Respect in Physical Education

This term the school value we are focusing on is respect. Can you let me know how you have shown respect to others in school and how you will use this value in the future.

38 responses to “Respect in Physical Education”

  1. Shabaz A.

    I have shown respect by congratulating the opposing team whenever win or lose and by kind to everyone in my surroundings. In the future I shall continue to show respect in physical education.

  2. Aisha B.

    Aisha 6White- I have shown respect by congratulating the opposing team even if we/I have won or lost.I congratulate them with a good game or well done.I will use this value in the future by listening to others and respecting others opinions.

  3. Ariyan S.

    Ariyan 2 red – To shake our hands and to be respect each other. Be kind with everyone. To help each other.

  4. Saira S.

    To respect each other, you need to speak kindly to each other and listen to what they say.

    In the future, you need to respect : your coach, audience , team players including the opposition and the referee.

    To respect the coach,you need to listen to what they say as but may be important.
    To respect your audience, you should thank them at the end of the match as they took out time to see you play.
    You can respect the opposition by if you win, say that they played good and try not to rub it in that you won. If you lost, you can congratulate them for winning.
    When respecting the referee, you accept whatever they say even if it upset you. If you were physically hurt by the opposition,you can tell the referee that the opposition hurt you and even though they didn’t see, just tell them.

    Saira – 6 red.

  5. Hamida K.

    Hamida-2 white
    You need to be kind to others.
    Care about others.
    Speak respectfully.
    Respect others then they will respect you.
    Respect is also earned.
    Respect should be the first thing you give.
    Knoweledge will give you power but character give you respect.
    Be kind.
    The only thing I command is Respect.
    If you don’t respect yourself how are you supposed to respect others?
    Respect yourself.
    Respect your elder’s because you might think they are wrong but they do it for your own GOOD because they have more experience than YOU.

  6. Zain A.

    respect is used in all physical activities and it can be represented in different ways such as clapping motivating handshaking and more. also you have to think about who you respect the, reff opposing team fans opponennts parents. world class players arent only world class because of their skills of the sport but their respect and how they treat the game. i think i have shown respect bye accepting a defeat and congratulating the other team.

    1. Zain A.

      zain 6w

  7. Abigail F.

    Respect is caring for one another, listen to others, help others when they ask for help and being polite at all the time.

  8. Haarun M.

    Haarun 3white Respect is to help others and talk to each other nicely!

  9. Alima S.

    1.We should show kindness by being respect like when someone have something that you need you don’t need to grab of their hands you show respect
    By axing them kindly.
    2.When someone is trying their best on their hand writing you do not laugh
    At them.
    3. when you try to give up on what you are doing someone come and say no you do not give up I bilevel you can do this now ran along that is respect.
    4.But you should always help other that are struggling.

  10. Shemaiah W.

    I help people by helping them if they heart their leg and grace that and help them up .

  11. Toleen S.

    Toleen-2B respect is important to use when playing games,talking and helping.when you win in a game and the other team looses you should support them not laugh and stick your tongue.

    Show respect!

  12. Simeongeya W.

    if you getting a ckwitmunt and sumwon wont to get it you can share

  13. Rida W.

    I show respect by listening to everyone showing manners and not speaking over people or being disrespectful.

    1. Rida W.

      Rida 6 blue

  14. Adam O.

    Adam-3 blue respect means when you care each other like someone shares his medal to the person who lost and that is respect.

  15. Danyaal H.

    Respect – Showing respect is a very important thing because everyone wants people to be respected but not showing respect leads to none respect for you because what you have done.
    Danyaal- 6 Blue.

  16. Yunus H.

    Yunus-3Red-Respect to each other when someone has lost an important game in football help them get up and hug them talk when a person was
    In a Game that keeps losing help them get up

  17. Osas O.

    Osas – red – Respect is when you appreciate the people that try their best .
    You could show respect in lots of different things, like if you where playing a competitive game and you win you respect the other team by doing their best.
    Respect is very important to use when people do their best .Everyone has used respect sometimes.

