• Year 2 SMSC comparison posters

    Today, we looked at all of our learning over this half term. We have been learning about why people celebrate…

  • Year 2 SMSC – Eid

    Today we learned about Eid. We answered questions like What else do you know about Eid?

  • Y6 SMSC (Summer 1)

    SOLE: Is it better to express your religion in arts and architecture or in /charity and generosity? Recap the purpose…

  • Y1 Eid Assembly

    We are incredibly proud of our Y1 children!They have worked incredibly hard the past few weeks in preparation for their…

  • 1B Diwali Day

    1B have had a GREAT day today! 1Blue have enjoyed celebrating Diwali. Our focus story is Rama and Sita for…

  • 1Blue make Diva lamps!

    Today, 1Blue could understand what instructions are and even followed them to make a clay diva! They were BRILLIANT! Challenge!…

  • 1Blue – Islamic Art – Monday

    Monday What a busy day 1Blue have had! The children were introduced to this week’s theme, ’Islamic Art’. The children…