Rule of Law

Rishi Sunak (Present Prime Minister of the UK) is proposing that every school pupil, upto the age of 18, study maths. He thinks it will boost peoples skills. What are your opinions on this?

89 responses to “Rule of Law”

  1. Sabiha K.

    Sabiha- I agree with the Prime Minister. This is because you can study maths longer. Example: If you’re a maths teacher 👩‍🏫 you may forget you’re maths skills.
    Zoe-I think it’s fair that you study until your 18 because then you will remember things in case you need to.

  2. Arifa H.

    I think people should stop to Carrie on with maths because we all have our own opinion and some times you don’t like it.And everyone is different from each other.
    I think it’s unfair because if you want to do a different subject maths will be in the way and also it might be a waste of time for example if you didn’t need anything to do with maths in the future it would be a waste

  3. Janelle O.

    I think that we should make our own choices instead of doing maths. When maths lesson is on some children enjoy and some children do not enjoy maths.we should all make our decision.

  4. Welat M.

    We should be able to choose what subject we want to choose. We think this is very unfair.


  5. Aiza B.

    Zahra thinks we should keep it the way it is because when ur at age 18 then it will be harder. Aiza thinks we should keep it the way it is because when you do math at the age of 18 math will get harder and tricky.

  6. Mopelola L.

    I think that we should keep things as they are because there are people who are not good at maths and feel a lot of pressure trying to learn it especially if it keeps getting harder and harder. Also some people might say up late trying to master it and loose sleep.

  7. Rehyan M.

    I think it’s not fair because if you want to be an author and you try and make a book you will not know what to do because you have been studying maths too much but not English

  8. Myiesha S.

    I think that people should have there own choice on what age they want to stop learning maths.

  9. Surinder J.

    My opinion on this is that we should learn maths until the age of 16 because you can decide on another subject that you want to learn.

  10. Meena B.

    Meena- I think it is not fair. You can have your own choice. You might want to work on another subject but it depends on what your going to do when your older.
    Ramandeep- I don’t think it is fair that you continue maths over 16 because if you choose to do a different career path that doesn’t include maths. I think you should have your own choice.
    Amirah- I think you have a choice. I want to become a vet when I am older, but if I measure animals, I will need to use maths. Sometimes some people might’ve studied matches for so long they will be tired or bored of it.

  11. Adam O.

    Adam= I think that it is fair to learn maths until 18 because if you want a job you might measure for example a builder needs to measure.
    Hamsia= I think that we should do maths because in some jobs you need to use maths and if you forget your maths you would be able to do the job properly.
    Zayd=I think this is unfair because if you just do maths some people will find it boring.Also other people like different

  12. Dhiyashini S.

    I think they should not do maths above 16 because it is not fair for some people that think math is hard.

  13. Aryan M.

    It is important that we learn maths because it is the skill that we use the most in life and in situations says MG
    I think it should stay at 16 because you would have enough knowledge for your job and future says Aryan.

  14. Bethany P.

    I think that people should end learning maths at 16 because it could stress people out if they struggle with it and if the work gets harder at 18 they would be very stressed.

    Khadijah says that this law is a little bit unfair. This is because, some people find maths hard because as it gets harder people will have pressure. I think people should have the choice went to stop maths but it must be 14 or over. This is much more fair.

  15. Osas O.

    I don’t think we should learn maths until 18 we should keep it at 16. This is because some people in schools can have learning disabilities and can find it tricky to learn new things about math.

  16. Hussein H.

    I agree with Rishi Sunak because maths is important on a daily basis for jobs.
    I agree with Rishi Sunak because maths is important in the future because once we get jobs like an engineer it requires maths.

  17. Delilah R.

    We think that you should get a choice and all subjects should be treated equally because you will need each subject in your life if you wanted to pay for something you would need maths if you need to write or read something you would need English .
    Nma and Delilah

  18. Sulaimon L.

    I think that isn’t fair because if we forget some knowledge and were 18 how will we learn it again?

