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Science: Are all metals magnetic?

Today we investigated whether all metals are magnetic in groups. Answer the questions below explaining how you conducted your experiment and what your findings were.

  1. How did you conduct your investigation?
  2. Are all metals magnetic? Explain your answer and give examples.
  3. How do magnetic metals react to magnets?

56 responses to “Science: Are all metals magnetic?”

  1. Arjun G.

    1. We conducted an investigation to determine whether all metals are magnetic or not.
    2. Not all metals connect because some metals do have the same magnet because some are built different so some magnets repel. Some metals repel some attract.
    Aadam,maya arjun

    1. Miss Redhead

      Well done.

  2. Charis O.

    1.We carried the investigation by testing out putting different types of metal on a magnet and we made it a fair test.
    2. All metals aren’t magnetic because iron, copper and lead are not matelic
    3. They react if the n and n go together they will repell however if s and n go together they will attract

  3. Abigail F.

    Polarity means two opposite poles .

  4. Hadiya M.

    1) We conducted an investigation by testing different types of metals.
    2) Some metals are not magnetic 🧲 this is because some metals repel and some don’t like for example if you put bronze with magnets.🧲
    3) magnetic metals react to magnets 🧲 by gravity putting force on both magnetic metal and the magnet.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Good answers.

  5. Vanessa N.

    I conduct plastic paper and cardboard and
    2 No because there are difrant mangnet liek mangnet fridge
    3 the mangnet reacts by it a. atahing
    HishaamG Imad Vanessa MuhammedO

    1. Miss Redhead

      You have written about the wrong investigation.

  6. Javishan R.

    1. We did a fair test
    2. No this is because some magnetic forces are weaker than others
    3.The magnets connect together but if the same ends of the magnets meet together.

  7. Ebnezere A.

    It is a force that you can not go through

    1. Miss Redhead

      I need more detail, what do you mean by you can not go through?

  8. We tested the metals by seeing if the magnet would attract the metal.
    We saw the magnet touch the metals.

    1. Miss Redhead

      Well done.

  9. Mya F.

    1. Copper No
    2. Zinc. No
    3. bronze no
    4. Mild steel yes
    5. Iron no
    6 lead no
    7stainlees steel yes
    8 buckle yes
    9 chrome yes

  10. Ebnezere A.

    Some metals have such a poor paramagnetic reaction to a magnetic field that it is barely visible.

    1. Miss Redhead

      What is a magnetic field?

  11. Awais J.

    3 when you put the south and south together it will repel but when you put north and south it will attract.

  12. Ebeid M.

    We have done a fair test by having the same magnet,paper clips and the material.
    No all metals are not magnetic 🧲. So copper,Zinc,Bronze,Iron and Lead are not magnetic but Mild Steel,Stainless Steel,Nickel and Chrome are magnetic.
    So magnetic metal reacts to the magnet it’s will attract but if it’s not magnetic metal it will repel just like Irona magnetic metal is Chrome

    1. Miss Holland

      Well done Ebeid! What will happen if you point the North pole of two magnets together?

  13. Eva T.

    We conducted our investigation by using a table to compare magnetic and non-magnetic metals with the magnets.
    All metals are not magnetic because we used different types of metals like bronze and nickel but still didn’t attract.
    Magnetic metals react to magnets by attracting meaning they connect and join in a way that
    they are meet as we also used north and south parts of the magnets.

    Rex,EvaT and Rahim

    1. Miss Redhead

      What does it mean if a magnet repels?

      1. Eva T.

        Repel means that’s it doesn’t attract and it is pushed away from the magnets

        1. Miss Redhead

          Well done.

  14. Zakariyah T.

    1. We conducted out investigation by using different metal, same magnet and same paper clips.
    2.it is false because copper zinc bronze iron lead are not magnetic.
    3.magnetic metals react by stick to the magnet.

    1. Miss Holland

      Well done. What metals are not magnetic?

      1. Zakariyah T.

        Copper, zinc, bronze,Iron ,lead

  15. Safa A.

    1. I did the product by using the letters of the magnet
    2. all magnet are not the same beacaues they don’t all have something attached on them .
    3.because we used the red and blue side .
    Safa evaH Alya rayan

    1. Miss Redhead

      You have not answered the questions.
      How did you do this experiement?
      Which metals were magnetic and which were not?

