
This week we have seen long queues at petrol stations. Tensions have been high. People are saying it is their right to have petrol ? What do you think is the most important right of a human and why?

61 responses to “Rights????”

  1. Aaron G.

    I think the most important right is voicing our opinions.
    I think this so people know what you have to say.

    1. Head Teacher

      What about if people’s opinions are insulting or insensitive?

  2. Mohammed K.

    It is food and shelter because you can die with not eating food.because it is safe.

  3. Hamsia D.

    What do you think is the most important right of a human and why?
    It is good to have what you want and eat food

  4. Amirah T.

    No, it is not their right to have petrol because there are more things people need and worry about in their life.

    The most important right of a human is to eat, drink, sleep and shelter.

  5. Ramandeep K.

    I think we should eat food because we need to survive.

    1. Muhammad I.

      It is our right to have petrol because if our parents don’t have petrol we are not be able to go school. This is why petrol is so important for teachers and all doctors and nurses and other important people they can get to places necessary.

  6. Mrs Khaliq

    In 3 Blue we do not believe that having petrol is a right. WE have discussed more important rights such as having the freedom of speech. 3 Blue feel it is really important to be able to express our opinions.
    We also believe that having the right to food, water and shelter is important as this is a basic human need to survive.
    Another right we believe is important is the right to feel safe.

    1. Head Teacher

      How should people react if they express opinions and are not listened to?

      1. Mrs Khaliq

        3 Blue believe that everyone should have the freedom of speech but also realise that not everyone has the same opinions. If someone does not agree with you that is fine so long as you are able to tell them how you feel and why.

  7. Nuha I.

    I think that you have a right to take petrol but not to much. -dunmi and Nuha
    I think that the most important right is that you’re allowed to be in a country unless you’ve been banned and you allowed to live your however you want unless it is a crime

    Nuha and dumni

  8. Ebenezer O.

    I think the most important human right is to drink water because we need water to dehydrate our selfs

  9. Lusardo M.

    There is a right to have petrol because you need to share the petrol equally. You need to share the petrol because there is more important things then you like services, police 👮‍♂️,firefighters and the ambulance 🚑

  10. Awais W.

    1) A human right is to play
    2) A human right is to eat
    3) A human right is to have education
    4) A human right is to drive
    5) A human right is to have money

  11. Ramarni J.

    There is a right to have petrel because there are some people how are more important people the you. Like the police 👮‍♀️ the ambulance 🚑 the firefighters 👩🏻‍🚒 and people how have jobs to get to there work place.


  12. Estera V.

    Esters I think we all have a right to live and eat .

  13. Yunus R.

    I think you have the right for needs like air, water and food for free-Zeyd
    I think you have the right for needs examples for baby surgery’s

  14. Maryam I.

    I have the right to eat pizza 🍕 and chips 🍟 fizzy drinks 🥤

    1. Head Teacher

      You do but is it healthy to eat them all the time?

  15. Kanishka P.

    I think that you will need to drive less because if there is no Petrol we could not drive a car.There is a right to have Petrol.the most important right is school because you can be something.

    -kanishka Abdullahi

  16. Hanfaa N.

    1) A human right is to play
    2) A human right is to have education.
    3) A human right is to have a fun time.
    4) A human right is to drink .
    5) A human right is to drive.
    6) A human right is to eat.
    7) A human right is to be healthy.
    8) A human right is to help each other.

  17. Caleb A.

    I think that the most important right is to live and to eat and sleep.

  18. Noah J.

    The 5 top most important rights are to be the gender you want,to live,to be the race you want,to have a job and to be healthy.So we should equally share fuel ⛽️.

  19. Lucas R.

    I think you are because some Petral stations are not allowed to say no because if you need petral , you need petral.
    You have a right to have a job
    You have a right to have food
    You have a right to live

  20. Yedullah S.

    I think the most important rights are a Right to Live, a Right to Eat and Drink, a Right to Buy and a Right to have a home.

  21. Inayha H.

    It is there right to get petrol but if they use it all there is not a chance for it to be there right. There are many different rights but there’s one that’s most important, you have a right to always live we shouldn’t be ashamed of living. For example if an ambulance is at a petrol station and there’s no more petrol left, how is the person gonna live? Another right that is important is to not starve. This right is basically communicating with the right we should always live because if we starve and still don’t eat we die.

  22. Tana I.

    I think it is a right to have a quater of petrol and don’t take all of it because other people need to use it. Ibraheem
    I think the most important thing to a human is life because we all need things to do .

  23. Aalya H.

    You do have a right to get petrol because if you don’t you would have to walk and you would be late for your job or something like that.
    You do have a right to have petrol because because you can walk anywhere or you will be late.

  24. Muhammad S.

    I think the most important human right is the right to live because if people die they won’t be able to to see their family. I think humans don’t have a right for petrol .
    Yahya and Abul

  25. Mr Mahmood

    1Blue shared that BH is a wonderful school and that we are lucky to have so many beautiful things to play with. We shared that education should be a right for everyone around the world.

  26. Ellie T.

    They don’t really need petrol because they need it to travel people of starting fights and they are shorted of fuel for lorries that are delivering the fuel

  27. Eesa F.

    Kindness and honestly because kindness is right for human and honesty is right for people to tell the truth.

  28. Danyaal H.

    I think the most important right is that people should have there own opinion about specific things and not be forced to do something that is wrong or not what they want to do.

  29. Sheima B.

    I think the most important right of a human is freedom this is because everyone should have the right to do what ever they want to do.

  30. Yalda N.

    Water,food and hygiene is all a person needs.

    Why we need water?
    We need water because if we don’t drink water we will be dehydrated which means we could get very lousy.

    Why do we need food?
    We need food because if we don’t eat we won’t have much energy and we could starve.

    Why do we need to be hygienic?
    We need to be hygienic because is we don’t wash our hands or take a shower bacteria could get on our body which could cause us to get ill.

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