90 responses to “Spanish Pen pals!”

  1. Elham S.

    The questions I would ask are..

    What language do you prefer to speak English or Spanish?

    What is your favourite subject?

    Do you prefer going to school or being home schooled?

    What is your favourite Spanish food?

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good questions Elham ! What about information about yourself?

  2. Sumaya S.

    How old are you?

    Do you still go to school?

    Do you speak Spanish?

    Do you speak English?

    What is your favourite food?

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done Sumaya!

  3. Retaj

    How are you ?
    Whatโ€™s the weather like?
    Whatโ€™s your favorite food to eat in Spain?
    Why do you enjoy living in Spain?

    Retaj and Minaal.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Super girls!

  4. Meharunisa A.

    I would tell them,
    How are they?
    Culture and food
    What my day is like
    Is it hard to speak English?

    Khadija and Mehar

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Youโ€™ve mixed up both of your responses, proof read before posting.

  5. Ali A.

    Do you speak English in Spain?
    How old do you have to be to be a teacher or learn to be a teacher?
    What food do you get in Spanish schools?

    The UK is a very cold country here. I heard that in Spain, it is very hot. It rains so hard almost everyday. We barely get any sunshine. I wish I was in Spain to feel how hot it is. I heard that there are very nice monuments in Spain like the Barcelona Camp Nou and the Real Madrid Bernabรจu. Hope you read this letter.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Super Ali! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  6. Jensen C.

    Hi there, we are (British citizens) Tyson & Jensen, how are you? I have a few questions (see below). In Britain we have the right to vote, and more! We are a multicultural county that excepts any country and religon. We hope to get your response soon.
    Yours faithfully,
    Jensen & Tyson

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done boys!

  7. Abdullah K.

    Our country popular dish is Yorkshire pudding and the most popular language is English

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good Abdullah. Isnโ€™t Fish and chips another popular one and what about our curries?

  8. Abdullah K.

    What is your popular food ?
    What is the most popular language spoken?

    1. Mrs Kiani

      ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ Abdullah!

  9. Hasbia D.

    Questions to ask:
    How is school there?
    How old are you?
    What is your favourite subject?
    What is your least favourite subject?
    What is your favourite sport?
    Umama and Hasbia

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good questions girls! What would you tell them about your country?

  10. Jensen C.

    How is your country different from ours, does your country have an interesting history p? Are there any weird or amazing things there?

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good questions Jensen!

  11. Yasmin Abba

    What do you eat
    What types of landed do you speak?

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good but do check for auto correct, I know what you mean though.

  12. Zaeem J.

    What age are you?
    Do you speak English or Spanish at home.
    Have you ever gone to a different country?
    Whatโ€™s your favourite food?
    What is your favourite game to play?

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done Zaeem! Good questions!

  13. Alinna A.

    How old are u ?
    Can u speak fluent English?
    Is it hard for u to learn English?

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Great questioning Alinna!

  14. Manha S.

    What is your favourite food?
    When is thee birthday?
    What is your favourite flavour in ice cream?

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done Manha! Do you mean, โ€˜When is their birthday?โ€™

  15. Myiesha S.

    Questions i would ask is…

    Why would you like to know English?

    What launguage do you speak?

    How old are you?

    What is fun about Spain?

    Do you only speak a bit of Spanish or a little bit of Spanish?

    What is your favourite holiday?

    What is your favourite food?

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Excellente Myiesha! Great questions ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  16. Ramandeep K.

    I would ask:
    Do you like the environment you live in?
    What is the weather like?

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good questions! What information would you share with them?

  17. Sidra M.

    What is your name?

    How old are you?

    Do you speak English or Spanish?

    What is your school name?

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Superstar! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  18. Mrs Kiani

    Some good questions so far children. What information would you share about yourselves?

  19. Zenat N.

    And year 4 your picture look beautiful.๐Ÿ˜Š

  20. Zenat N.

    From zenat.
    Do you speak English or Spanish?
    Year 5 your drawing look so pretty and lovely?
    How old are you?
    What is your favourite food?

  21. Liliana S.

    Do you speak only Spanish or do you speak a little English and how old are you

  22. Hudaa M.

    Do you speak English or do you just speak Spanish and what is your country

  23. Maryum N.

    This is great so from Maryum Hannah we liked the pictures and i feel so happy.

  24. Hannah B.

    What is fun about living in the country that you are in ?

  25. Iqra S.

    From iqra Kayla
    Are you from England?

    1. Mrs Farooq

      What is this an example of?

  26. Ella K.

    From Mustafa Ella and Reyn
    We love your picture because it has more other features
    Inside of the posters .we want to have a good ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป picture like
    Everybody else .

  27. Maximilian J.

    Wow they all look soooooo Cool ๐Ÿ˜Ž.

  28. Latifa A.

    I sent a letter hehe

  29. Tana I.

    I will write a letter to the person in a different country and would ask them questions such as : do you like it their. What is your favourite food.โ™ก

    1. Mrs Kiani

      And what information would you share about yourself Tana?

  30. Tipian I.

    Spanish children are learing English and we are learning Spanish

    1. Mrs Kiani


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