  16. Awais J.

    1 We got magnets and different types of metal
    2 Not all types of metal are magnetic like copper it is not magnetic but stainless steel is magnetic.
    3 When a magnetic metal reacts to a magnet it sticks to the magnet then when we put the magnetic metal up side down it will not fall.

    Awais And Mustafa

    1. Miss Holland

      Which other metal are magnetic?

  17. Ebnezere A.

    We conduct by testing if all kind metal can attract to a magnetic
    Not all metal are not magnetic because we tested it and most of them did not attract.
    They reacted by only 2 magnetic and the rest non magnetic
    By Ranj Nabiha Ebnezere and Kitan

    1. Miss Redhead

      Research and tell me why some metals are not magnetic.

  18. 1. We tested different metals.
    2. No. This is because only some metals attracted to the magnet.
    3. Metals that are magnetic attract to the magnet.
    Adrian, Safwan, Yasmin and Yegor.

    1. Miss Redhead

      How did you test the metals? What did you do to them?

  19. Sumaya O.

    We made the test fair.
    No because when we try and use a magnet on to a zipper then it doesn’t work.
    The way a magnetic type of metal will react with an attraction with the magnet which we call a magnetic force.

    1. Miss Holland

      Explain why two magnets would repel one another, think about the poles of the magnet.

  20. Simeongeya W.

    We got metal and we tried to get the 🧲 to stick to the
    not all metal are magnetic if you put magnet and nickel together it wouldn’t stick

  21. Neda S.

    We conducted our investment by drawing a table in the book to see which magnet collected the most paper
    Some are not because iron is magnetic 🧲 and some are not because there not actually real

  22. Tasneem S.

    1) We investigated different metls they are Aluminium brass copper bronze nickel mild steel zinc
    and only 5 6 are magnetic 🧲
    2) nickle mild steel stuck to the magnetic 🧲 but the others did not stick to the magnetic 🧲
    3)The magnetic rect it because if something is metal the magnetic 🧲 will stick to it🧲🧲🧲🧲🧲

    Sandra Tasneem Eesaa

  23. Toleen S.

    I did it by using experiments to find the real answer.
    No because bronze is not because it doesn’t attract magnets 🧲
    Some of them attract however some don’t.

  24. Chavi L.

    I conducted the experiment by using magnet 🧲 with materials like paper clip or 📄.
    No because Aluminium Brass Copper Bronze Zinc are not magnetic.

  25. Ebunoluwa I.

    1.We did it as made a line and there were types of metal and the type of metal we had test if it was magnetic or non -magnetic.
    2.No because only E and B are magnetic.

  26. Abigail F.

    1) we conducted by learning how magnets repel and attract.
    2) not all metals are attractive to magnets.
    3) when we put the South Pole and the North Pole together it will attract . But if you put them on the same side . example South Pole and South Pole it will repel . If you do it on North Pole it will repel to.

    1. Miss Holland

      Brilliant detail Abigail! What does polarity mean?

  27. Fatima S.

    1. I conduct my investigation by using a magnet and seeing what happens if I put it near the paper clips. An then I used paper and put the magnet on the paper and see if the paper clips comes on the magnet 🧲 and it did.

  28. Muhammed H.

    By testing

    No because it sometimes doesn’t have a strong force

    By connecting

  29. Eliza N.

    1. We conducted our investigation by drawing a table in our books and seeing which metals are magnetic and which aren’t
    2. Magnetic materials are always made of metal, but not all metals are magnetic. Iron is magnetic, so any metal with iron in it will be attracted to a magnet. Steel contains iron, so a steel paperclip will be attracted to a magnet too.
    3. This is because magnets attract materials that have unpaired electrons that spin in the same direction. In other words, the quality that turns a metal into a magnet also attracts the metal to magnets. Many other elements are diamagnetic — their unpaired atoms create a field that weakly repels a magnet

    1. Dean-Junior L.

      By testing
      No because some metal don’t have strong forces
      By connecting

  30. Emil D.

    (1)We conducted our investigation by testing if the paper clips could attract to the magnet while in between something.
    (2)No because only 2 metals we used was magnetic.
    (3)Magnet metals react to magnets by attracting to them when the metal is a certain distance apart from it.

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