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Summer Fair 2017-What a family!

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The morning started well and the weather outside was good. ย Then it began to look overcast and some hearts began to sink but Broad Heath did it again.ย By 12 o’clock the sun was beaming and so were the staff and families. ย The Broad Heath family made the Summer Fair yet another memorable event and once again I was proud to be part of such a caring, supportive and fabulous family.

A big thank you to all of those who donated items and their time to help this event succeed.
Thank you to Shaun for sharing his wonderful photographs and making this blog page look so great!

104 responses to “Summer Fair 2017-What a family!”

  1. Bilal Abdi

    At the summer fayre we ate Ms Janjua’s fantastic burgers,we went on the bouncy castle.Also we had ice cream (I got two scoops vanilla and raspberry ripple)

  2. Madara Bumbiere

    I really enjoyed the fair, lots of fun, won lots of prizes and won the raffle twice ๐Ÿ˜„
    The weather was lovely I hope it’s like this next year and all the children who missed it make sure to come next year ๐Ÿค—

  3. Alesha Ahmed

    It was so much fun me and my little cousin got our face painted It was a butterfly

  4. Hasan Memi

    It was fun

  5. Haris Iqbal

    The summer fair was EPIC

  6. Jack Lynch-Thomson

    I like the sound of people who were at the fair

  7. Safiya Osman

    I loved it was so fun!๐Ÿค‘

  8. Mrs Walker

    Well that was another great Sucsess. It was so good to see so many people turn out to support the school. The time seemed to fly by and the weather held out too. There were some fantastic prices this year and a BIG thank you those parents who took the time to make the delicious samosas and pakoras, they sold out really quickly.

  9. Zubeyr Hasan

    Had so much fun that day we got to get treats and play, it was just so much fun.

  10. Tiya Patel

    I really enjoyed the summer fair.

  11. S Shergill

    Another fantastic day where everybody helped each other to make the BH school fair such a success. It was so lovely to see such happy faces! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  12. Luqman Abdi

    I I loved doing the bouncy castle because it was very bouncy. I had strawberry ice cream ๐Ÿฆ.

  13. Zoya Naz

    I liked lce cream and l liked the boncey castle and mendi and miss makuwan put me on nice nails polish lt was purple and pink and l liked face paint ๐ŸŽจ I had hot chocolate and it was nice and juicy

  14. Hannah Noor

    I had my nails done and met my friends.

  15. Laiba Rahman

    The chocolate cake was the best cake. I had 3 balloons.

  16. Elena-Iasmina Capatan

    The summery fair was very fun and it was the best day ever ๐Ÿ˜Š

  17. Asia Anderson

    It was the best fair ever and thank you to all the teachers and parents who bought and made things in the summer fair and thank you to Mrs Frankish who is the best headteacher in the universe.๐Ÿ‘‘๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

  18. Kamilah-Nailah Nkundabagenzi

    I had great ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ fun.

  19. Lataya Jackson

    The summer fair was greate thank you so much and I think everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did

  20. Maleeha Memi

    The summer fair was amazing ad it looks like evreyone enjoyed it!

  21. Zaynab Bibi

    It was so fun I brought and won a lot of stuff like chocolate and sweets

  22. Miss Dewar

    It was a wonderful day, well done to all of the staff and children, especially Mrs Raja-Khan!

  23. Well done everyone for organising all the stuff that we need for the summer fair

  24. Mr Mahmood

    A fantastic video that shows the happiness and fun had by all.
    Yet another successful summer fair and it’s only gone bigger and better!
    After all, BH is the best! Thank you so much to the wonderful staff and parents that helped make this event memorable for the children. What great memories โญ๏ธ

  25. Hanfaa Naqash

    I had a really good time and it was nice to see my teachers.

  26. Mrs Penavega

    A well organised day! It was great to see everyone together enjoying themselves and lots of happy, smiling faces. A great community event with brilliant weather once again.

  27. Mrs Begum

    It was a lovely day, nice to see the community get together. A very good atmosphere all around. Thank you EVERYONE !!๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

  28. Muhammad Rasool

    we just watched the video on the summer fair it looked lots of fun.
    me and my brother jamaal were in manchester with our dad.

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      We were all really sad that you missed the Summer Fair Muhammad but your mummy played a really really important part during the Fair. She is marvellous at doing mendhi.
      We will all be having a lot more fun as well as learning over the final few weeks so you will still be a part the FUN!

  29. Mrs Khan

    Wow! What a great video.Glad the weather was bright and everything went well. Well done everyone!

  30. Head Teacher

    It was a lovely day. I would also like to thank Mrs Wright and Mrs Hardwick who were in the office, sorting floats, answering phones and generally doing anything asked. Thank you too Mrs Raja- Khan for organising it and the staff for enabling it to happen. BH is a great school and it is great because EVERYONE matters. Thank you parents and children and see you again next year!

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