  19. Minhaj A.

    I think all of the main subjects should be learnt more up till 20.
    I also think that all the other subjects should be treated properly because you can use these skills on a daily basis.

  20. Mrs Khaliq

    4W all agree that maths is a vital life skill and used on a daily basis.
    Lawan believes that it is a great proposal as maths skills can be used and applied in most jobs.
    Delilah believes that we should have a choice of what we study further on in our education as not everyone enjoys maths and some people may struggle.
    Sayda think that other subjects such as English are also important and used in our everyday lives. She has questioned why these aren’t compulsory.

  21. Miss Woodman

    Most of 4 Blue thinks we should keep the current system and only have to do Maths until GCSE.
    Khadijah thinks that it isn’t fair because some people find maths hard.
    Adam says we should do maths until 18 because you need to calculate money in your job.
    Myiesha thinks everyone should have a choice of what age they stop learning maths.
    Mo says we should keep things as they are because some people will feel a lot of pressure if they do maths to 18.
    MY pointed out that if you have to choose maths , you might not be able to do other subjects that you want to do or need for your preferred job.

  22. Mrs Shergill (1B)

    In 1 Blue,

    Musa- You can learn more about Maths.
    Riya- So you will learn new Maths concepts and use them everyday.
    Samuel- So all the children will know Maths around you. You use Maths when you go shopping.
    Rosie- More Maths will make your brain smarter.

  23. Mrs Latham

    We think it is important but we need to learn all sorts of things, like English and science. To do well in maths, we need English skills too so we can write our reasoning well. To help us get good jobs in the future, we need maths skills, but we also need to ensure we keep focus on other skills too. We need to ensure that our learning is broad and varied and that everything is timetabled in.

    -5 White.

  24. Miss Holland

    The majority of 3 Red believe it should be a choice whether you study Maths between the age of 16-18, as some people find Maths difficult and it’s not fair they are made to study it. Some students in 3 Red love Maths, even when they find it challenging. Around half the class would like to study Maths until they are 18 years old, but overall we believe it should be a choice and not the law.

  25. Mr Rawlings

    These are 1 Red’s thoughts on the matter;
    Isabel – Maths is good for yourself so if you learn to 18 you have a better chance of remembering what you have learned.
    Saliha – The longer you do maths the better you will be at it so learning to 18 is a good thing.
    Rishan – Maths can be good for your job so I think it is a good idea.
    Joshua – You shouldn’t only do maths, there’s lots of other important things, why is it only maths they are talking about?

  26. Zahraa Y.

    I think it is fair because when people are 18+ then maybe people might forget their math and plus it is important or else you won’t remember about how much you need to pay bills or when you need to pay for shopping.

  27. Raiyan K.

    I agree with him as we should use our math skills everyday in things as , bills or paying for something. This could be useful because sometimes you should need to include your math skills in any issue as it can help.

  28. Eva H.


  29. Faris B.

    I agree with him because maths is very important and we use it everyday.

  30. Miss Redhead

    In 3 White we had an interesting discussion on this issue. Some children thought it was a good idea as maths is a good way to train your brain and keep your brain active. All children agreed maths was important in life for adding and subtracting when it comes to shopping and bills.
    Adrian agreed maths was good, however he thought it was a little unfair to take that choice away from people post GCSE as they should be allowed to choose their learning path.
    Safwan made an interesting point he wanted to know why only maths and not English as he feels it is equally important because we live in England.
    Hamida thinks it should be a choice as some people struggle with maths, if they pass at GCSE they shouldn’t be put through the stress of carrying on.
    Miss Redhead and Miss Jephcott spoke to the children about how they were able to choose their own subjects at age 16 for A level. Neither chose maths but chose subjects to support their future career paths. They shared that at 16 you could choose subjects that could benefit your futures.
    Opinion in the class was very divided as some children who love maths thought this was a good idea.

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