 respect because you have talk respectfully so other to respectfully back to you .
    3 brilliance is good work .
    We have five behaavoir rules and there are
    1. Stop look and listen please
    2. To respect and care for all things .
    3. To give your best
    4 speak to everyone respectfully.
    By Ellie and Harris

  3. Eesa F.

    Honesty because we need to tell people the truth.
    Kindness because we have to help someone if they got hunt.
    Team work because we need to help to be a team.

  4. Miss Ramsell

    What is the school’s mission statement?
    To Gain.

    List  3 school values and give an example for each?
    Respect- listening to the Teachers and each other.
    Honesty- we played a game and followed the rules carefully.
    If we rolled a 1 on the dice we only moved 1 space.
    Brilliance- always do your best and keep trying.

    How many behaviour rules do we have?

    What happens every Friday with Graham and Mrs Rullay?
    Citizen of the week- you get a certificate a pen and a lollipop and you can wear the medal.

    Teamwork is important- what does the class need to fill in to get an award?  Can you tell me the rewards you would like?
    The brick wall
    We would like to- eat pizza
    – watch a movie
    – bouncy castle
    – have a party
    – go on Kids pop and dance
    – go to the beach or on a trip
    – have ice-cream
    – go to the zoo

  5. Danyaal H.

    1. Our mission statement is To Gain.
    2. Teamwork is working together towards something.
    Kindness is helping people if they are stuck with something.
    Respect is talking to someone in a nice way.
    3. There are 5 rules and they are:
    Stop look and listen when asked.
    Respect all equipment.
    Try the best as all of your ability.
    Speak respectfully to everyone.
    To give our best.
    4. On Friday they come to do citizen of the week.
    5. We need to fill the brick wall for our class.

  6. Kia J.

    What is the school’s mission statement?
    To gain
    what do we expect you achieve in every lesson?
    To make progress
    List 3 school values and give an example for each?
    Independence=to try to do stuff by yourself
    Resilience=To never give up
    Teamwork=To work together
    How many behaviour rules do we have?
    we have 5 behaviour rules

  7. Broad Heaths mission statement is “To Gain”. The teachers expect you to show some improvement or a lot of improvement each lesson.

    One school value is teamwork.Teamwork means working together in a group well and will be able to use each other to your advantage.

    We have 5 behaviour rules.
    1. Stop look and listen please. (When asked to do so

    Jacob and Timothy

  8. Esra S.

    1)The school’s mission statement is to gain.They would like us to achieve progress in every lesson.
    2) brilliance , in a piece of work.
    Teamwork, in partner work and groups.
    Resilience, if work is hard don’t give up.
    3)We have 5 behaviour rules.
    4)They give out citizen of the week.

  9. Aleena M.

    The school mission statement is to gain.

    Resilience:you never give up
    Honesty:always tell the truth and never lie
    Respect:to always be polite to other people and not to be rude

    1. Stop look and listen when told to
    2. To respect and care for all things
    3. To give your best

  10. Roma M.

    We expect to achieve in every lesson is teamwork.

    Respect because we need to respect each other and teachers
    Honesty because we need to be honest and not to lie if we tell the truth good deeds will happen and if we lie bad deeds will happen and it’s not nice to lie because we will be in trouble.
    Kindness because if we be kind it will past to someone and past it to someone else and it’s good to be kind
    There are 5 school rules.

  11. Sheima B.

    1)The school mission statement is TO GAIN
    2)Rezilience to never give up
    Teamwork to work together
    Individuality to be yourself
    3)we have 5 behaviour rules
    4)Every Friday grayam and Mrs Rullay come to give citizen of the week.
    5)The class have to finish the brick wall

  12. Bijan

    The school statement is to gain
    Teamwork knowledge respect

  13. Archi P.

    1)to gain
    2)teamwork is working together, honestly is not lying, kindness is being kind to a person.
    4) citizenship awards
    5) the class needs to be quiet when asked and respectful.

  14. Elyas S.

    1.The school mission statement is to Gain.
    2.You except us to make some kind of progress.
    3.Honesty never lie in knowing something when you don’t know.
    Brilliance always do your best in lessons.
    Teamwork when everyone in a group works together as a team, and no one is left out.
    4.We have five behaviour rules.
    5. Every Friday Graham and Mrs Rullay give out the citizen of the week.
    6. We need to fill in all the bricks on the brick wall. We would like no learning for the whole day.

    By Elyas and Rasan

  15. Mr Mahmood

    Responses from 1 Blue:
    1) To Gain (after some prompting)
    2) The values that we have focused on are;
    honesty – this means when you tell the truth and don’t lie.
    Teamwork – this means when you work as part of a team.
    Respect – when you be kind to everyone.
    3) We have 5 rules at Broad Heath. We discussed these as a class.
    4)Graham and Mrs Rullay come and announce the ‘Citizen Of The Week’ winner. They give the medal.
    5) We have a brick wall in our class. If it is full, the winning class will receive a special reward.
    We shared lots of options for a reward. They are; having a bounce on the bouncy castle, bow and arrow target game, a lollipop, a bouncy ball, iPad time or jelly beans. Thank you, Mrs Frankish :)

  16. Hamaad D.

    The school mission statement is ‘to gain’.
    Resillience-to never give up
    Teamwork-to work as a team
    Imagination-to think creatively
    We have 5 school rules.
    Graham and Mrs Rullay come and tells the citizen of the week on Friday.
    The class needs to fill in the brick wall to get an award.

