
Shape Week 2019

What did you learn this week?

What is your favourite shape and how many sides/faces does it have?

91 responses to “Shape Week 2019”

  1. Ammara K.

    I learnt about all different shapes.
    Cuboids, Sphere, Cube, Cylinder, Circle, Square, Triangle,rectangle, triangular prism.
    My favourite shape is a sphere. A sphere has zero faces and 1 side.

  2. Arifa H.

    I learnt about shapes there are 2d shapes and 3d shapes, my favourite shapes are a circle, star and heart, a circle has 0 sides and a star has 5 points and 10 sides

  3. I learnt all about 2D and 3D shapes.
    My favourite shape is a nonagon, it has 9 sides and 1 face.

  4. Aleena M.

    1. I learnt about right angles that are 90 degrees. I know if a shape has a circle face it has infinite lines of symmetry.
    2. My favourite shape is a octogen it has 8 sides and 2 faces.

  5. Ruo L.

    I learned about shapes 2D and 3D.
    My favorite shape is triangle, it is have 3 corners and 3 sides.

  6. Arafath A.

    What did you learn this week?

    I have learnt how to name 3D shapes.

    What is your favourite shape and how many sides/faces does it have?

    My favourite shape is a cube. It has 6 faces,12 edges and 8 vertices.

  7. Inaaya W.

    I learnt about 2D and 3D shapes this week. My favourite 2D shape is a Decogen it has 10 Edges and 10 Vertices. My favourite 3D shape is a sphere it has
    0 Vertices,1 Edge and 1 Face.

  8. Rifath A.

    1) What did you learn this week?
    I learned how to draw 3D shapes and make them into toys.

    2) What is your favourite shape and how many sides/faces does it have?
    A sphere has 1 face , 0 verities and 0 edges . I like this shape because it’s like a football.

  9. in shape week we do 3d shapes and 2d shapes .
    my favourite shape is a trangie because it have one face and has 3 vertex

  10. Ibrahim M.

    We have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes. I like the sphere because it can go round and round and it has 1 face, 0 corners and 0 sides.

  11. Merab R.

    What did you learn this week?
    I learnt that you can make anything with shapes.
    What is your favourite shape and how many sides/faces does it have?
    My favourite shape is the sphere and it has 0 sides and 1 curved face.

  12. Mahamad Y.

    My favourite shape is the dodecahedron and it has 12 sides and 20 vertices.

  13. Ebenezer O.

    I have learnt about 2D and 3D shapes.
    My favorite shape is a cylinder and it has 2 faces.

  14. Roma M.

    1.We Learnt about 3-D shapes and 2-D shapes and How many facesAnd how many edges and how many vertices.
    2.My favourite Shape is Cube And a Cuboid and they Both have 6 Faces. I

  15. Roma M.

    1.We Learnt about 3-D shapes and 2-D shapes and How many facesAnd how many edges and how many vertices.
    2.My favourite Shape is Cube And a Cuboid and they Both have 6 Faces.

  16. Keisha N.

    1.What did you learn this week? We lean about 3D and 2D shapes

    2.What is your favourite shape and how many sides/faces does it have? My favourite shape is a sphere and it has one face and no sides.

  17. Marwa H.

    We learnt about 3D shapes and right angles. My favourite shape is a sphere because it has infinite plane lines of symmetry.

  18. Eman A.

    2D and 3D shapes

    A cube is a 3D shape.
    A circle is a 2D shape.
    A safer is a 3D shape.
    A simiycirc is a 2D shape.

  19. Tahseen S.

    We learnt about 2D [dimentional] and 3D [DIMENTIONAL] shapes.My favourite 2D shape is a trapizium it has 4 sides, 4 verticies and 4 angles.My favourite 3D shape is a triangular based prism it has 5 faces, 5 edges and 5 verticies.

  20. Murran M.

    Shape week was fun, my favourite shape is the sphere it has 0 edges 0 vertices and 1 curved face.

  21. Safa K.

    I learned about 3D shapes.
    My favourite shape is a sphere.

  22. Surinder J.

    I’ve learnt about how to find shapes outside.

    Shape week is awesome!πŸ‘©πŸ»β€πŸŽ€πŸ‘°πŸΌπŸ’ƒ

  23. Luxor A.

    At the start I didn’t know the triangular prism.
    It is good we learned different shapes.

  24. Manvi R.

    I enjoyed shape week and I hope that shape week ends late.πŸ‘

  25. Nargis B.

    I liked shape week. But I got bored because there was maths everyday.

  26. Leon T.

    I learned that 2Dshapes are apart of a 3D shapes

  27. Jasmine M.

    I have learnt 3D shapes and l have learnt that believe in your self too.
    My favourite shape is a sphere and it has 0 edges. It has only 1 face and it has 0 Vertices .

  28. Yousuf I.

    We have been learning about this week right angles
    My favourite shape is a octagon and it has a face and 8 sides

  29. Rasan M.

    I learnt a lot of shapes and really enjoyed Shapes Week.

  30. Siddra K.

    I love shapes

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