Well done for your fantastic homework last week Reception! We loved looking at your hard work – take a look at the Homework Gallery on your classes blog! This week please complete two of the three activities for week 5 on the homework planner. Once your child has completed their homework please email a picture of it to the email address below. When emailing homework please ensure that you clearly write your child’s name and class in the subject of the email. For example: James – Class RW.


English and Maths

Complete the English and Maths games on Education City in your homework.

16 responses to “Reception Homework – Week 5”

  1. Rishaan C.

    Rishaan got 100% on his maths and that has been sent by email . He has made himself a decoration which he bring tomorrow to school .

  2. Oliwia B.

    Oliwia has completed her challenges . She got 100% for both .

  3. Faith A.

    Faith has completed are homework week5, English 100% mathematics 100% she did it by are self.

  4. Hosanna N.

    Hosanna did her homework.She scored 💯 both English and Maths.

  5. Adam K.

    Adam scored 100% on English and maths 95% both were completed independently…

  6. Samuel N.

    this is my second time am doing my education city

  7. Amelia B.

    Amelia has completed the English and Mathematics.
    She scored 100% in Maths and 92% in phonics.

  8. Yasmin H.

    Yasmin has done homework
    Maths 100%
    English 92%

  9. Rayyan R.

    Hi Miss Langley Rayyan has completed all his homework on his education city.He scored 95% in the phonics activity and 100% in the Maths.We have made an activity for Christmas I will send you shortly in email and he needs more practice in his sounds.

  10. Amaal H.

    Amaal completed her home work on the blog.

  11. Gaira M.

    Mustafa counted very well and scored 100%

  12. Elijah S.

    Elijah has completed education city and has scored:

  13. Hadi A.

    I did my education city
    I scored 100
    I scored 99

  14. Abdullah S.

    Maths 100% and English needed some help. Loved playing on education city.

  15. Aaron R.

    83% English & 90% Maths – support needed for finding numbers, counted independently.

  16. Ebrar Y.

    Ebrar score maths 90
    Phonics 92

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