
Royal Albert Hall Tuesday 9th July 2024

Please check this page often, as this page will be updated often!

Our coach company is RIDLEYS.

Our coach will leave Broadheath at 10am.

Our coach will leave the outside of the Royal Albert Hall at 9,20pm.

Parents MUST leave the RAH as soon as they can, and get onto the coach. Please look out for the Ridleys coaches. Other schools are using the same company: Find the Ridleys Coaches and look for your Broadheath coach.

The coaches for pupils and parents (who have booked coach seats) will leave Broadheath Primary School- Hanford Close entrance at 10am on Tuesday 9th July.

Pupils will wear the concert clothing of the Armonico Tee shirt (School will provide this) and dark coloured trousers.

Pupils will need to bring Water and two meals ( Free School Meal pupils will have a packed lunch provided) lunch, dinner and snacks.

We will be needing to be in the Royal Albert Hall from 1pm. The concert is at 7pm.

This will be an active and inspiring afternoon. Pupils will learm and perform with 2500 other performers. This is incredibly exciting.

Pupils are required to attend school the next day. You are welcome to bring them to school at 11am.

For your information:

Parking | Royal Albert Hall — Royal Albert Hall

Things to do in South Kensington (visitlondon.com)

Lunch, Dinner and snacks

Please make sure that your children have access to enough food and WATER for this long day ahead.

NO NUTS please!

Bringing chocolate is not a good idea because of the potential hot weather next week.

General Information:

Steven Russell trip lead,

Joss Andrews second in charge should someone need to take over.

Adult to child ratio is 1:9 ü 2 First Aid Trained Adults (JA, FM)

Staff will keep in touch with school via mobile phone – Contacts at school will be school itself during office hours and Head Teacher/Assistant Head out of hours in an emergency. Staff on trip to be briefed by SR prior to the trip

All concerned reminded of the need to take their time and be safe. Coaches have seatbelts which must be worn. All concerned reminded of the need to be aware of traffic or people when getting off the coach.

Coach drivers to stop only at designated coach stop/drop off points.

The Royal Albert Hall London.

Children will have an allocated area where the school will be. Regular toilet breaks will be planned in. However if children need the toilet, they are to be accompanied by an adult

Hyde Park.

We will visit Hyde Park which is directly opposite the RAH.

We hope that we have have arrived in time from Coventry to the RAH, so that we can have our picnic lunch in the park. If we have been held up in traffic – we will eat our lunches on the coach.

3 responses to “Royal Albert Hall Tuesday 9th July 2024”

  1. Hosanna N.

    Thank you for the information.

  2. Isabelle T.

    Good to know all this information, thank you!

  3. Riya S.

    Thank you for the information

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