    1. Osas O.

      Sorry 3 red

  18. Aiza B.

    Aiza – 3red- respect is where you try your best. Respect is when you help others.

  19. Keaton O.

    Keaton 3 blue respect means when the teacher tell you to do something you have to do it. in foatball when someone is in a sierras accsedent you could help them.

  20. Timothy C.

    I have shown respect to others by using my manners and listening to other peoples point’s of views (perspectives).

    I will use respect in the future by showing the value of respect.
    Timothy-6B (6 blue)

  21. Ridwan U.

    Respect in physical education. This can be shown in many ways. Not only just talking. But helping others. Respect in P.E can be shown in respecting the opponents, do not cheat. Nothing is made for winning, rather made for fun. If your teammate is injured. Tell the Referee, tell him to stop the game and get the injured teammate some aid.
    Without opponents or teammates, you wouldnt have a game. Respect the audience. They are the ones supporting you encouraging you to win. You may see some of the audience holding up signs saying “Go red!” And your team blue. That’s fine. You cant judge or change what other people want. Respect the Referee. Without him everything would be unfair. And both teams would win. With no fun.

    -6 red

  22. Ravi P.

    3Blue Daniel – I tried my best I show tanasaty and caring and listen to Mr Rolling
    and Mrs Shilton I show caring of my year group. I also cared about my teachers too because they are helpful and caring.

  23. Qasim K.

    Qasim – year6 white- Say Please and Thank you to each others. Listen and respect your elders and teachers don’t answer back in rude ways, be polite to each others.
    Pay attention when the teacher is talking to you because the teacher has worked very hard to make a plan and implement it during class time….You should respect one each other and guide each others which can make your future more better and make it more helpful.

  24. Yalda N.

    Yalda: :|
    Class: 6 Blue
    How i have shown respect by being polite and appreciating everything given to me as others might not have the item or object.
    Meaning of respect:
    Respecting someone due to the regard of your feelings,wishes or rights of others.
    From: Yalda and her cat Lily.

  25. Bijan

    Respect is helpful because when you get hurt by someone the person you help will help you back and you and they will become best friends or friends what you can do to be respectful is if you see someone hurt you can go and tell the teacher and they will deal with it.

  26. Rahima J.

    Rahima -6 Blue
    I have shown respect by using my manners in school and saying please and thank you when I am offered things. I will use this value in the future by respecting everybody all around me despite there age.

  27. Madeeha T.

    Madeeha-3Red-Respect means to listen to your teachers or your parents.
    Respect is when someone is hurt or if they are sad.
    Respect is when you shake hands with your friend.
    Respect is when someone won the game and the other person didn’t win you should be kind to them and give a hug.
    Respect is when one persons handwriting is better than the other perms you should show respect.
    Respect is when you try your best and never give up

  28. Aqsaa F.

    Aqsaa, 3white
    Respect is a way of treating or thinking about something or someone with kindness and care. Respect your teacher who spends her or his time helping you to achieve the best. Show respect to your parent and the people around you. Respect people with health issues and people with disability. Respect people feeling.

  29. Eesa F.

    First, you need to respect the manager who will support you in every way throw the game and if you don’t listen to him or her you will be dismissed from the game.

    Second, you need to respect the referee because they try their best to be good at their job, and if you be rude to the referee they will not come to watch you play and that means the referee won’t attend the tournament.

    Third to respect your team mates beacuse they help you in the game and if you’r team lost the game and don’t win it doesnt mean to be mad or argument with the team mates its luck but everyone try there best to win the game.

    Fourth, respect the opposite team beacuse they will respect you back if they win or you win have a hand shake or a elbow. To show ur happy for them winning.

  30. Aisha A.

    Aisha- 3Red- Respect is when you try
    your best. Respect is when you help
    someone when if there hurt. Listen to
    the teacher. Respect is shown in lots of love to everyone.

    1. Zahra N.

      Zahra-3Red- Respect means when you are trying your best and never giving up on your self you try try and then you will Suceesed and show a lot of caring ❤ and Kindness to your friends and your Teacher you should listen to your Teachers.and have kind hands and kind feet and never kick anyone because we all are a team.

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