Parents, Next week is a very busy (and exciting) week for Reception. Please see below all information you will need for the week. If you have any questions please pop to see a member of the reception team.
Many thanks, Mrs Langley ☺️

Well Being Day – Wednesday 7th December.

On Wednesday it is Reception’s Well-being day for this term. On this day your child MUST come to school in their PE kit.

Trip – Hatton Farm – Thursday 8th December.

On Thursday we are off on our trip to Hatton Country World. On this day your child must come to school in FULL school uniform. The weather is due to be cold and chilly so your child will need a winter coat, hat and gloves and sensible shoes for walking around a farm (boots, wellies etc). Lunch is provided from school so your child will not need to bring anything extra with them on the day. We will leave school after the register and will return for the end of the school day.

If you have not paid for this trip, please do so on MONDAY.

Nativity Performance – Friday 9th December.

On Friday afternoon we are excited to welcome you into our school and perform the Reception Nativity play for you. The children have been practicing hard for this and we thank you for your support with learning lines and providing costumes for your child. Please join us in our school hall at 2pm on Friday 9th December to watch our play. Please come to school through the office.

19 responses to “Reception News – Please Read!!!”

  1. Esha H.

    Esha can’t wait for the trip.

  2. Muhammed-Haaris A.

    Muhammed Haaris is very excited to go on his school trip to Hatton πŸ˜€

  3. Mahid H.

    I am soooooo excited for my trip and performance on Friday πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ₯°πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ€©πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³πŸ₯³

  4. Rahima B.

    Rahima is excited for the trip.

  5. Yaseen S.

    Thank you for all the information!
    I will come prepared.

  6. Hurayn A.

    Hurayn is excited for Hatton Farm!! πŸ‘

  7. Kian D.

    Hello, question about the trip. Kian is on packed lunch does he bring this with him on the trip? Thanks Kians mum

    1. Mrs Shergill (RB)

      Hi Kian’s mum.
      Packed lunches will be provided for every child.
      If you wish for Kian to have his usual packed lunch then please ensure everything is in a named carrier bag that can be thrown away. He would also need a disposable water bottle as opposed to his usual plastic water bottle.
      Thank you 😊

    2. Mrs Langley

      Morning, he will have a packed lunch provided by the school.

  8. Tamarah A.

    Thank you we can’t wait to see you all

  9. Inaaya H.

    Inaaya is excited for next week :)

  10. Saladin M.

    Great news. Saladin is very excited.

  11. Umer H.

    I will be there

  12. Hashinika P.

    Thank you for the information

  13. Junnut M.

    Such a exciting week hope every one has fun will be so nice to be able to attend a assembly after all the covid restrictions
    Thank you so much for all the information

  14. Mithunshan R.

    Thank you.. We are waiting to watch.

    1. Mrs Langley

      We hope you’ll enjoy the play as much as we do 😊

  15. Sofia-Carina M.

    Thank you for the information!
    Have a great weekend!☺️

    1. Mrs Langley

      You too 😊

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