  17. Aamina B.

    1)The school’s mission statement is ‘To Gain’

    2)Resilience-This is when you never give up.
    Individuality-This is when you do tasks by yourself.
    Imagination-This is when you use your creativity,not just in art but in English,(e.g writing stories) or maths etc.

    3)We have 5 behaviour rules.

    4)Every Friday Graham and Mrs Rullay come into our classroom and give a certificate to the Citizen of the Week.

    5)As a reward,classes should get golden time where you get to decide what the class would like to do.

  18. Yalda N.

    What is the school’s mission statement? (Ie what do we expect you achieve in every lesson?)
    To GAIN

    List 3 school values and give an example for each?
    Brilliance : Fantastic work
    Honesty : not lying
    Resilience: not giving up

    How many behaviour rules do we have?

    What happens every Friday with Graham and Mrs Rulay
    They hand out the citizen of the week award

    Teamwork is important- what does the class need to fill in to get an award? Can you tell me the rewards you would like?
    Secondary school form
    By Yalda And Raihaan

    1. Yalda N.

      And brick wall
      By Yalda and Raihaan

  19. Hajrah S.

    1.To gain
    2. We have 5
    3.They give our certificates
    4.the brick wall. Ice lollies

  20. Marwa H.

    1. The school’s mission statement is ‘to gain’.
    2. Individuality, respect, resilience
    3.We have 5 school rules.
    4. Citizen of the week happens with Graham and Mrs Rullay
    5. Each class needs to fill in the brick wall to win a certain award. I would like golden time.

  21. Absi P.

    1) to gain
    2)kindness which means nice hands, teamwork it means work as a team,tenacity means never give up
    4)they come and collect money from classes
    5)we would like bricks for our brick wall and 1 free day

  22. Harroop S.

    1) In my opinion the school’s mission statement is ‘To gain’
    2) Kindness is whenever we help each other. Teamwork is to help/support each other (this can be in sports, a maths competition etc) Empathy is when we are wanting to help someone who needs our help-for example when a person is sitting alone with no friends just lonely our heart says to help them.
    3)We have 5 school values to follow.
    4) Graham and Mrs Rullay announce the citizens of the week.
    5) We need to fill the brick wall. I would love to have the prize of a movie and popcorn.

  23. Saira S.

    What is the school’s mission statement? The school’s mission is to gain.
    What do we expect in every lesson? They expect you to be resilient and progress in my learning.

  24. Xavier M.

    1.What is the school’s mission statement?The school mission statement is To Gain.
    what do we expect you achieve in every lesson?)
    The learning goal is the backbone of a lesson and provides the “reason” for teaching and observing it.

  25. Muhammed A.

    1. In every lesson we are expected To Gain.
    2. Resilience as we never give up, we respect people when doing handshakes and we use teamwork as we let everybody share ideas.
    3. We have 5 behaviour rules and they are up on display.
    4. 1 person in each class will get awarded citizen of the week depending on their behaviour.
    5. We need to fill the brick wall with all the bricks we can get to get a reward. As a reward I would really like to watch a movie with some popcorn.

  26. Steven N. expect us To Gain and develop in school and learn from our mistakes
    2.respect and resilience,honesty
    3.we have 5 school rules
    Stop look and listen please(when asked to do so)
    To respect and care for everything
    To give your best
    Speak to everyone respectfully
    To follow instructions to the best of your ability
    4.every Friday Graham and Mrs Rullay they do a citizenship of the week they give an award to the person who gave the best of their ability
    The rewards that we will like is longer P.E and dodgeball and bricks

  27. Mohammad A.

    1)To Gain!
    2)Individuality everyone is different in a way.
    Knowledge you get knowledge every day.
    Kind your always nice to everyone
    3)There are 5 school rules
    1,Stop look and listen please.
    2,To respect and care for all things.
    3,To give of your best.
    4,Speak to everyone respectfully.
    5,To follow instructions to the best of your ability.
    4)Citizen of the week.

  28. Ilyas I.

    1)To gain!
    2)empathy(feeling for others), imagination and teamwork(when you work with others
    3)I know that we have 5 behaviour rules, they are on display in our classroom.
    4) On Friday, the citizen of the week is chosen.
    5)The class needs to fill up the brick wall to earn a reward. A reward that I would like would be a sports day for the class.

  29. Aayan S.

    Resilience: Never give up and try your best until it’s finished.
    Creativity: Be as creative as u want make it as nice as you want.
    Teamwork: If we work together and use teamwork our work will be finished earlier.
    We have five behaviour rules in all the classes.
    Every Friday Graham and Mrs Rullay.
    If we win the brick wall we will get I would like to a pool party.

  30. Ridwan U.

    1. To Gain in any place your at.
    2. Respect shake hands.
    Resilince: when somethings hard keep trying.
    Kindness: if somebody falls help them.
    3. 5. Stop look and listen, to respect all things, to give your best, spewk to everyone respectfully and to follow instructions to the best of your ability.
    4. Certificates of the week.
    5. Brick wall some rewards id like would be a 30 minute to 1 hour sports time. ( dodgeball, football, basketball).

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