Autumn 2 Reading Challenge Year 2
Metals Metals come from rocks called ores. They are strong, hard and shiny materials that can be hammered into different shapes without breaking. Their properties make them useful for objects such as cutlery, saucepans, cars and coins. Plastics Plastics are materials made from chemicals and are not found in nature. They are strong and waterproof, and can be made into […]
Year 1 Reading Challenge – Autumn 2 2024
Hi everyone, Your reading challenge this half term is based on this story: Firstly, practise reading the sounds and blend them into words which we will find in the story. Now read the story:
Year 5 Reading Challenge – Autumn 2 2024

This half term, we are learning all about the USA! Read the texts and answer the questions. Remember prizes are given for great effort and work. Bronze Silver Gold Platinum From this, tell me: Three facts Three questions you’d like to know the answer to Three expanded noun phrases Three new (or interesting) pieces of […]
Year 4 Reading Challenge – Autumn 2 2024

This half term in English, we are reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Read the extract from chapter 15 and answer the questions by clicking on the quiz link below.
Year 6 Reading Challenge – Autumn 2 2024
Year 3 Reading Challenge – Autumn 2 2024
Please choose which challenge level you will complete the task in. Bronze:Have someone read the text to you and answer the questions in the quiz. Silver:Read the text with support and answer the questions in the quiz. Gold:Read the text independently and answer the questions in the quiz.