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Science: Are all metals magnetic?

Today we investigated whether all metals are magnetic in groups. Answer the questions below explaining how you conducted your experiment and what your findings were.

  1. How did you conduct your investigation?
  2. Are all metals magnetic? Explain your answer and give examples.
  3. How do magnetic metals react to magnets?

56 responses to “Science: Are all metals magnetic?”

  1. Jari V.

    1, We conducted our experiment to find out if the metal was magnetic or not.
    2, No because some metals are not magnetic like bronze.
    3. Magnets react by being pulled towards each other and they are also difficult to separate.

  2. Minnah M.

    1. We conducted our investigation by finding out which materials attract to magnets
    2. No because the aluminium did not get dragged to the magnet
    3. I they do not go together they will repel if they go together they will attract

  3. Tinuola T.

    1. We conducted our investigation by testing if the magnetic made contact to paper clips
    2. No because cars 🚘 aren’t magnetic and they are made of metal and if they were crash .
    3. Magnetic metals react like their friends to magnets because the magnets pulls the magnetic metal towards itself.

    Tinuola Ameena Haroon Mustafa

    1. Miss Redhead

      I think you are confused you have written about a different investigation for number 1. We did not test any cars or try to make them crash. Please explain this clearer.

  4. Awais J.

    Stainless steel , Nickel , Chrome , and mid steel

  5. Hammaad H.

    1 .We done a fair test by using the same magic and the same amount of paperctips.

    2. yes because steel is magnetic

    Hamaad Bhavdeep siyam.

  6. Rayan M.

    We conduct our investigation by using a table slip.

    All metals are not magnetic because we did a test and 4 were magnetic but the rest weren’t .

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