Year 3 Maths Challenge Autumn 2
Bronze 1.Which number is the odd one out explain why? 15, 6, 3, 17 2.Which number is the odd one out and why? 24,36, 12, 10 Silver The large intestine is 150 cm long and the small intestine is 700 cm long. How long is the whole intestine? What is the difference between the length […]
Year 5 Maths challenge Autumn 2.
Hi Year 5! Can you use your multiplication and division skills to take on the challenge for Autumn 2? Bronze Challenge Oh no! Earth is being invaded! Some tripods and bipods flew from planet Zeno. At least two of each of them have landed on Earth. Tripods have 3 legs. Bipods have 2 legs. There […]
Year 6 – Autumn 2 Maths Challenge
Have fun this half term with these challenges – try to stretch yourself! Your answers need to be in your homework books, not on the blog, or on poster paper! Bronze Challenge: Silver Challenge: Gold Challenge:
Year 4 Maths Challenge- Autumn 2
Hi Year 4, This half term in topic we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons. I was wondering if you could complete some Anglo-Saxon based maths problems? Bronze Put each kings reign in chronological order. You will need your knowledge of place value to work this out. Who came first and how do you know? […]
Year 2 Maths Challenge Autumn 2 2021
This half term’s challenges are based on addition. Choose a challenge and write your answer on the blog. Remember to write which challenge you are completing e.g. Bronze. The best answers could win a prize in the challenge assembly at the end of half term! Good luck! Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Y1 Maths Challenge Autumn 2
Hi children,Choose a challenge and write your answers on the blog. Remember, the challenge winner will be announced at the end of term. Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD