Please complete two pieces of homework from the planner below. There are links below to help with the Mathematics homework and Literacy homework for this week. Please complete this homework in your homework books and if you need to you can send videos etc to the below email:

Mathematics- to use a newspaper or magazine to make a number line to 10

Literacy- watch the BBC bitesize video and learn to say “m,a,s,d,t,i,n” how many letters can you recognise?

WOW homework- find 3 fruit or vegetables in your home to try. What was your favourite and why?

37 responses to “Reception Homework-Week 4”

  1. Mohammed A.

    mohammed has done two pieces of homework

  2. Hurayn A.

    Hurayn watched the Bitesize video and correctly pronounced m,a,s,d,t,i,n. She said M is for mat, a is for apple, s is for snake, d is for duck, t is for tiger, I is for insect and n is for nut. She also selected a apple, melon and grapes from her fridge. She said her favourite one is apple. 🍏

  3. Esha H.

    Esha had a lot of fun doing homework
    Esha likes strawberries۔ bananas۔ oranges
    Esha also did a Numbers hunt on newspaper and cut from 0 to 10 to stick them in order in order on her notebook’s page۔

  4. Khloe D.

    Wow homework
    Banana – because they’re so nice and yellow.
    Watermelon – because it’s sweet and juicy, It’s so nice.
    Cucumber – because it’s nice and cold.
    I recognised the s,a,p and t.

  5. Emma P.

    Emma did her homework. Her favourite fruit was banana.

  6. Rahima B.

    My favourite fruit is apple, banana, and orange because it’s tasty and yummy.
    My favourites vegetable are carrots because the carrots are very crunchy. I love tomatoes because it is soo juicy.

  7. Khadeejah S.

    I have done all my homework in my homework book.

  8. Azmat A.

    Azmat recognised the letters s a p t and for wow he likes apple /banana and melon because it tastes juicy and delicious

  9. Abdullah P.

    Abdullah found orange, bananas and strawberries.
    Strawberries are his favourite.

  10. Amirah A.

    Amirah found strawberries carrots and bananas her favorite is strawberries because it tastes soo sweet and she loves the colour red

    She has also watched the video on bitesize and managed to pronounce all letters correctly

  11. Zoha S.

    She finished her homework.

  12. Hashinika P.

    Hashinika completed her homework
    Her favourite fruit is strawberry
    Her favourite vegetable is tomatoes and long beans

  13. Mehmet K.

    Mehmet found banana apple and grapes he is favourite is green apple he said tasty sour and crunchy

  14. Mithunshan R.

    Mithunshan completed his homework.he watched the bitesize video and recognised all the sounds.

  15. Miss Sofeda

    Well done to everyone who has finished their homework so far. You are all superstars!

  16. Aryan K.

    Aryan completed his homework in his homework book

  17. Saladin M.

    Saladin has done the homework. He ate pears,bananas and oranges. He said he preferred banana because it was sweet tasty.

  18. Saladin M.

    Saladin has done the homework. He ate pears,bananasand oranges. He said he preferred banana because it was sweet tasty.

  19. Tamarah A.

    Tamarah recognised and sound it these letters i,g,u,n,a,s,p,k,r,m,t,l,c

  20. Safiyah I.

    Safiyah sounded and recognised all letters from her homework this week. She picked her favourite fruits – Strawberry, Oranges, Apples. Strawberries are her favourite because they are a nice colour and very sweet!

  21. Adeel B.

    Adeel has done number line and it has been sent in email
    Adeel like Grapes, Guava and Apple
    favourite Vegetables are carrot, cucumber and sweet corn

  22. Kian D.

    Kian has done the number line in his homework book.
    Kian loves strawberry, apple and banana. Of vegatables he likes carrots, corn and peas.

  23. Eesha A.

    Eesha watched the bitesize video and recognised all the sounds.

    The fruits and vegtables Eesha tried are:

    Green Apples

    Her favourite is Green apple because ” its very juicy and makes you strong”.

  24. Karimah I.

    I can recongnise all of the 7 letters.

    I found 3 fruits in my home.
    Apple,banana and orange.
    My favourite fruit is apple because its colour red and pink and test sweet.

  25. Humaira S.

    I have completed all 3 homework’s. My favorite fruit is orange 🍊 and favorite vegetable is carrot 🥕 because it’s nice and crunchy.

  26. Alie-Junior K.

    Junior recognised all the letters in the BBC bitesize video and completed the maths number line in his book.

  27. Junnut M.

    Junnut has watched the BBC bitesize video and completed the rest of her homework in her homework book.

    1. Junnut M.

      I forgot to add Junnut and mum tried 4 different fruits. Apple, grapes,orange and banana. Junnuts favourite was apple,she tried the rest of the fruits but could not swallow them. Nonetheless Junnut and mum had fun trying different fruits.

  28. Aadam K.

    Aadam found Strawberrys,Grapes and Oranges.
    His favourite is Oranges because it taste sweet and he likes colour orange.

  29. Muhammed A.

    I recognised all seven letters.
    I like apple, orange and fig. Apples are my favorite because they are crunchy.

    1. Umer H.

      Umer found orange and apples melon .
      Hes favorite is melon and watermelon.

    2. Mehmet K.

      Mehmet found banana apple and grapes he is favourite is green apple he said tasty sour and crunchy

  30. Mahid H.

    Mahid always finish all three piece’s of his homework coz its fun doing it 🥳 thank you teachers 😘

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