Please find below the remaining raffle tickets that have been drawn. If you have one or more of the tickets, please go to the Pastoral Office from Tuesday 17th June-Friday 21st June between 8.30am-9.00am with your ticket/s. Any prizes remaining after Friday morning will be donated.

13 responses to “Summer Fair 2024-Raffle”

  1. Grace C.

    I did win

  2. Mihika P.

    Nayan R you didn’t win because in pink there is no number like 123

  3. Hadiya M.

    But still congratulations to everyone who did win😉👍🏻🙍🏻‍♀️

  4. Hadiya M.

    We didn’t get anything and yeah🙍
    There was no point of paying for the raffle😤

  5. Sama A.


  6. Esa A.

    Well done to the people who won

  7. Safa A.

    I won a prize but my friend any came to the school and she didn’t get a prize so I just gave her my prize

  8. Iqra F.

    I did not win and we go lose of tikis

  9. Natan R.

    I won 123 pink

  10. Emaan S.

    Good job 👍🏻

  11. Mahid H.

    I didn’t win 😵‍💫 but congratulations to all the winners

  12. Tana I.

    Well done if you won.
    I was soo close to winning.♡♡

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